Migrant familiy in Germany on welfare

>Migrant familiy in Germany on welfare

7,350€ (8000$)
For doing absolutely nothing

How come you faggots can't do the same thing?

Attached: staat-zahlt-harem-7500-euro-im-monat-syrer-lebt-jetzt-mit-2-ehefrauen-und-8-kindern-in-deutschland-2.jpg (768x1024, 115.62K)

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They have 10 kids. What normal person would have 10 little rats?

>implying they are normal

Alter, da wirst selbst als hartzer neidisch. Wie zum fick schaffen die das sooo viel kohle aus dem staat zu quetschen. 700 Shekels pro person. Ich krieg 400 und müsste selbst die teilen wenn ich in einer "bedarfsgemeinschaft" leben würde.

Fick die sandnigger und gebt mir das geld :

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It really should decrease after each kid, you don't need 700/month for a kid

If you have three children or more, you are nobility or asocial

I can read your post kek. I don’t even know a single German word.

Btw what a fucking ugly horse language.

Die kriegen das auch nicht lang, es reicht um sich aufzubauen, aber sobald die hier irgendeine erlaubniss kriegen ist das geld weg

kys americuck

Yes i am absolutely asocial, my brother too.

Long live the asocial blonde, blue eyed people

Cope härter, Homofürst.

>5x my monthly pay due to the generous handouts of the german government
These degenerates who shouldn't be here need to be incrementally supressed.

>How come you faggots can't do the same thing?
Because welfare destroyed my family, and due to thier identity theft of your humble correspondent, I cannot apply for welfare.

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I live on 600€ a month for me and my mother

>mfw german wagecucks wake up every day early in the morning to support niggas and lazy shitskins with government bux
>mfw niggas and shitskins rape, kill and fuck your women while wagecuck is working
>mfw your cuck government can not kick them out of your country
>mfw your country will transform slowly into an absolute shit hole
>mfw you can not do anything about it
>mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins
>mfw my 8/10 gf sucks my cock everyday

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Go and shame them for it pussy I always shame coupon waiving trash for holding up lines

Le shitty mutt

horses have longer dicks

>Government hellbent on destroying your people and Culture
>Constant state Propaganda and Amerimutt propganda
>Help Foreigners more than your own people
>Schengen zone which destroys and Identity inside a Country by mass Immigration
>EX communist traitor Angela dorothea Kasmierczak
Jeez i wonder why those Rapefugees get so much Money.

Was heißt hier homofürst du scheiß neger, das sind meine steuergelder die dennen in den arschgeblasen werden und ich würd die am liebsten zurückschießen.
Aber es ist ein erfahrungswert, sobald die labg genug hier sind versickert die quelle und zurück bleiben harzer

Imagine speaking German

Attached: Waves.jpg (819x1024, 126.24K)

I had my suspicions about what this meant so I googled it and laughed harder. you're alright kraut

you're sure to be one of those Aryans

Attached: arienmasterrace.jpg (948x536, 94.91K)

We have to pay for the western military instead

And you wonder why we don't want your tumors infesting us.

>>mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins
For now.

They look like normal people, I not everyone is a super model, but they don’t look to far different from the local norf fc fans here.

Damn these muds live like kings just for shitting out kids while Hans has to go to work every day at the pencil factory to pay for it before he inevitably kills himself at 33 because tfw no gf, thus completing the cycle of demographic replacement.

Migrants on welfare are good for the economy you bigot

This has been German Policy since the 30s

Outside of fatty in the middle they look absolutely normal. Fatty should hit the gym.

Stop using the white mans language.

A shitskin muslim that wants to subvert and takeover a foreign nation by replacing it’s people as quickly as possible with the help of it’s traitorous government.

Attached: F2BD1A6B-CCFA-4098-BAB9-C927136109DA.jpg (960x960, 212.45K)

>Btw what a fucking ugly horse language.
THIS. I fucking hate this language

Oprah was right, these people need to die.

Enjoy being replaced, german cucks

Kek my Brother who is in his Third year in his apprenticeship gets less Money than a rapefugee that does Nothing but fuck his kids all day, if you have Hartz IV in Germany you would get less than a refugee lmao

They could literally live for a year on monthly gibs from Germany - in their own country.

So they come, they reproduce, and goverment give incentives to do it in Germany.

You guys are fucked beyond repair.

Because jew passed laws that let you worthless paracites feed of us.

Big mouth for a nation not even 50% white.

While an honest, white german worker gets paid 1600 tops and are guilt tripped for being white and to never have kids for "overpopulation"

I hope mudslimes like you realize that once true honest working whites are all gone you are all going to suffer like you never suffered life before.

do they also get paid housing?
i mean where do the 9 kids sleep

Society is not a perpetual motion machine.
Someone has to make the money.
It isn't possible for everyone to be part of the subsidized breeding class.

this is fake as fuck on Hartz iv you get 400 euro of gibs and a little bit more if you have kids, its literally a fake screenshot\

kys OP you lying faggot

also before Yas Forums furthers saying le based iranians these are all iranian names

yeah their flat gets paid by the state

true, its almost as bad as mandarin

I'm Japanese refugee from Abe government, please take me to Germany

fake as fuck


die wollen dich nur ärgern, ronny. keep calm down.

It’s more income

So Germans have to pay over 7k a month to support the kids who will grow up to rape and kill them?


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its fake as fuck
7k a month is top 1% salary here



then use another proxy flag you jewish cunt

such is life in europe

How to I know you're not one of the niggers robbing Germany?
Post your hand

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kek, I live here you cuck
just hate everything about the language
from that it fucks up UI to that some essential words are missing

This is where you almost 40% taxes are going, importing and feeding sandniggers and terrorists.

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spoiler: we could, if we had 10 kids, too.
in most eu countries. there is nothing stopping you from having a 10 kid family in northern europe or most eu countries, they will pay you to do it and pay you to raise it and free schooling etc too, you just wont. thats how theyve tried to increase white children originally.

as expected

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You just don’t have that energy to take care of too many children and teach them in a carful way. It’s hard to parent children well even if all stuff are free (which is actually not).

> muh ten white children
It will only make your children ‘working class’

y u niggas so beta tho