Brit/pol/ - choose a side JESUS IS COMING BACK

Remember lads, Jesus was crucified (by Jews) & died for your sins today.
Never too late to ask forgiveness for your sins.

>Easter can't be normal, Britons told
>Christians face lockdown for Easter
>Easter egg sales surge despite lockdown (double plus good)

>inb4 seething atheists

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Creating another thread because you cant make proper arguments kek

Nadiya Husseins willy

Not christian but i respect them
Ill stay here

Anyone remember when the anus inspector came to school?

Kys memeflag

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american flag

No, we are a protestant country

he's american, check the last thread
probably mad his mum is making him go to church

This thread smells of poo

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How's your house arrest prison sentence going?

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Im not american and I hate it when people just use illogical arguments and fallacies
The christian god isnt real kiddos


Show flag
The christian god is the same guy as every other religion's god, fairytalefags just get their messages mixed up

I would flout quarantine if I had anywhere to go. I miss trawling the charity shops, I miss the library and I miss my gym. I can't even walk through the Napoleonic fort near my house because they've locked the gates. My choices are basically walk around suburbia or get in a bread queue, so I'll just chill in my garden.

then why did you post a shitty comic depicting a religious person covered in vomit or some other unhygenic fluid?

>The christian god is the same guy as every other religion's god

dont be retarded

That thread is all tripnonces and shitty pasta posts

It obviously is tho, its just different reiterations of the same dude

>You are being surveilled by Google - go to park, get locked up

>BoJo kept under house arrest

>BoJo was kept in hospital without a phone

>Yet another powerful person flouting the lockdown rules: do they know something?

>Police deciding what are essential aisles in supermarkets - what law is this?

>Govt can continue to manipulate figures to legitimise LOCKDOWN

>John Pilger discusses Corona propaganda and UK imperialism

Based colors. UK romanian clay.

>The economy was mega-fucked before corona, now it's in tatters

>Central banks using everything in their arsenal to pump economy with liquidity

>Most central bank financing will go to stock interests and the giga-rich

>Oil is in crisis, OPEC glut, storage crisis, price collapse stuck in a zero sum game (this time oil won't save the economy)

>Global recession expected - ie/ your currency will be devaluated to repeatedly bail out badly run corporations & state apparatus

Only Romania would try to steal an entire country.

Well Im not so arrogant to deny the existance of God but IT sure isnt anyone preached by the popular religions these days
If IT was real,IT would probably be either an incoherent amalgamation of energy and wisdom(similar to Azathoth) or a sadistic fuck who thinks creation is just a game (similar to a person who plays Sims)

any normal pleb know anyone personally that has corona? no? didn't think so. seems strange the entire nation is in lockdown and nobody outside of the media has caught it, and nobody without pre existing major health issues has died from it. strange that. seems to me if you've even coughed once in your life and die from jumping out a 14th floor window you'll be counted as a corona victim. strange that. even stranger is now a lot of doctors are coming out and saying the same things.

Thank you.

no it's not you fucking spazz, there is literally no evidence to support that statement

for example, you CAN follow a trail of mythical breadcrumbs that leads from the Sumerian gods, through some of the pagan gods all the way to the modern God of Christianity, Islam and Judaism but to claim "The christian god is the same guy as every other religion's god, fairytalefags just get their messages mixed up" is absolutely false.

Anons I'm looking for a video from two or three years ago which opens inside a church with some clanging before transitioning to Evanescence - Bring Me To Life and Peter Hitchens sighing and a compilation of different forms of degeneracy in modern Britain. Any help is greatly appreciated

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Based Jesus is Lord indeed, but He didn't rise on easter. Easter is a pagan celebration of the spring solstice. It's name comes from ishtar/astarte (goddess of fertility), hence eggs and rabbits being its symbols.

if those three zones went to war norf would win.

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fuck universities

You do realise those are just superstitions in some western European countries?

Reminder Jesus was a Jew.

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mate why are you so upset about Christianity
and why do you gotta complain about it in brit/pol/ of all places

Yeah, bloke on my parents streets died of it the other day. He was old already though. I had similar symptoms mildly a week or so before the lockdown but just carried on as normal because it felt no worse than a moderate cold but dry instead of snotty.

BASED OP keeping the good friday theme going.

RECOMMENDED Easter viewing:
>Marching to Zion (Are the Jews God's chosen people?)

>The Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy

>Did The Holocaust Really Happen? by Pastor Steven Anderson

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Damn he bulking up looking chad fr

So you're not arrogant enough to deny the existance of God, but arrogant enough to tell us what it would be if it was real. Got it. Cunt.

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jeb was way more based than the NHS
don't insult him by comparison

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It was 7:40pm. The time drew nearer and only twenty minutes remained until... Until what? Until redemption? Until satisfaction? Until ascension?
No. Something bigger was happening. This was the moment towards which everything had tended for aeons. Almost a week had passed since anyone had heard of anything similar. How could I contain my excitement?
I got dressed. I showered. This was not an event to miss. I put anti-bacterial gel on my hands, an extra dose, just to sanctify them for the rite. I prepared to ascend to my doorstep.
Then, I breathed in. Removed the boxes barricading my hall-way, unlocked and unbarred my front door and stepped outside.
Then I clapped. I had never clapped so hard in all my life. Not for Mozza, not for Moaty, not for Mosley. But, like never before, I felt part of something. Everyone was clapping. The whole country. Sixty-six and a half million souls. And it was marvellous. The union, the sense of purpose, the solidarity with those working so hard to save us. You knew you mattered, because someone cared for you.
And I began to feel a strange emotion, it could only have been love. Love for the NHS. Love for our NHS. Love for the Heroes.

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>Remember lads, Jesus was crucified (by Jews) & died for your sins today.

Reminder that Jesus is a Jew, you should be calling him Jewus.

Body aches, chest feels heavy
Hope it's just the normal hayfever and not kung flu

>Coronavirus is now the leading cause of death in America killing more on average each day than cancer or heart disease, doctor says
>leading cause of death in america
>even when they're only reporting around 1/4 of the deaths

post the graph where US annual deaths have dropped about 25% since the outbreak user

here's the UK's graph showing that corona had literally no effect on annual deaths

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>US annual deaths have dropped about 25%
could that be because they're underreporting COVID-19 deaths? several countries have been caught doing it, including the uk. the real death toll is at least 4x higher than the official one.

I guess people staying at home means they do less shit to get themselves killed prematurely?

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That data is useless without knowing the average variance over multiple consecutive years.

Norf. The other cunts would fuck this country up if it wasn't for us.

>could that be because they're underreporting
they're over-reporting them
>numerous articles abotu how people dying WITH covid are being listed as dying FROM covid

>he real death toll is at least 4x higher
no source
doom mong btfo

nice not reading the graph stupid
orange line is average from 2015-2019 so four years, you can do your own research to find more years if you want, I expect it to show similar.

>OP hate image
OP is a kike or paki fuck this thread i'm going and i'm glad to be going

They're literally just attributing basically all deaths to coronavirus at this point.
It is such an ill defined 'illness' with some many vague symptoms and testing for it is so totally shit that someone could get shot in the back of the head and still qualify.

This whole thing is an absolute farce. I hope it's just run of the mill incompetence and human nature to panic and not some more sinister orchestration but this is so ridiculous I do have to wonder.

If you're Godless it's ok , but don't think you're right tho.

6-Apr: Courts determine Spain omits deaths, real toll 3 times higher

6-Apr: NYC official admits they are undercounting deaths

6-Apr: NYC official says deaths at home have multiplied by 10

6-Apr: NYC official says morgues are full

6-Apr: Indonesia buries 639 with biohazard protection, official toll only 209

5-Apr: US underreports amount of deaths, investigation confirms

2-Apr: Ecuador has a lot more deaths than officially reported, president says

1-Apr: Ecuador is dumping, burning bodies in the streets

31-Mar: UK is undercounting deaths, according to official data

31-Mar: UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals

31-Mar: Spain doesn't report cases discovered post-mortem [ES]

31-Mar: Italy doesn't report deaths at home and nursing homes

31-Mar: France doesn't report deaths at home and nursing homes

30-Mar: Canada underreports figures, investigation shows

28-Mar: Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected [ES]

28-Mar: Brazil state has 0 official deaths but mortuaries are already collapsed [PT]

21-Mar: "Germany omits most deaths with other pathologies", Spanish biologist [ES]

21-Mar: "Germany doesn't test post-portem", Spanish biologist [ES]

21-Mar: Most deaths go unreported, Italian mayor says

20-Mar: Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

It's rightfully called passover

average =/= variance
If the 2020 line is within average variance I'll accept you're right, but without that the data is a comparison without context.

Err guys, did Corbyn get kicked out? When did I miss this news?

How about understand the politics of that region historically, & where his family & followers migrated after he was sacrificed.


This place used to be critical and garner sources from far and wide to research the corruptions of the paedo holders of the throne in the UK.
We've been divided and now it only take sone or two agents of division to dominate threads, effectively silencing any critique of the government.
You can say things here that will get you locked up if you post them on fb/twt etc. - Yes we live in a state where you get imprisoned for wrongthink.
And now on the eve of a hostile takeover of the machinery of totalitarian control we sit and watch petty squabbles. I beg of you based anonnes. Do some research and post some valuable information because we haven't got long.

We have a government of occupation: It started with the accretion of power at the top, Blair et al shifted the system to presidential power, decree from the top and started a sidelining of parliament. This grew under successive governments, with important legislative power being sidelined to pet civil servants.
Now we have NO parliament, it is shut down due to the "crisis". We have nobody looking over the laws, people just wait for the next decree to come out.
We have a hostile police force, begging for tighter laws, locking up your nan for walking alone in the park, roaming round in gangs and threatening people in their homes and yes constantly surveilling all of our online presence in case we think for ourselves. This is only going to increase. Remember this is the police force that was unable to investigate child abuse rings in the circles of power, mainly because police leaders are controlled paedos themselves.
The powerful never give up power without a fight. I'm not talking about riots, that just enables the use of more militarist power. Throwing yourself down in front of the police is not a clever move. We need to be smart. We still have the power and they fear us. Please do not squander it on petty arguments over online identity.
Free yourselves Britons. Now is the only time.

> mum's spaggeti

We have snitches amongst us, trying to break up our wonderful community OP

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sick of waiting in line lads. gotta get there opening time tomorrow.

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Am Buddhist and your jesus man is a hoax.

Not true, Israel does it all the time.

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>Coronavirus traces in Massachusetts sewage are at higher levels than expected, study finds amid fears there are many more undiagnosed patients than previously known

He looks a bit "special", doesn't he?

You are a fucking paedo mate

Bloody hell. I'm not sure I'd seen Jahans topless before. What a sight.

didn't even bother with the asda, la, the queue was over 100 people long.

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Reminder that the only reason we're under lockdown is because people listened to Piers Morgan instead of the experts.

Listen to the experts.



Has lockdown been extended yet? If not when will they announce it.

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Is that asda or the queue for your mum's bedroom mate

This only applies to shit universities, of course, because all the decent ones - Cam, Ox, Dur, Ed, St. A, etc. - are up to their eyes in assets.

dear God, what has become of the country when a nigger is more deserving of respect than the average Londoner. inb4
>average Londoner is not English
yes l am aware, but that begets an even more disturbing question

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Sick of the experts. Piers is right we deserve time off work to protect ourselves, our families and our country.

This lockdown isn’t working imo. My local main street is not that much quieter all things considered.

>Listen to the experts.
you should listen to the real experts.

if i knew who you was i would sue you for false accusations .

I hope you've all voted for Boring Trousers. Also whoever put Huntingdonshire in the Midlands should be put in the stocks

LIterally queued for an hour and 3 quarters to get into the pharmacy yesterday. Absolute state of it.

fuck the lockdown desu.

some of us are still working mate

We didn't appreciate him enough lads

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>posting to Yas Forums

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you wish a little scaghead like you could get with my ma, she's fit.

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But we've known for years that politicians are governed by the media

not today obviously you heathen we're busy celebrating lord Jesus


>The christian god isnt real

Reminder that Owen Jones was championing Lexit (left-brexit) back when the leave campaigning started in 2015

Just a labour party spokesperson at this point, and a fucking shit one at that. Just look up his interview with Alastair Campbell, where he tries to interview and challenge Campbell, and just gets completely outclassed at every point.

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>21% of all closed cases have ended in death (26% if you ignore china's fake numbers)
>6% of all cases have ended in death
>final death rate will be somewhere between 6 and 26%
just a flu, bro. right? this thing could easily kill over 1 billion people with that death rate.

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Defying the lockdown is just going to keep the virus spreading. If people did what they were told this would be over quicker. Look at China, Singapore and Korea.

stop this fake news.
go outside.

Now show me the numbers for everything else

I waited for about 25 minutes to get in the home bargains, that was with a queue of 10 people, about 50 were in the queue by the time i got into the shop. fuck knows how long they will wait, queuing is going to become a part time job.

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