Hey pol, I can’t sleep, let’s talk about things. Ask me anything, debate me, get a female’s perspective...

Hey pol, I can’t sleep, let’s talk about things. Ask me anything, debate me, get a female’s perspective. I will be answering in Vocaroo!

This isn’t a porn board coomer
My voice is a pretty good barometer, if that’s not enough you’re a retard.

Attached: 5F72DE55-AD88-460F-B725-0A0DCC7C9392.jpg (3088x2320, 1.56M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Just imagine the arrow is pointed upward

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Get off my board you filthy cuntoid.

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Fuck off tranny attention whore

Why do white women shit on all that white men suffered and died to give them? You do know you are now lowere than the niggers you fuck right?

Attention whore + memeflag

Degerate slut, gtfo

What's your real flag?

>this isn’t a porn board

This isnt /soc/ either. Fuck off. Tits then GTFO cunt.

This is now a JEB! thread

Attached: HighEnergy.webm (1280x720, 631.3K)

>transgender with a voice mod
Fuck off

Attached: your options.gif (250x197, 825.44K)

Why don’t you just type? Aren’t you afraid of your voiceprint being traced?

You replied to a man. Have you been tested for retardation?

What's your snap

Lmao any man can put on a v neck and squeeze their tits together faggot

How is is going to feel when we replace you with artificial wombs and A.I. sexbots? Don't worry you will always have your globohomo and shitskins.

show nipples, and close up vag shot, and then tell me about why Hitler was right about everything except for how to win a war.

Attached: 0167-015.jpg (1052x836, 720.35K)

Post a pic of you gagging/throat fucking yourself with anything phallic you have nearby

gonna need to see a better picture, hands / feet to confirm not a trap

otherwise....why can't you sleep? getting scared? too much news?

Attached: Guccid-19.jpg (1125x1500, 200.96K)

post your feet then

I am just going start this right away so we don't have to beat around the bush:
So why don't you have a man in your life?

Because if you did, you wouldn't be seeking attention on an incel talking point think tank.

Hello, what is your opinion on the idea that all this corona hoax is a cover to contain the public because a comet is set to apocalypse us in May?

Attached: 195kwiku5uvt1jpg~2.jpg (784x450, 250.58K)

Show titties, sweetie


Make me.


Listen to my accent, the memeflag is a representation of my location.

How do we know you're not a tranny? I mean I've seen enough passable ones on this site.
Also, do you think the world is more degenerate and leftist because of feminists?

Le basé

There’s no such thing that’s actually convincing unless you’re a millionaire are have the technology to get it.

I'll ask a legit question:

What anime do you watch?

Where do you stand politically? Will you be voting for Biden, Trump, or not at all this November?

Even Yas Forums females can't resist being pathetic attentionwhores in the end huh? The absolute state of women.

Why aren't you wearing a hijab?

Nice larp faggot

>this is not a coomer board
Your stinking cunt is useless here. There is no reason at all to pretend to be female on the internet, unless you want your female privilege back. The privilege were people listen to you, because of your gash.
This is why tits or gtfo. Its to demean you, because you will never be able to argue on the same level as men.

Show feet or GTFO

Do you like to be fucked in the ass and vagina at the same time?

>This isn’t a porn board coomer

Fuck off you attention seeking idiot.

Two questions here? That is not Jeb right? And two, why isn't this pussy throwing elbows? You can to way more damage with elbow strikes.

Attached: c6c.jpg (680x515, 47.46K)

You will never be a real woman

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That is my favorite tits or GTFO ever.

fuck off cunt

Attached: 3TY3Aya[1].png (1254x261, 99.62K)


what are your opinion on whitexicans?

Attached: 158379824546.jpg (271x250, 11.9K)

Not really.

I don’t do social media.


Here’s some hands and feet. And I have the ‘tism so my sleep gets messed up unfortunately.

Attached: 93AF22D8-553E-4A5C-8641-9A6F4B93CD95.jpg (1536x2192, 644.19K)

Putain de truie sudiste...

Question: how are you going to help other females escape from their libtard brainwashing?

Attached: 0e9.jpg (600x600, 30.2K)

I just saw polnareff get brought back and disrespected

pls talk more you have purdy voice

Tits or GTFO

You have ZERO original thought, you are only regurgitating verbatim talking points strung together. As ‘Woke’ as you’d like to think you are, there is zero conceptual ability here.

Why are all women max as intelligent as 12 year old boys?

Your tits got me to respond
So, post successful I guess

OK....I'll bite. Voice sounds legit. GA , AL , or MS?

Roll Tide

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Let's see where this goes user. Besided...Traps are the future top teir waifu. Women are on their way out.

You guys are retarded. She wouldn’t even have to post a pic and You’s know by her voice alone that it’s a woman. No tranny can replicate a female pitch, even with training.

South Carolina WHATS UP

JoJo is gay.

Go suck off another nigger, faggot.

>how old are you?
>why havent you gotten married and had 5+ white kids yet?

>what is software
So stupid

You are deep woods too I can tell. Lauren’s County? Spartanburg?

Tits or didnt haben

>granny hands
wtf have you been doing? you have the hands of a 60 year old babushka

>No tranny can replicate a female pitch, even with training.
you are in for a tough ride

Simps are worse than niggers and kikes. Go donate your life savings to a Twitch whore

Attached: gun.png (1024x953, 423.8K)

What is your opinion on giving women equal opportunities/rights has eroded society?

You are gay

You guys are retarded.

There is no software that the average person that doesn’t work in govt or something can get to do this dummy.

Product of incest sorry dude

>tfw no racist redpilled gf to cuddle and make white babies with

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JoJo fag detected

Cringing hard rn

show tits already no one cares

Nope, you’re either on the spectrum or don’t have any experience with women if you can’t tell them apart.

You’re an ugly roastie. Get off my board and stay on FDS.
Stop enabling this cunt.

Mods ban this slut.

Alabama user here, who are you planning on voting for this election and why?

What do you think was the real story behind the Vegas shooting?

Name a "conspiracy" or two that you believe in that's not main stream.

What is the biggest problem facing us as Americans and what would you do to fix it?

Are put bulls based or degenerate?

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im not a simp , i dont care about this whores life but its seems like an interesing thread , dont worry user , fortunately simps are very rare a dying breed, and corona chan will help with that.

Do women like to be beat? It seems that way to me, like the entirety of feminist bull shit is just desperately trying to get men to beat the shit out of them

No more hard Rs that's for text only and not even that. It was kind of gross hearing you say it. You will get your agenda across better without the unnecessary racism.

fuck, i miss enjoying jojo, but now it got boring from repetitive jokes from the retarded community

>There is no software that the average person that doesn’t work in govt or something can get to do this dummy.
lul even Snapchat has voice filters you dumb boomer