I have jury duty in about a month. What are some political views I can share to get out of it?

I have jury duty in about a month. What are some political views I can share to get out of it?

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tell them you cant make it as you have the chink flu

You don't. You say you are biased and would be a conflict of interest. There's a term for that, which I don't remember. They literally leave you alone 100% after that.

Walk in and say:


Ask "am I allowed to instruct my fellow jurors about jury nullification?"

just don't show up, most states never prosecute for it. I know my state doesn't.

No matter what they ask you, simply respond to every question with “nigger”. Nothing more, nothing less. You’ll be home in time for lunch.

Imagine passing on the opportunity to send a nigger to prison.

Ask if any of the lawyers are Jews

Tell them you're black

Casual racism.

i told the court i work the graveyard shift and have difficulty focusing during the day.

and i think muslims should be banned.

“What color is the defendant”?

Not go get too schizo but go and pay attention to what happens around you. They have spooks walking around and one took A LOT of interest in me. Not sure what got me on the list but they needed me in there to surveil me. He had two phones stacked that he kept out near me. I know I'll be called schizo and paranoid but it happened.


Who am I kidding though. I'm talking to you guys right now :)

>I have a coof
And you're out

You could say you recognise the defendant which would disqualify you as it would bias their trial.

Don't know if that works in America though.

Ask if the defendant is a nigger


Just say to the no-doubt Jewish judge that you will find any Jew guilty, because all Jews are guilty.
You can both tell the absolute truth and get out of jury duty at the same time.

Why would you want to get out of jury duty? It's a great way to fight against injustice. We all know the courts hate whites and men.

Jury duty is one of the very few things the average citizen can do to influence politics.
Don't think the person deserves to be punished for a dumb law? Vote innocent. Jury nullification is a thing.
Want to see a faggot in prison? Vote guilty.

go to the judge and tell him you don't recognise the usa as a legitimate state with a southern accent


I don't feel like a morally competent authority to send someone to prison and would vote innocent no matter what evidence I was presented with.

for some courts they only take jurors who are not against the ban of death penalty or something i think?

wait ... i mixed up. They only want people who don't want it to be banned.
i kinda messed myself up .. eh. You know just say you think death penalty is bad.

Say that you've been a member of Islamic Freedom Party.

When the prosecutor reads the potential sentence, just act like it's too harsh. This works wonders for drug related crimes.

Pretend to have bias. For example: if it's a drug case, say you are for drug laws and won't vote guilty for drug violations. If it's a sexual assault case, say you know someone that was sexually assaulted. etc. etc.

I just got out of jury duty by telling them if I miss one day of work, there goes my food for a week. Every day after that comes out of bill money. I have no room. That's what I said, anyway. I filled out the form online. My county compensates only $15 a day for jury duty.
The first Simmons I got, I went. Big mistake. It was a DUI case and the dude was an obvious alcoholic. Looked pickled. I made an ass out of myself on the second day in tnr courtroom by barking out ”you need to be a man and take responsibility for your actions. Come on man”. Judge kicked me out and I never got paid.

Tell the court you are more inclined to believe the testimony of a cop. Then tell a story about your friend who was in Iraq, and how he told you stories about how they would arrest people just to have them get out and blow stuff up. Then say you know how hard it is to keep bad people in jail.

Look up the concept of jury nullification. The DA will not allow you on the jury if he finds that you know about that.

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Knew a guy that exclaimed that the drug charge seemed excessive and the prosecutor got pissy and said something like "well I guess we shouldn't have drug laws at all then"! He was excused.

nah, wait for deliberation before asking fellow jurors if they are aware of what jury nullification is.

Just say you hate all niggers. That should do, Honestly When I had mine. I let the dude go. I refused 2 let the other jurors go until they found the dude not guilty for a massive speeding ticket.

This is the best way to make sure you are 100% picked for jury duty

Also if the judge asks you if you would be able to remain impartial struggle with the question before answering.

The death penalty is a state by state thing.

When i was still living in the JewNited States, i was called to Jewy Duty. Once you get into the courtroom, the faggot judge will ask the potential jurors a series of questions to determine how unbiased, and objective you are and also to screen you for any racial biases as well The case at hand was a murder case against a black teenager. Obviously, i made myself look like the biggest piece of shit racist possible to get myself not selected for jury duty. After the series of questions were over, the judge ordered me and a few other racists (they may have been trying to get out of jury duty too desu) and asked why we held such prejudiced views of other races and i just sperged out
>Muh tv shows black people committing all these crimes
>I've been harrassed by blacks more than any other races
>13% of pop. 50% of violent crimes
>no black friends
after hearing my autistic response to his questions, he just said one thing
>"i hope you rid your heart and mind of such hatred and prejudice"
i ended up not being selected and celebrated by going home, smoking some weed and masturbating.

Tell the judge you're not racist like everyone says, and that you love watermelon and grape soda.

Why would you want out of it user? Stay and get on the jury. Help out your fellow man if they get brought in over some stupid bullshit by a stacy cunt or govt overreach. If it's a shitskin though, guilty.


Ted Kaczynski

Nazbol or Ancap both are retarded and fake. They will probably give you a court order to wear a helmet and assign you a wrangler.

You niggers are dumb. Don’t try to get out of jury duty. If the guy is being tried for drugs, a hate crime, or some other bullshit, you nullify and you don’t back down. But don’t be that retard mentioning nullification during jury selection.

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Saul gets it


>You’ll be home in time for lunch.

actually you would be in lockup for contempt of court

How do you edit post?

Call them and do nothing but coof until they hang up.

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based as fuck. OP, you have the rare opportunity to potentially help someone who may have just made a mistake and doesnt deserve to be fucked over for the rest of their lives. Jury Nullification can save his life.
And if its a pedo or nigger killer or something you can have the rare satisfaction of being able to swing the sword. win-win

requires multi-pass

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>Ladies and gentlemen, how many times has your boss told you to do something you didn’t want to do?
>Show of hands don’t be shy…
>mm hmm. But let me guess you did it anyway.
>Maybe you had a kid to feed, a career to look after, an estate in Berlin to pay for… which one of us are immune to life’s pressures.
>It’s the same whether we’re a lowly soldat or the reichsmarschall.
>Can we really be blamed for everything our workplace does? The prosecution certainly thinks so.
>I mean get a load of all these charges, looking at them you’d think my client was the only Nazi east of the Rhine.
>Let’s see here, plundering works of art. Well, that’s a harsh way of saying he protected Europe’s treasures through a tumultuous period.
>The fact the prosecution’s using these works as evidence shows they’re all safe and sound. And they’re beautiful. What is that a Raphael, just look at that.
>Disappearances of political opponents. Well if every Nazi was so awful what’s the problem?
>Here’s a joke for you, What's the difference between a tick and a Nazi…
>Besides that, the whole thing was under the infamous Night and Fog decree.
>A fitting name because the details of those so-called disappearances are so nebulous and uncertain, you’d need leeway longer than the Gustav gun to attribute it to one man.
>Now here’s the big one folks. Murder of 6 million Jews…
>That’s unbelievable, who could do something like that? No, I mean really who could? I’m no professor but let’s do some math…

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Here's how to never get called for jury duty again: call your county and tell them that your black transsexual lover was jailed, and that you've been protesting the legal system itself ever since, and that you would never vote to convict anyone, even if they're guilty, because you believe the punishment to always be cruel and unusual. See if they ever call you back. Bias against the legal system itself is how you never get called for jury duty again. Bonus points for being on record as a tranny nigger lover.

i had jury duty for the first time last year. they actually did a very thorough job of making sure they didn't select jurors that either just wanted out or actually had legit reasons why they couldn't be impartial.

based saulposter

Say you hate niggers, spics, kikes, chinks, trannies, women and faggots. But shout it. And grow a toothbrush 'stache.

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i was supposed to have it, logged onto the court site and it said "anyone scheduled from March _ to May _ does not need to report, your service has been fulfilled"

the one based thing about this faggoty lockdown TBDESU

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Step-1: Get white T-shirt.
Step-2: Get red paint & brush.
Step-3: Paint swastika on T-shirt.
Step-4: Wear T-shirt to jury selection.