Europe for Europeans

You don't get to claim exclusive ownership of a nationality because of the color of your skin. A Somalian with a Swedish citizenship is as much a Swede as somebody whose family has 1000 year old roots in Sweden. Change my mind.

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Each race has the right to be respected and preserved and each race should have a country to call their own.

>A Somalian with a Swedish citizenship is as much a Swede as somebody whose family has 1000 year old roots in Sweden

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you can't assign a race to a country. it's impossible. There is no such thing as a "german" race, for example. Germany wasn't even a single country until very recently in history.

You don't even fucking live here.

you are a GUESTworker and your stay is over

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German-Turk here, I born in Germany, I'm 100% European

>Each race has the right to be respected and preserved and each race should have a country to call their own.
so why the hell you cumskins are doing in the land of Abos?

I’ll preface this comment in saying that I’ve never traveled to any part of Europe. That said, something tells me that these Africans and west Asians are not becoming productive, well-adjusted members of society as the left wants you to believe. Perhaps you get a few that succeed, but does that somehow outweighs all of the chaos and criminality they bring with them?

Yet I can still easily see the flaws in your arguments. Hmmm... makes you think. Do you ever criticize countries where you don't live? LOL of course you do.

>you can't assign a race to a country. it's impossible.

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Good try, but Judaism is a religion. Doesn't apply to race.

Israel is a religious state you fucktard
if a jew converted to Cucktianity or Islam they will denounce him


The problem with Somalians is that they are not what you call "extremists" to begin with. At least they have no presence in Nigeria or in the African Union. The situation in Somalia is very complex and takes several minutes to type. But, these are the facts.

What is the nature of the Islamic ideology of these terrorists? It is intolerance and the hatred of anyone who does not share their views. They are a fascist organization. They use religious slogans to justify their activities, and like Mussolini and Hitler and the rest of the fascist leadership, the terrorists wish to establish a fascist state. They are not fighting for an Islamic caliphate. They are fighting to create a state in which they rule the entire Muslim world.


>be fedora tipper
>get dna test
>jew genes confirmed
>easy approval for immigration to israel

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Jews are a race of people you fucking antisemite.

Be ashkenazI get into Israel for free...

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compared to other religions the numbers of Jews are very small so i guess they are obligated to recruit even non religious Jews to their shithole, otherwise they would be highly outnumbered by Palestinians
what does that have to do with the immigrants you Americuck golem?

Why do you type like a fifteen year old girl?

Imagine the smell

Yea just let anyone move into your land. See how that worked for native americans? What do you call a country without borders? Nothing. A nation's power comes from the control of its borders and its inhabitants. Allowing outsiders to replace the population weakens a country. Look at how fragmented american politics has become as a direct result of idpol.

lol no

>otherwise they would be highly outnumbered by Palestinians
Give them a generation or two and they'll be indistinguishable from your average israeli jew, moreso if we work to promote interracial relationships

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>the nose just grows because of practicing the religion
sure jew

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There's no way that picture wasn't drawn by a Yas Forumsack trying to rustle some jimmies and get a ton of (you)s. The whole thing reads just like an over-the-top parody of actual left-wing memes.

Pretty much, you can tell by the way it looks.
I'd like to see a version with offensive stereotypical black africans above and a white man, rich chinese businessman and islamic slaveowner described as "africans" below.

Lol you're an idiot.

A Somalian with a Swedish citizenship is still a Somalian. Just with Swedish citizenship.

They have no culture connection, history or anything to do with Sweden. You dumb fuck.

Immigration is one of the times the science loving crowd decides anecdotes are OK.

Paki cunts are not European.

By your logic no one is anything and we should have no boarders and one would government you fucking cock smoker.

Ur a fuckin leaf cuck anyway. The fuck do you know about my continent?

>offensive stereotypical black africans
>rich chinese businessman
>islamic slaveowner
>a white man
white man? that's it? at least say a gay white cuck with 'I Love Israel'' written on his shirt

Jews do call themselves so because of "mimicry", an act of imitating your prey to better subdue it.

Diversity lowers social trust and cohesion. Proven fact.
Pakis especially are low IQ scum bags that rape women, kill gays and hate us. Fuck them all I wish we could remove every single Muslim from earth.

Nationality is about blood, not citizenship. The state is separate from a nation. It's possible to be Polish without having a Polish citizenship, and conversely, it's possible to have a Polish citizenship while not being Polish.

Ideally, the bureaucratic databases would only mirror the blood reality, eliminating all semantic confusion.

this post kills the polcel

but now Angloids invaded Canada and settled centuries ago and now the descendants of those Bongs are considered by everyone as Canadians
if poos in your shithole aren't Europeans now then neither is Cumskins in Canada are Canadians

>kill gays
nothing wrong with that you faggot
i bet your boyfriend is a Sikh Pajeet

Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus are all of the 12 tribes of Israel. Only one that isn't. These are the ones who call themselves Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan.

you are only pissed because you get sand in your vagina everyday

If jew is strictly a religion, how can you be half jewish?

>you get sand in your vagina everyday
sounds better than sticking my dick into the poop covered anus of a poo like that gay bong do


Post vagina, kehba

By only going to the synagogue half as often?


You are already lost, and there would be no point.

Your cartoon is unironically racist, but you think that's OK because it's directed against whites. For the sake of my family's survival, and that of civilisation as a whole, I wouldn't hesitate to take you down were the circumstances to arise. You've made that choice very simple for anyone who doesn't believe in ethnic guilt.

Incidentally, I was recently reading about the Finnish people's resistance to Russian invaders in 1939-1940. By your logic, they should have welcomed the foot soldiers of Stalin's murderous regime with open arms. Had you been a Finn alive at that time, and expressed your twisted views, you'd have been unceremoniously shot. Taken to some clearing in the woods, forced to dig a grave and then told to kneel as a gun was aimed at the back of your head. Or maybe just thrown into a freezing lake and left to drown. And then you'd have been forgotten. Food for thought, leaf.

you need to have +8 inches dick before making such a request
and i doubt you meet the requirements you Germ

I must correct myself : It's not about being cryptojews of any kind. The 12 tribes of Israel are these :
-Inca Rainforest Niggers
-Island Niggers

Lmao why replace intelligent, nice, good looking people with violent, dumb, ugly people?

Attached: black vs white woman.png (1270x740, 2.24M)

All I'm saying is that we deserve a homeland for our people and a future for our children. Is that too much to ask? The asians and africans don't have to worry about it so why us?

But Jews claim to be a Race/Religion/of the tribe of Israel.

you realize that Ethiopians are niggers and the Mongols are Asians?

Muslims are fine people. Foreign aid, I'm fine with. Entire apartment blocks flooded with refugees til it's called "little syria" while I cant afford an apartment working full time out of college? Not ok.

are all doctors europeans now what did the leftist comic mean by this

We don't have too, history speaks for itself.
Your bait threads are pathetic cancuck
Once you were outed for the snarky sarcastic posters you are.
You are easily the blandist people on this board.

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*genetic guilt, I meant to say, but it's much of a muchness.

A Turkish Muslim is not a European, and never could be. You simply have a passport.

>comparig a cheery picked Ginger slut with an OLD women

Attached: trudeau black.jpg (508x471, 19.56K)

Every Canadian should be shot. What is it about your "country" that makes you all so irreparably shit is beyond me. A bunch of evil, miserable leftist goblins.

Wut? Where are you getting this information, and how long ago do you think it is since the 12 tribes left Israel? I agree with modern jews not being descendants of Israelites.

Your image depicts not a black vs a white woman but a african old woman safari photograph versus a young white woman beautyshot photograph. Your argument is flawed. Just wanted to point this out. That you are an idiot. Fuck off.

>implying ar*Bs have big dicks
Finding a bf must be hard for you then.
You should come to Europe, free gibs and a white bf with a bigger dick than you can imagine

Most niggers are ugly as fuck. Most white people are good looking. We have fairer skin, beautiful straight and colored hair, non-shit eyes, and superior skull shapes, and faces without humongous noses.

Not immigrating there. That's for sure.

I realize that what you say is completely false, yes. Mongols are not the same as Japanese. Ethiopians are not the same as Nigerians. Idiot. Try harder.

Typical self hating Kraut, I bet you actually agree with OP like a retard.

Judaism is a race and a religion according to the Supreme Court

Hello Canada.

But a European who colonizes Asia is not Asian?

Recall Asia for asians slogans and attacks on whites.

You better prepare to go back.

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Essentially, let's call for a reset. All niggers are deported to Africa, all whites are deported to Europe, All chinks to China, all poos and muzzies back to whichever shithole.

Execution for dissenters.

>sticking my dick into the poop covered anus

This is normal for Algerians.

The earliest of my ancestors have inhabited these lands for 400,000 years, the earliest that would be indistinguishable from me have been here for 50,000 years, and my culture and race have been imbedded in these lands for the last 1500 years. My ancestors have fought and died for my country. Collectively sacrificed an incalcuable amount generation after generation towards the betterment of their people and descendants.
No, some fuckwits who moved here and mooched off of welfare for 20 years do not have the same rights to these lands and our name as we do.

From God. Also, history and science and everything you have learned to be true except what comes directly from God is faked by the jews. What I say comes from God and is true. I am not trying to run for governement and force this upon you through school indoctrination. Just shitposting.

Germanics are not the same as Slavs or Latins either.