It's YOUR fault

>UK government blames the public for crippling the economy by obeying the lockdown rules too well
>Prof Ferguson told BBC Radio 4's Today programme there was 'preliminary evidence' that the public was obeying rules better than anticipated.
>Government modellers didn’t expect such obedience.
>'Our message was supposed to be: keep working, but work from home if possible,' Nelson quoted one minister as saying. 'But that message has got lost.'

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Fuck every last Brit on that god forsaken island. Every one of them is an advocate for a total lockdown and martial law. They deserve an economic depression.

Jesus Christ the government is a fucking woman

Its great, its like being back in my neet phase except i get paid more ;)

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>give everyone 80% wages free for not doing any work
>NOOOOO your not supposed to take the free money and have a party in the sun STOOP exploiting the situation
Nah mate, I'm gonna whip out the BBQ this weekend and you can get fucked

>'Our message was supposed to be: keep working, but work from home if possible,' Nelson quoted one minister as saying. 'But that message has got lost.'

Seems accurate.
at least around here people went full "SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING"

What's interesting is the exposure in the English of that untouched kernel of Popery that their Kirk retained in it's practise and culture and it's manifestation in the acceptance of decree and top-down authoritarianism. The English are basically a pack of crypto Tims, praying for Pope Boris.

This country has no future whatsoever beyond wageslaving and those will be considered the fortunate ones. Why the Fuck would anyone bother anymore. Just the idiots clapping through their windows as the Tory govt sell off and steal anything that's left. Thanks

>Every one of them is an advocate for a total lockdown and martial law.

I'm one of the few who don't.
Get abused by my own people for it.
lol they are pathetic cunts.

They are shitting it because there is no easy way back to normal capitalism now the normies have had a good taste of this and seen the benefit of money printer going brrrrr

People will start voting for more paid holidays and days off now there is no way back

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The only true answer is death to the western governments

The media told people to not go to work.

Its that simple. If you listened to the government directly the message was clear.

Listen to the leader of the free world when he tells you that the media are the enemy of the people.

being scottish must be so humiliating lol, glad im irish

My life has barely changed at all, apart from the pleasure I now get watching normalfags going mad because they are expected to live like I do

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Fuck off cong ching chink

>the English are basically a pack of crypto Tims, praying for Pope Boris.

praying for muh nhs.

>Fuck every last Brit on that god forsaken island.

Understandable since our history and reputation is well known and precedes us.

>Every one of them is an advocate for a total lockdown and martial law.

Not quite true and the lockdown is being done as an recommended measure to fight off the Chinese virus due to how contagious it is.

Martial law is not necessary for the most part as the police are more than capable of dealing with the sheeple.
If there were full on riots and chimp outs then maybe our returnees from Iraq might be need.

>They deserve an economic depression.
Debatable but more inevitable in my opinion as most EU countries haven't entirely recovered from the 2008 recession and this has probably turn that wound right open.

I imagine countries around the world will consider banding together in an silly vain attempt to fine China for spreading the virus (regardless if intentional or not, point is as seen throughout history everyone needs an scapegoat to resolve an global conflict or issue and the chinks the bill perfectly).

That is for Dresden.

I feel that, bro. I didn't realise our countrymen were such bootlickers. Also Every week they've been clapping the NHS like those incompetent fucks deserve it.

get corona edgy kid

>corporations choose to put their employees on technical unemployment
>it's the employees fault
DOTR should come for these people

>'Our message was supposed to be: keep working, but work from home if possible,' Nelson quoted one minister as saying. 'But that message has got lost.'

That’s actually true to be fair. A lot of people are reporting each other for going to work. My aunt got furious with me for going to the shops, she hasn’t been outside at all in 3 weeks. The media runs on generating fear so they have created millions of curtain twitching anxious boomers desperate to lick boots and hide indoors.

But needless to say it’s still the govs fault for sending such a shambles of a confusing message.

locked down changed nothing for me except i can't go gym no more.
was currently inbetween jobs as it was but interviews grinded to a halt the week before lockdown.
Still applying for factory work, but besides that i'm just gonna live even cheaper then i do and save up to get a backgarden gym sorted.

also this, watching all the football/pub mad lads and all the saturday night roasties going crazy is also funny.
knew something was up when single moms on my street started making conversation/eyeballing despite i never talk to anyone....ever lol.

That Bobby on the left is what happens on an all soi diet.

I go the shops for booze every single day on my way back from the hospital, if anybody says anything I will silence them with my NHS staff ID

>then maybe our returnees from Iraq might be need.
Are you taking about the pakis who joined ISIS?

Lmao at you faggot bong bootlickers

But then you watch the hundreds of videos of police harassing people or driving to work and getting pulled over. My friends a plumber got pulled over by the police because they seen him driving to the wholesalers twice in one day and spent 15 minutes questioning him and inspecting the van

>the public is obeying
Yeah only because your cops will literally shoot you in the fucking head if you step outside. You're fucked even worse than us cunt. You think sydney is a totalitarian hellscape you haven't seen nothing yet.

we are not worthy of you oh member of the NHS caste, he who is of immaculate conception.

please allow me to clap for your approval, as might a seal for a bucket of fish heads.

destroy them from within

There is now a staff-only shop in the hospital with toilet rolls and other goods at discount prices, not even meming. NHS staff are the new nomenklatura. I have spent this week stuffing myself with the free Easter eggs people keep bringing to the hospital, presumably as some sort of sacrifice to keep the virus away.

its all so fucking retarded. Its reaching plague flagellant levels of idiocy.

like you're any better
you fucks have guns but haven't raided any military bases yet? Fucking pathetic. Get to destroying the state already.

neil ferguson needs to be fired. why the fuck is this cunt still being listened to?

>Our message was supposed to be: keep working, but work from home if possible

>Every one of them is an advocate for a total lockdown and martial law
there are lots of scumbags walking around outside spreading their nasty germs

War is the only answer at this point.

The government were pretty unclear on whether you should go to work at all, it was a rather confused message and a lot of places just shut because they didn't know if they had to or not. Also come the summer months as we seen over the weekend it will be almost impossible to enforce the lockdown.

Brit is right. Ameircunts have over 300 million pistols, revolvers, rifles etc but all they do is bark about how tough they are and how they'll blow away any agent who comes to their home when in reality, they'll gladly hand over their guns and let Bill Gates fill them with the 666 vaccine.

>Jesus Christ the government is a fucking woman
Do you tought that "the feminization of politics" was just a meme?

I haven't seen any police patrolling and only a few more cars than usual.

Are they just in the shit areas?

Brits are kikes but you chinktoids are way worse

fuck the public, who the hell do they think they are

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The issue is simple.

People who are economically inactive - chavs, scroungers etc. - are ignoring the rules and continuing to spread the virus.

A portion of the people who are economically active normally, but either lazy or over-cautious are not working. This is evidenced by the number of sick note requests I received as a GP during this time, for people who do not need one.

With who the Isle of Man they barely scrounged 20k medically fit to deploy soldiers to put on standby

Turns out people don't like working. Who would have guessed?

>oh no! Not the sniffles!!
You guys are such cowards it's pathetic.

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people like to work as it is in our blood to work. I guess they do not like to work around immigrants and other non-whites.

fucking based
the media scare campaign killed more than the actual virus

>1 post
>reddit spacing
>no mention of nigger of paki freeloaders
>no mention of race
>class snobbery
>strawman of akkad fan
liberal detected

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maybe it's because the police have went total 1984

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It's in our blood to work for ourselves and our families. Working for corporations is something we've been forced to do.

Getting paid 80% of my wage to sit out in the garden. Shit better break those rules to get to work for 20% more! These neetbux are awesome, I understand now!

Not everybody can "work from home". God, I hate them all so much.

>as a GP
timestamped proofs pls

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I'm not a liberal, I've never posted on Yas Forums and I live in a very white area of the UK - the only browns here are doctors too.

What the fuck is strawman of akkad

dude i had a stroke a few weeks ago. i have no choice

In other words, they are scared to death people are going to retaliate for being lied to in the first place.

meant to reply to (you)

Why is this so hard to believe?

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Everything on Yas Forums is hard to believe

you're telling me. I thought this place was at least rational, and I expected tin foilers and shilling, but the sheer quantity of retard posting in the last few weeks has been ridiculous.

Kind of makes me want to question some of the other shit I read on here

With our own people who want to sell this country out.

No they aren't. The government didn't lock shit down for ages. Loads of people don't give a shit

You get a weekly update on covid? Dont push the boat out on a daily one.

Torys will do that, and Labour will just import a gazillion muds. The end result will be the same, wage slavery