what exactly is wrong with microchip implants if they improve global health?
What exactly is wrong with microchip implants if they improve global health?
>what exactly is wrong with fluoride if it improves global health
kill urselves all of you
>you probably know him as the child loving, microsoft founder
This is the fakest article i’ve ever seen.
>noo you don't want to be tracked by the goverment at alle time?
>nooo bad goyim take the chip
Imagine just blinding putting microchips in your body because some nerds at MIT think they have it all figured out
Article is fake. Nice try mutt, not even extreme liberalis advocate chipping anyone
Its not a chip, is an intelligent vaccine tattoo, just to get your fact straight.
Any attempt to forcefully implant a tracking chip will be the final straw and it will be time to make a final visit to a few select locations
Fake article, get fucked slide thread
You need to change the template up a bit habib, anyone that's been here long enough can tell the shit is fake from thumbnail alone.
Post the link you lying piece of pig shit
Nithing wrong with chips, guys.
You get so many benefits from it.
>the gov will always know your location
>the gov can track your heartrate and body temperature
>very easy to ID someone
I see no downsides unless you're a criminal.
>not even a BCI
You should do it before next year.
Yes, They have it all figured out already and its not MIT.
The vaccine will heal all your health problem, you will beg for it without knowing, trust me.
There is A big problem... see enemy of the states movie for hints
there isn't one.
but it's still propaganda. This is how they swap stigmas from anti vaxxers to anti chippers. they are testing the waters to see how well the label works and if normies will buy it.
If OP posted a fake image....ask yourselves this
Why is the news showing stock footage of full hospital's while they talk about the covid crisis?
it's a new one on me but this fits perfectly into the rut of manipulated outrage
>picture shown is a dreamy imagining of a non-invasive microchip
reality is worse
>they're paranoid
because the govt want to force surveillance chips under my skin
>don't believe in science
what does this even mean? don't believe in the crowd opinion, don't believe in the government's "science"
>have many white supremacist tendencies
what does this mean? that you do research, care about your freedom. anagin it's a racial slur but it's fine because it's against whites
>Bill Gates
>Child-loving Microsoft founder
bit weird... but true, he's a paedo
>his proposal is to put a teeny tiny piece of silicone under everyone's skin
is this scientific language, am I a science denier if i disagree. dumbed down for kids
>keeping track of anyone DEEMED unhealthy by medical professionals
here's the kicker. who are they gonna track, everyone? what does it take to be DEEMED unhealthy by a health professional (someone who is paid to think what you tell them).
this article is a early ripple on what will soon be a tsunami. ridiculous fawning over technofuturist eugenicists
locking yourself down with the mark of the beast
>bill gates
>child loving
they just can't help themselves
Never will be chipped, implanted or anything from a faggot like Bill Gates or Kike Soros. Revolt will happen if push comes to shove. They better watch it.
>Imagine just blinding putting microchips in your body because some nerds at MIT think they have it all figured out
it's not like you have to put a 5G tower up your asshole, dummy. it's just a tiny chip that you wont even notice. chill.
They are demonizing colodial silver and shungite jewelry even though they use those very same elements for protection
These are the same people who love science but dont know how to do the math themselves. If black science man Neil said some off the wall shit, he would be believed and people would defend him with no proof
>don't believe in science
I believe in science, but I don't trust scientists.
>here's the kicker. who are they gonna track, everyone? what does it take to be DEEMED unhealthy by a health professional (someone who is paid to think what you tell them).
Yes, they are trying their best right now to scare everyone, soon everyone will be afraid and ask for it, misson accomplished. the technology is here and already in use.
When the last time you cook food that you fully plant by yourself ?
Its not a chip. Its a vaccine.
Scientist you can trust too, its who own the scientist thats...suspicious
"They don't BELIEVE in SCIENCE"
What do they mean by this?
Were talking about the electronic certificate
>during hur well 7th grade taught me how day polio vaccine works ya see they inject monkey liver with a weak polio so yer body knows how to fight it
Yea fucker I went to the 7th grade too. What about the ones who die from said vaccines?
And so it begins...
>Terrible grammar
>Infused with lefty politics
>Slavish conformity under the guise of being "progressive"
Only the shitty fonts cause me to doubt its authenticity.
>Were talking about the electronic certificate
Yes I know, and I know its not a chip, its a vaccine, sponsored by Gates Foun~, Rothch...you know..."them".
It's satire, dummy
Nice link faggot. Getting real tired of you leftypol niggers posting fake shit in mass now to try and undermine the actual base
What exactly is wrong with your meds schizo? You’re not taking em?
only true thing in article
Hahaha they can't even make it not sound bad he'll I could do a better job
I don't think journalist realize that I'm one of the few "normies" who would legit shoot (((them))) over this. I don't think they understand;I've played/watched the cyber-punk shit;I don't want this;it's something I'd actively go against, and spend the rest of my life warning others of;I can actually go off the grid;to extent of others. I will shoot literally every chip-janny on your premise FOR FREE;I will literally do it for no monetary gain; I will literally shoot your chip janny, as a chip-patrol janny, and actively take them out; I will literally shit tannerite down their throats FOR FREE.
>yfw I don't speak a fucking lick of lithuanian, and it's because fuck janny
I actively listen to songs about "fuck janny" fuck janny, and jews one of the same.
>what exactly is wrong with microchip implants if they improve global health?
nothing these globalist subhumans do is to improve human health.
I'm not arguing this any more, attempt to chip me i'll stab you with the fucking hypo.
Fuck Bill Gates, Fuck the media, Fuck government, Fuck the New World Order.
Its a vaccine tattoo that respond to Far Infra Red and presumably can recode RNA to create vaccine in you body...and kind of RNA, from corona to HIV...took 2 minutes with 5 years expected expiry. Efforts to doxx people vaccinated in on the way...see UK.
Soon, the sick can roam, the healty have to stay at home...unless vaccinated.
Ok apparently it is fake anyone got a link? Cause I can't find it. Believable ill give them that.
Obviously a satirical/anti implant piece, and out of context.
Anyone who genuinely thinks that article is real needs to be evaluated for competence. Look at the font, look at the spacing, also do you think the clearly tongue in cheek "child loving" part would have gotten past an editor. Boomer tier fake bait article lol.
That being said microchips are a satanic fucking idea, the state wants absolute and complete control over people, and that means their own bodies. Mark of the beast. Don't have a chip, can't buy or sell, can't use the bank, you're an illegal human. We already have social security numbers, those are good enough.
>I put technology in my skin and now I'm healthier
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
Only part that stands out to me is the child loving part and the fact that no one provided a link and I can't find it either. I can definitely see msm being even more blatant and over the top than this, minus the child part
>Scientist you can trust too
Few can.
What people call scientists are mostly not scientists but researchers, they barely understand science, only simply comply with the rules in their field to continue their career doing research works.
They are as selfish as anyone, and mostly do things for the good of their own research, not for the good of humanity.
At best, they are doing it for their own intellectual interest, at worst for political or monetary reasons.
The older they get, the most they seem to slide from the former to the latter
>what exactly is wrong with microchip implants if they improve global health?
even if the article is fake and you're shitposting, that's really succinct Orwellian spin. impressive.
The use of "teeny" and "what's their deal?" reads too informally as well
Nice bait user.
You WILL HAVE NO CHOICE....unless you already in isolation from civilization. Do you own 1 hectare of land to support yourself ? To be simple - go to Tristan d Cinhua, Pitcairn or Easter than you can avoid it. Sorry, but just to bring you back to earth and realize the shit we are in.
I hate it too, but I see no way out, unless like I said above.
Nothing "wrong" with it, I just don't wanna do it. Now you gotta ask yourself, am I gonna force that guy to do it or not.
fake and gay
Also gramatical errors in the "more? brain cells than anti-vaxxers" sentence
Yeah, the pro-vaccine philanthropist who won't vaccinate his own kids.
anyone who is against progress, against getting chip is a nazi and needs to be jailed
Who gives a shit? You act as if we were immortal before this nonsense went down.
Again that doesn't stand out to me as a level that they wouldn't sink to. They use this type of phrasing all the time and it wouldnt surprise me to see a real opinion article get even more flamboyant with their outrage. I guarantee you if this chip thing happens the first thong they're going to say about people who are against it is that they're neo nazis or white supremacists. Guarantee it.
HOw based of you user. Keep it up.
I'll give it to OP though when the articles DO start rolling out about chipping they'll definitely try to pull the "these people are stuck in the past, we need to accept cybernetics and move humanity forward into the future" type shtick. And people will buy it too sheep that they are. Slap an Apple logo on it, Karsdashians and others coming out about getting chipped, their goal will be to make NOT being chipped socially unattractive
You got that backwards, my neger
How many shekels did Gates throw at this publication to write this article. "Hurr durr, only losers dont want electronics and chips implanted on them durrrr. We now have to worry about THESE awful people."
>dont believe in science
Science is nit something you believe in, and that's one of the most important aspects of it.
Science is about being able to reproduce an experiment to be able to verify what others are claiming.
Those fucking retards ate fedora tier.
T Engineer and anti chip
this. anyone without a 5G tower on top of their house should be suspected nazi.
>I guarantee you if this chip thing happens the first thong they're going to say about people who are against it is that they're neo nazis or white supremacists. Guarantee it.
You know what I don't doubt that at all
>you will have no choice
What part of if you try it I will stab you with the fucking hypo did you not understand stop it. I have already lost the fucking plot, STOP IT
If you have a mobile phone are you not currently being tracked? Also post 2001 pc's?
This isn't a real article is it?
If this isn't a shitpost we are fucking doomed
Not by whether or not you can be in society again. Phones track what we say where we go and what were into. This chip would be a totally different type of tracking and enforcement based on if you're "sick". These are the same people who told us to stay inside and now say they want to forcibly remove the "sick" frok their homes. Nothing about this is trustworthy and I'm fairly sure youre a kike. I wonder if religious exemption for cwrtain religions will be in place.... Like the haredi for example.
Immortal is on the way honey.
>Any attempt to forcefully implant a tracking chip will be the final straw and it will be time to make a final visit to a few select locations
I know the article is fake, but I'd rather they just put a bullet in my brain than bother trying to implant me with a chip.
Whoopsie wrong link
Not a kike but thanks, actually really shitty with money, i am just trying to work out what the fear is for, i am scared too but i dont know why
>what could possibly be bad about that
This appalls me. The whole thing. In addition to the "latest group of awful people" comment, of course. May I assume that means Deplorable Me? "Keeping track of anyone deemed unhealthy". No possibilities for abuse there, eh? Hey-soos Bambino Flipping Christmas.
Maybe its because you're retarded?
"If it help you to live normally like currently" part.
They wont force you, no sir, but you yourself will surrender to them.
For me, I have no choice, I've been doxxed and id for 3/4 century already.
The fallacy of the end justifies the means.
Whoever pays the piper calls the tune.
Probably not that either, did you buy up cans of soup just before y2k?
... why exactly would any normal person worry about somebody who wants to be left alone?
>child loving, microsoft founder, and philanderer. >his proposal is to put a teeny tiny.....