Your race isn't sacred, only God is. Refrain from calling yourself a christian if you're a racist...

Your race isn't sacred, only God is. Refrain from calling yourself a christian if you're a racist, God doesn't make differences between his lost sheep.

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Then why didn't he make us all the same race?


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God also created faggots what am I supposed to do with them.

Convert them and bring them back to the Lord.

How tf u know it isnt? Maybe just a family line or a dozen at this point. How do you know this faggot, what do you talk to god

Gentiles were an unfortunate side effect. But now we can be saved too.

you are right races aren't sacred countries are, race solidarity is almost nonexistent simple cooperation completely unimportant outside of the human level outside of the muttland US

God split us up at the tower of Babel and gave us different languages so we would separate from each other. You're not a Christian. You're either a kike or a good goy who spreads the globalist propaganda of the synagogue of Satan.

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And you're a kike who pushes jewish law on Christians without saying we're all One in Jesus.

countries are made up retardation of one cultural group yestarday ukrainians were russians/poles, now they are seperate nation, many such cases. guy from podlasie is nothing like guy from śląsk and yet they're somehow part of one country

So, God made a mistake?

The borders that existed then are not the same borders that nationalists are defending today

I disagree OP. And you will not force your faggotry onto me. Lay down and die if you like, but we are not compelled to follow you.

a country is a direct economic military and cultural cooperation. A bigger family

>Your race isn't sacred,
Go suck a refugee foot you Jew worshipping cuck

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Your savior is nothing but an ad, a product, a fucking t-shirt. Die this second for him, eggplant.

"racism" is a made-up moral category. There's no such thing. Some political activists just made the whole thing up to push their politics. The word doesn't even appear anywhere in the bible.

How audacious of you to claim your faith is the one true faith. What with the silence of god and the abscense of a miracle in hundreds of years. The only recorded ones being conveniently before a literate population of substance. Man has no idea why we exist, why we toil, why we desire all of these earthly things. Our race is the closest thing we have to god, our blood is our race, and our race is our blood.

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Christcucks like OP are traitors to the fatherland

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This Op is no faggot

Playing the race card means you're a fucking Jew
>No God can't preach to the gentiles!
>Nooo God has to kill the Romans, fuck the gentiles!
>The gentiles should serve us
daily reminder that everyone is invited to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Choose or not.

culturally guys from warsaw have more in common with guy from berlin then from wąchock, not to mention that whole europe has basically same culture with small country specific quirks. everyone here has basically same morality based on decalogue, french revolution and aftermath of two great wars. all i say is that boundry of a country is arbitrary, a concept is ill defined and usually esentailly meaningless for vast majority of people. a country is bound together by whoever is ruling it, nothing more. the moment there will be two rulers nation will split into two other nations

is there anything more funny than a cypto communnist larping as a nat soc
these threads are hysterical

>Humans are genetically diverse, therefore God is a white supremacist

Nice logic wow man

Get the fuck out of my country

You are a fucking retard, the biggest cultural cooperation in a country is THE LAW.

God himself created races and nations and named them in the NT

The destruction of any or promotion of their destruction under the Satanic lie of multi racialism and mass immigration is a sin.

simple as

I think the main problem with the race realism movement is that it over exaggerates the uniqueness and superiority of whiteness, not to mention the racial category of "white" is meaningless. Ethnicity is natural and good, but the foundation of ethnicity is community and a shared culture, it doesn't matter how much your tribe mixes or isolates themselves, over time what develops is ethnos which is what God intended. Racism is taking something good and using it for evil, excluding and dehumanizing others is not Christian and never will be.

IDK OP but the fact that pedosatanic jews that despise nothing more than the Christ are hating us so much and try to replace us so hard is enough for me to think my race is important.
But you would know this if you were not a fag.

that is basically the same across whole europe ?

>dehumanizing others is not Christian and never will be.

True but is never been Christian to allow evil in the name of goodness destroy your people by mass immigration.

He differentiates between the 12 tribes and has cursed the generations of certain tribes. Don’t be a brainlet and preach rules you haven’t even learned.

What race are anime girls though?

>I prefer the GDR and Soviet Russia to the pre-Islamic Middle East
The Jew reveals its final form.

>Implying Jesus didn't tell some Phoenician woman to FUCK OFF because she wasn't an Israelite


and that's a coincidence in your opinion. Europe has very similar law because eu is a country a horrible one but it is. Right now a strike in Germany is basically a strike in Poland and likewise, of course that can change but that's the current situation

Faggotry is learned behaviour.

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Universal slavery, fuck that. All abrahamic fantasies show the low level most are at. Fucking lobotomised shaved primates of any race are a victim of this babylonian cartoon.

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>>I prefer the GDR and Soviet Russia to the pre-Islamic Middle East
Are you retarded

>God isnt responsible for the people he creates
Fuck off

t. Achmed

>Worshiping a dead Jew on a stick is sacred

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>"Lets convert all the people!"
Truly semetic religions are a cancer.

Ethnicities and their homelands are above God. God exists solely to act as a unifying agent for society. Abrahamic religions are the start of the globalist project and they all need to die for humanity to be free.

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>i'm not responsible for my own actions
Fuck off kike

Stop spreading blatant heresies. Homosexuals can be saved too if they repent or choose to live a chaste life. It's not unheard of in the Bible or in the lives of the Saints that a man considers another man the other half of his soul. It's more about devoting yourself to a fully platonic relationship than avoid experiencing joy and flogging yourself for being born that way. Pope Francis seconds my views.

Imagine killing your pure blood Nordic pagan brothers in their ancestral homelands because they wouldn't worship a Jew hanging from a cross killed by other Jews in their Jew Homeland.

Christcucks are truly pathetic.

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They have been given over to a reprobate mind, no?

Many have and many repented. Saint Francis wasn't always the person everyone knows now, and Saint Augustine was a manichean who converted to Christianity.

The Bible specifically says that we're all different, but partake in the same spirit, and that's as late as Corinthians.
In both the Gospels and old testament there was a huge emphasis on separate peoples, warring factions, different tribes.
Jesus actually does make a distinction between his lost sheep, during his sermon on the mount, he feels as though teaching the Canaanite woman would be wrong because he had come to teach for Israel. Only by total faith her daughter is saved.

>muh dead kike on a stick
You are misguided and should seek to recover the ways of your forefathers

Let's not forget that in the OT, the Israelites are not supposed to take Babylonian wives because Babylon was a land of sin, exuberance, and whores.

Where's the heresy? Although, I can say I agree with you on everything else.

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Let's not forget Moses married an Ethiopian woman.

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Im not saying a person cant repent im saying the kind of person who lusts after their same sex has clearly been given over to a reprobate mind by God.
They knew the truth of God but hated and or rejected it until God says "okay" and lets their mind be as corrupt as they want.
The precious blood of Christ can wash over any sin but the sinner first has to humble themselves and admit they are a hellbound sinner in the first place who needs the cleansing blood.
I dont know if you have met any homosexuals in person but they are some of the most self obsessed people you will ever encounter.
I know some do not speak for all but it proves God right when their character traits are listed.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them

Fuck niggers
Fuck chinks
Fuck poos
Fuck slavs
Fuck beaners
Fuck maori
Fuck abbos
Fuck mudslimes
And fuck kikes

And of course the Good Samaritan passage, the message wasn't that the Samaritans were good and just misunderstood or should all be let in or whatever, the point was that he did good despite being a Samaritan.

There are no christfags on Yas Forums. Don't give (You)s to larpers, and don't bump

My race is part of the environment and is thus sacred and holy.

False dilemma

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Yeah, only because Egypt had conquered Cushite (what is now the region of Ethiopia) and Moses had many wives. And she was still a descendent of Abraham, so most likely she was mediteranian, arab, or part egyptian.

faggotry is learned by another faggot, dont bring the Lord into your perversions you sick nigger bitch

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