European countries knowledge test

Lets play a game. Take the test and post your results, hope to get some mutts results

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Other urls found in this thread:

anyone who gets more than two wrong and takes more than 2 mins shouldn't be allowed to post here

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Good job and true

How'd I do?

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Chillds play

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Anyone can do Europe. Do Africa or the antilles or oceania good and you'll impress me.

This test is for amerimutts who lack basic education.

Also do this one:

Complete the Europe one in under a minute and you'll impress me

Huh? That's weird

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Now have euroniggers do the US

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Nobody cares about africa


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I refuse to bother myself with colonial issues, that is for lowly rabble.

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link it then retard

No one cares

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I can do it on the phone in 2 minutes. Do European Capitals

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I would of had a better score but fuck phones

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It’s the same site you fucking idiot. If you can’t even get that shit right you have no fucking chance of finding your own fucking twisting plank handle

Eaaaaasyyyyyy man - timer starts too fast tho

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Never said it can’t be done. I said no one gives a shit

man, public school is good enough, eh?

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Do Asia then.

go fuck yourself faggot nigger

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Pretty good for a two-digit iq like me

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Still super easy man

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Based Marko.

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Missclicked because phone, should've been 100%

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I'll be honest, I had never heard of Andorra before

here you go

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Can you beat my time? The antilles.

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asia, not as easy as i thought.

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amerilard here. honestly none but the ones i did know matter in the slightest.

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Wow, still killing it man

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Europoor here

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pff, i almost fucked up with montenegro/kosovo, but all is well.

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Gimme US one. Want link!

No. Fuck the Negro Islands

easy, tho there are 3 or 4 I always mix up, they went in such an order that made it easier by elimination

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meh, stans are hard

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New england hell

Only the Vatican has some sort of relevance for a micronation here, don't feel bad.

Can't do Africa lol

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Only confused Kyrgystan with Tadzjikstan.
Both shitholes

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Take your data collecting elsewhere faggot.

Pretty happy about my result, but could be better

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I did. They're non countries anyway

fugg, i know nothing about mutts D:

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Boomer here. Public schools treated the Soviet Union as 1 country.

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messed up a few times with Mozambique and some islands but yeah

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Good enough

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You should know all these nigger countries Yas Forums

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My European one for comparison

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South America. Countries are simply easier than regions within a country

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Fuck the US. This took me waaaay too long.

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Did I do okay muttoids?

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Wonder why Malta doesn't appear here

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Now this one:

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Eh fuck it, they're all niggers anyway, who cares about the lines they draw in the sand

Got enough of your shit now. Cya faggot


Excuse the long time i am on my phone

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>tfw phoneposter
Also if you're not playing hard mode, git gud

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The micro-negro states are the hardest

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Lost my shit on Slovenia. F

Here’s me doing capitals.

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I messed up

Zoomer checking in

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way too easy

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I really messed up

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