12% death rate in bong land

>12% death rate in bong land
What the FUCK is happening here lads?

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Gotta love that overburdened and underfunded universal healthcare system, those high taxes are really worth it.

>death rate
we don't know how many people in total are infected, so we cannot calculate a death rate
also, deaths are registered as covid-19 deaths without even being tested
rate of "spread" is another pile of BS - we've increased testing so infections are being diagnosed at a greater rate - this is nothing to do with the disease "spreading" more quickly

As user above said we are not testing. My mom had it and they wouldn’t test her. Because of her job she had to beg them for a test. Eventually they gave her one and it was positive. Took her 3 weeks to get better from it.

Just nature clearing out all the dead wood.

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how is universal healthcare not what is happening in the US right now?

Took me two weeks and still am recovering. Was coughing up blood but am almost 100% better. If you have symptoms Get asthma medicine it helps clear lungs

That's 65,077 tested not the total infected (which no one knows)
The CFR percentage is meaningless, the actual rate is obviously going to be way lower.

An asthma medicine? You mean an inhaler? I'm pretty sure that would make it worse.

Because it isn't retard.
Making shit up doesn't make it true.

Something that contains salbutamol (albuterol)

yes, they will turn coofing spics away, many such cases.


Also anything with epinephrine

Generations of using mercury as std medicine

Yeah, I guess that makes our system totally just like NHS.

anyone over the age of 65 is dying of thirst because the doctors are force sedating them

>12% death rate

How many times do people need to reminded that the current deaths to recoveries in no way reflect the real death rate? Ever since the disease was discovered people have been doing this shit.

Is it just the niggers dying like in America? Just wondering.

Silver lining , pakies and nig nog are getting the brunt of it .

How is Boris today? I'm over with the potato niggers and can't get BBC radio

Metro area finally getting the cleanse needed

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the only people who get tested 99% of the time are hospital admissions, hence 12% death rate of people admitted to hospital

Diabetic Muzzies

Better,out of ICU.
I doubt he'll be around for a week or so yet though

You don't know how to read figures.
That's what's going on here

He’s gonna be fine

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Ur so stupid u cant tell hes saying death to total cases, not death to recoveries

they have not updated the recovered rate since march 1st

>My mom had it
UK flag, your Mom?

>12 % death rate in bongland
>50 % death rate in Italy
>0 % recovery rate in Sweden!!!!

Ffs, when will you normie idiots stop posting shit like this?
For the last time: the numbers are INCOMPLETE.
The death rate in a healthy society with a good working healthcare is estimated to be 3% at maximum, but most likely under 1% of all cases. This applies everywhere, the virus does not really make much difference between nationalities or races.

Patty detected

So based.

well yes because as i posted, its been 135 since 1st of march. UK isnt bothering to count recoveries. there have been UK public figures who have recovered and are not included in the 135 lol

Misrecording of cause of death.

No testing. Your total tests since January are as many as we test in 2 days.


You have no idea.

Our arab population is basically on death's door on a good day.

The ones you see out and about are the best they have, every family has at least one fully disabled sibling due to consanginuity but the rest are ill as well.

Add to that a lack of hygiene, living in big homes, still going to mosques and not paying attention to the lockdown all meaning they're way more likely to catch it.


They can't be that overburdened, they spend half their time making shit videos and taking PPE selfies for social media

Stop being retarded.

Keeping the confirmed cases down by just not bothering to test most people with symptoms

Of people tested!

It's estimated to be 8.8 million case's in the UK?

Is there a problem officer ?

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Muh herd
Muh immunity

Haven't you heard about the herd
Herd, herd, herd is the word

rest 88 % have loiscence for no time to die

I'm sure it has already been mentioned but reported cases =/= actual cases.

Probably more like 800,000 to 1 million cases.

Actually if it were deaths to recovered it would be over 7000%; I thought zips were good at math? 12% death rate is honestly extremely generous given that

>What the FUCK is happening here lads?
Shit healthcare. NHS has practices and procedures that are outdated even by 1970s standards lmao.
But most people in this country are in complete denial about this.
Also hydroxychloroquine is not being used even if a patient asks for it because ORANGE MAN BAD according to R NHS.
The atrocious death rate in this country is a result of socialised healthcare. Deal with it.

UK has done 4,392 tests per 1M pop
Finland 7,039 (very very limited testing)
USA 7,181
Germany 15,730
Iceland 95,718
Faeroe Islands 110,677

they’ve drafted Harold Shipman onto the wards

Minorities are hugely overrepresented in deaths, I don't if it is because of obesity or genetic factors

We just don't know until we have a good study done.

Any death is being marked down for this phoney shit.. Had a heart attack ? CV19. Hit by a car? CV19

I got arrested by 8 cops on the weekend who came to my house, I told them that my wife is high risk and disabled and they need to stay 2 meters and wear PPE at all times..they said “ it doesn’t apply to us “
..and this is the problem, most people here think it’s not going to get them buy I hope to fuck it does

8 million is the estimate.

If you think about how it bridges from a major population to a rural population how many hops (Humans/Animals) did it take to get there. I can't see Leroy from da block going to a small village in the Yorkshire dales?

>Minorities are hugely overrepresented in deaths, I don't if it is because of obesity or genetic factors
In Europe it likely combination of lack integration, self segregation and ignorance on top of those. Niggers and sandniggers don't bother to learn the local language and follow their own language media like websites and satellite tv-channels.

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Wow, so much information in your post.

Fatties die it’s pretty simple

>UK has lower testing but super high recorded death rate
>Spain, Italy and France have high test and death rates
>US has highest number of tests but a moderate per person rate. Lower death rate than most. Have the highest total case count (if you believe China’s bullshit)
>Our hospitals aren’t even close to overwhelmed
>”Y....yeah but that means you’re the worst...”
We’re full of retarded mutts with diabetes and heart conditions but somehow we’re doing better than most countries.

In terms of black people dying much more than others, turns out that when your blood is basically kool aid and you have a BMI of 50 that you’re going die in bigger numbers.

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took me around 3 weeks also, i know theres thousands more niggas like me who are just existing with the virus rn not even bothering to get tested

we aren't testing, therefor not correctly counting the cases. If you fell out of a window and died, but had a sniffle, it would be recorded as covid. I honestly don't know why anyone listens to doctors or journalists

lots of fat niBBas
Covid19 dabs on obese people

Im about to enter week 5. Like you i was coofing blood. Some inhalers and bed rest have helped a lot. By week 6 I think ill be back to normal with a slight coof.

aging population due to high standard of living, there's a lot of old cunts and not many young cumts so yeah you're fucked

Jesus Christ man, how old are you, are you fat? A friend of mine got it but she recovered after a week, only the loss of smell and taste was present after the week, now two weeks after she’s fine but does get tired more.


Aging population of boomers dying off is all, don't worry their deaths with be a good thing for you and everyone. Be prepared for your government to mass import a shitload more mudskins to flood your workforce within the next few years to keep the costs of labour down though.

Hmmmm turn the vpn off mutt bro

5% of deaths are Jews
35% are elderly Muslim men
40% are from other non-white groups

We're doing pretty well all in all.