The 3 W's of Healthcare Priviledge
White, Wealthy, and Wombless
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fuck off lefty
nigger just hate you as much as we do
Based whites
She's not wrong...
>Dr Ebony Hilton
built for BWC
>and Wombless
Which is why men live longer on average than women....oh wait a minute.
Built for BBQ
Why the FUCK can't they just go the fuck back to aids land already man
Take that gay ass "news" anchor with em
Based chinks put the virus in the shenigger hair care products and weaves.
Whitey halp me you racist devil
>Ebony Hilton
Sounds like pornstar name
If only there were a continent that these poor 'oppressed' blacks could live where they wouldn't have to deal with the big bad white devil.
Yes she is.
They're getting it more because they're acting like retards roving around in huge packs still.
I agree Zulu is a great movie. That's all she's trying to say really.
Yes, and the reason why 75 % of deaths in the Corona virus are female.
really had to think of a word that starts with "w" to mean men huh
I knew this was coming.
the endless mentality of the nigger
you just know she has a white boyfriend
Like naming you kid nigger.
Its quite clear to me that this is just an action to prevent niggers form burning the roofs of hospitals as is their cultural heritage. Clearly she would prefer red uniforms and spears but life does not always deliver what you want so she will just have to make do
I discovered a system called Hilton in no man's sky last night, and I don't believe in coincidences (the probability alone is 1 in some quintillion which is not even on the damned chart)
End times confirmed (NPC traveller said this is the case)
Actually you just know she bleaches her skin lighter using industrial chemicals while complaining about da wytes. The irony
and just like every other video where the Jewish media incites hatred against white people, the comments are filled with civnats saying shit like
>They're trying to divide us
>Why do you have to bring race into it
as we were ever unified to begin with. They're going to tolerate it until it's too late aren't they?
Plagues generally put selective pressure on low IQ people who must live in dense areas to lower cost of living. Also Blacks in the US are notoriously unhealthy, poor, dumb, and fragile to a sudden shift in the system surrounding them.
straightens her hair to look more white while bleaching her skin while complaining about da whytes. The American negress in full blown turbo retard mode. Token black academic to the max. Meanwhile the university is 'she was meant to be a decorative item for grant money, who let her loose to speak where the public might realise we gave a retarded nigger a doctorate for political gibs'
oh god listen to what she says at 1:40. That is so cringe
>who let her loose to speak where the public might realise we gave a retarded nigger a doctorate for political gibs'
I am so fucking sick of niggers.
niggers must die
negress may be salvageable
>environmental racism
Nigs are stupid, and therefore lack foresight, and understanding, of what type of actions lead to infection. T
If Americans keep tolerating stupid lefty shit like this they will never recover, ever.
>what this interview proves
there are no intelligent niggers
Don't forget that this forum is used for social engineering to target disenfranchised young white men in order to create domestic terrorists and push a certain narrative. It goes back to Tavistock Institute and their leaders are Israeli Jews who focus on using panic and shame to control and alter human behavior. They use Gestalt psychology in an aggressive way to get inside your heads on this forum and manipulate your emotions to create trigger words and repetitive thoughts. This forum is also used by military PSYOP departments using techniques from MindWar started by Lt Col Michael Aquino to manipulate your minds and control your reactions using lesser known psychological tactics of mind control. They call this Lesser Black Magick and you are the guinea pigs on here. This forum is used to target and manipulate young men, especially white men, of the Millennial and Gen Z. They focus on Gen X and Boomers on sites like Godlikeproductions and other conspiracy forums. They are also the ones behind Black twitter, the radical La Raza type forums, Antifa, Stormfront ,etc. It all goes back to Gestalt psychology coming from Tavistock Institute and MIndWar style Lesser Black Magick mind control coming from Lt Col Michael Aquino. Know yourself and know what you are up against on this forum. Godspeed, Anons.
>know what you are up against on this forum.
Blacks are to blame for blacks dying. Og you are old or sick or have hiv/aids you are in a high risk group and need to STAY inside
Oh right.... I thought it was the social media propaganda spread by black Facebook groups that because of (Melanin) they had superior gene's and therefore are immune to H1 and Corona type Viruses?
Well I suppose a causal observer must be wrong then ay.....!
Don't you dare say anything against the Wombles.
kek - I read it as that too
Why does MSNBC whine about "the system" and at the same time shill against the candidate trying to change the system and reduce inequality.
>dr ebony
>assoc prof of anesthetics
>"Hey yall, Bix nood"
affirmative action
Different reasons. The jews that own the network need to exploit every opportunity to increase racial animosity towards the white population.
Put it in their heads not that "China did this." but "Whites did this"
Isn't wombling farting in someone's food.
Wut these niggers doing brah
Sean King is this you then... up yours race traitor libtarded
We have a based doctor in Malta who said that vitamin D is supposed to boost the immune system, blacks can't get vitamin D as easily as whites from the sun so they are more likely to get infected and suffer worse symptoms.
There's a few. They just tend to hate their people. I actually feel bad for those guys. Imagine being one of the rare intelligent blacks, and looking around at your people. It's gotta be horrendous.
Wombless? Men die of Corona at a higher rate than women do.
>turn that W upside-down
Niggers, Niggers, Niggers
But all those mutt babies.
Why do women give their kids the worst possible start in life.
This is great. Fuck niggers. Good job "fake whites" and "jews" of america.
That's just common knowledge. It doesn't matter for most because the populations with darker pigmentation are closer to the equator where sunlight is stronger so they still produce vitamin D at a decent rate, but mass migration has kind of fucked things up in the 1st world.
If it's at all related to white racism, Asians would be worse off than whites, but they aren't. Know why?
1. They stay together when they're married.
2. They plan for the future.
3. They value education.
4. They stay out of trouble.
That's how they make more money than whites, are healthier, are more successful, and live longer.
I used to sympathize with blacks so much until I looked at my own life growing up in poverty: the more good decisions I made, the better my life got. I went from shit parents in the lowest decile of my home country, to graduating from the 2nd best university there, and being the first in my family to be a homeowner and putting my kids into an exclusive IB private school.
Take some responsibility for your decisions and watch the floor rise beneath you.
>75 % of deaths in the Corona virus are female
I think you may have that wrong...
the affirmative action hire does not tell the whole story
inner cities are run by
retail stores are robbed by
it is possible to have food delivered to
ebt/snap used disproportionately by
poor life choices disproportionately by
still has affirmative action job because
I don't understand what she's even talking about. Everyone is dying.
white ppl pls hlp
>spays a chicken
I drove past a Hilton hotel today. End times confirmed.
>>based and blackpilled