When did the slogans start popping up everywhere?

When did the slogans start popping up everywhere?
I'm trying to pinpoint when normies latched onto these, and who invented them. Because they sure grabbed onto them like a drowning man clinging to flotsam.

Attached: flatten the curve.jpg (1123x1159, 147.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2020-01-01 2020-04-10&geo=US&q=socialdistancing,flattenthecurve,stayinside

trust sessions

Totalitarianism needs catchy slogans and sayings.

Yeah absolutely. But when did it start? Was it mid-march? It feels like they've been parroting this shit forever but it can't have been that long.

man I hate those so much
it's not even that I disagree with the measures, I do think that you should stay at home and all that shit
those slogans are just so fucking obnoxious and ubiquitous it makes me wanna break them just to spite those goddamn people mindlessly repeating them all the time

yeah early march.
>Flatten the curve
Happened late Feb in NYC. Saw hipsters shouting this through megaphones.

The NPCs had to virtue signal after their virtue signaling against closing the borders turned out to be a huge mistake.

this. i cannot stand all the fucking faggots constantly using these slogans as if they're contributing to anything. can't stand all these retards of social media trying to condescend about whatever the fuck for internet points.


>not contributing to anything.
It reinforces their worldview, that they are the center the of the universe and that everyone needs to listen to them. For them, it contributes to their identity. Its a social signal and they are following their programming, nothing more.

>Flatten the curve
I hate this one the worst. It reminds me of XKCD.

Attached: xkcd megan you whore.jpg (614x514, 15.91K)

Up until march normies were all saying that it was just a flu, bro. Meanwhile anyone that wasn't a retard could clearly see shit was about hit the fan based on how China dealt with it, didn't even have to be a prepper to see something was wrong.

Then suddenly toilet paper wars and #StayAtHome shit. Meanwhile anyone that isn't a retard can see that the reaction is overblown and will cause more damage than the virus based on mortality numbers.

Attached: 1584650947394.png (1596x1128, 155.15K)

At least you don't have a weekly clap for r NHS

I don't understand social distancing. Based on the name, I figured it would mean not attending events with other people, but it means staying a certain distance away from people. Isn't that more physical distancing?

trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2020-01-01 2020-04-10&geo=US&q=socialdistancing,flattenthecurve,stayinside

I think there's a way to search Twitter trends too.

>yes dont stay inside goy
>go out an earn sheleks zo your taxes can be used ro replace you with pajeets and chinks
You cunts aren't even trying anymore.

You realize being contrarian doesn't make you cool, interesting, or smart?

They already invented the word "social distancing" in Event 201, so the plan calls for it to be used, even if it isn't quite appropriate.

#Close borders

Attached: Flatten the Curve.jpg (620x428, 46.55K)

Thanks bro. Be sure to #staysafe in these #uncertaintimes

t. npc

Wait, Europe used to have a larger population than Africa? I figured Africa always had more.

Get lost on your way to Reddit, midwit?

What gets me is that Yas Forums was anti open borders and jews pushing debt to control them now it's all coming undone it's suddenly the opposite, Jews want you to stay home and for the system they supposedly built and rely on to collapse. So what is it you retards? Can you get your story straight?

God. If I hear "uncertain times" one more time. I'm going to bake some brownies. Then anally suffocate a nigger by blocking his anus with chocolate pastry

This faggot is fishing for (you)s. Don't give them, it only gives him power

Africa's population exploded after we started giving them free stuff.

>Jews want you to stay home and for the system they supposedly built and rely on to collapse.
You're a retarded nigger

They want you to stay home so they can tank the ecnomy, further consolidate (((government))) power and wealth, and usher in a new "vaccine"

I went on with that BBC article or whatever about flattening the curve for about 5 days. Most people got stuck to this idea. Then I read statistics of how many people die every year from respiratory diseases and how Italy is making the death rate look as big as possible. After that I've been just waiting for other people to get over it, but the main arguments is still "I trust the government and if the government says it's bad, it's bad".

Face Berg told them the new words to use and they updated their software automatically like good AI.

Sure, i can guarentee you when things go back to normal you'll be tooting some other retarded shit.

Fuck no, Africa used to be stone age tribes living in the jungle, and a handful of iron-using warrior tribes like Zulus. Hardly any human population, just 'phants, 'ppos, and lions.

Attached: elephant in the room.webm (288x640, 2.92M)

>late Feb
right after they told everyone to not be rayciss and go to the lunar new year celebrations?

Attached: NPC facemask.png (500x500, 52.16K)

March 15 in my country, the very same day state of sanitary emergency was declared. Now, this was the government and the media, but as time went on normies fully adopted this, like in a week and half, two weeks at most. You need a new name for them besides NPCs, because now they're more active, and there's a fuckton of them out there snitching on everyone and acting morally superior by shouting at people in the street where as I'm sure these very same NPCs were going around saying just the flu bro and going to feminist protests everywhere.

That sounds about the same as in Australia. Mar 15 is the exact day we when closed the border (well, required 2 weeks quarantine)

Attached: scomo presentation day.png (957x737, 309.69K)

Thank you for expressing whats on my minds for 3 weeks now.

I can't handle of this shit. These people trying to play the inquisitors on veryone else like they have the truth of whats good for you. ITS A GODDAMN VIRUS JUST STFU AND DONT DIE

>it's not even that I disagree with the measures, I do think that you should stay at home and all that shit

You’re part of the problem and should know better Jarek.

Can we please start operation #flattenthecurve

its a bout the IQ bell curve. thats what gonna be flattened

its about flattening the IQ bell curve

90% of europe lands was forest with climate suited for agriculture and cattles, which help maintain a healthy population. With the technological advance in the 4-8th century, countries could get more and more, leading to greater armies and greater wars, leading to well some kind if negative feedback

meanwhile, africa is mostly desert lol

It's like 2008 all over again where every ad agency got their clients to include "we know things are difficult in these difficult times". I canceled cable and never went back because of it

Awwww, he's curious

nice one OP.
weaponized linguistics isn't new.
it's the think tanks' daily bread.
bumping for finding the perpetrators.

(remember how the slogan "fake news" was introduced after the comet ping pong shooter incident and how it has spread all over the world since then?)

i think they run trials or have a way to know what’s gonna catch on.
Also could be some kind of meme magic element involved. Imagine the power behind almost all the world screeching “FLATTEN LE CURVE”

it's about flattenising the IQ bell curve

They admit to running to running surveys on different demographic splits to measure phrasing and it’s impact on perception of content. Think of it like marketing from the NGOs on how to seek your people’s extinction

very likely they run trials.
words and viruses behave similarly, in that sense.
meme magic is not so different from word magic.
word magic, however, is still superior, as it requires electricity only to kickstart the campaign. after that it's all analog mouths and ears.
we can learn frm this, too.

The #1 fucking problem is this retarded idea that old people have to live for as long as possible.

The only reason everything is shut down is because COVID19 is overloading the healthcare systems. All the governments are doing is buying time to mobilize the healthcare system to deal with the influx of patients.

Yet, like 70% of hospitalizations are over 70 in Canada?

Jesus fucking Christ. We're literally stopping the entire economy to save a bunch of old people that contribute nothing to the economy.

COVID's more serious than the flu, sure. My 23 year old friend got knocked into the hospital because of it. I also think the current health care system would be fully capable of handling herd immunity if we just treated everyone under 65 and rolled the dice on the retirees.

Not to mention that 90% of the cases in Ontario and Quebec were caused by the fucking 'snowbird' retirees that didn't follow the guidelines after crossing the border, immediately proceeding to have a senile orgy at the nearest Walmart.

Le edgy alt right is upset because they are cowards who have lots of guns but still manage to get locked into their homes by leftists. Guess we are too scared of the optics to fight for freedom...

>Yet, like 70% of hospitalizations are over 70 in Canada?
I'm not even sure who's being hospitalized. It's all so obscure. You can't get a good look at any of it. It was easier to get clear info in the Wuhan days.

not convinced about extinctions man.
but think tanks, ngos and foundations are a fucking pest we need to get rid of.

How is Yas Forums any different
The list could go on...

Hashtags directly as part of comments rather than as category data was a mistake to begin with.
#notcool, #superdelush #yomomma
Hashtag shut the fuck up you moron.

Most of social media was a mistake. Should delete it and come up with a better platform.

As true as that is, I doubt my estimation is too inaccurate. It's probably on the conservative side, the real number I'd bet is higher.

A lot of Canada's numbers are being skewed by retirement homes and long term care facilities, which really are stupid social systems when you think about it, as this pandemic is clearly proving.

Typical Urban dwellers. It’s like when new yorkers think other nationalities like them when they think of usa. No it’s more ranchers and rural people in Nice communities. Not this skyscraper fish in a jar globohomo.

interesting isn't it? more on the ground reporter footage from China !! than from the hospital around the corner. a very underrated debut!


Attached: 1533906180485.gif (452x371, 58.88K)

>muh 1918
>muh second wave

Attached: numale.jpg (719x1280, 136.47K)

This has given leftists a whole new way of micromanaging people

please meme this

Attached: 1452867858239.png (1272x1152, 89.29K)

It means both.
Here we had Max 30 ppl in same place and maintain in general safe distance to atleast reduce risk somwhat ofc not 100% that would require ppe.

Literally all you need to do is think 20 years out. Not hard to see the course of trends nor what selected marketing both in commercial and political spheres is pushing. You read literature right? You know how to get to the core of a piece understand it’s central thesis?

Did anyone happen to say the "graph" showing China VS US cases and China scrubbed its growth curve to make it flat?

What gets me is that retard absolutists that fail at logical equivalence are able to even exist.