Hitler did nothing wrong

Hitler did nothing wrong

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>Hello?! Based department?

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Hitler was only trying to save us.

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Yes he did. He lost.

Sooooo lazy


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Eat shit and die

OP is talking about his intentions you brainlet.

Controversial opinion

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Neither did Hirohito.

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too bad his military staff was filled to the brim with retards

They were literally trained by Prussians, the greatest military strategists of the time. The problem was lack of oil and quality steel.

Except lose

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archive of all my work, enjoy and spread the link/pictures around, have to get some sleep for work good night guys, this is all ya need, the highest order of quality to find on Yas Forums(;

That nigga attacked us

stuff like pic related

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oh well

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And your Georgian psychopath was planning an attack on him. Your point?

He didn't do anything but he should have

see this mega.nz/folder/6400mI6T#G2KqOLR0A7WCaAyOaMj5HA
for all the enhanced pictures i''ve made (;

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He lost ww2, destroyed germany, murdered a fuck ton of civilians in eastern Europe and poisioned his own dog, left the sixth army to freeze to death in Stalingrad and praced about in leather shorts, was a rent boy in Vienna and took peoples children and brainwashed them to betray their own parents for listening to the wrong thing on radio, gassed german psychiatric patents including ww1 veterans and wrote one of the most boring long winded rants in history.

You can commit sudoku any time, jewish tranny.

Undeniable facts
Fact: all “death” camps were in the East (Poland, Ukraine etc.)
Fact: the USSR took control of those camps after the war
Fact: all prisoners became citizens of the communist bloc
Fact: Your Bubbi was not a death camp survivor

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a)Not Jewish, Catholic. Thought I get you are obsessed and spend all day pondering jewish cock choppers like a retard
b)Yeah, he sucked.

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Generally people who poison their own dogs and wives and have best buddies like gobbels who poison their own kids are not exempt from being called stupid cunts. Hitler no exception. I'm fairly sure after he died that the first thing he met was the souls of the sixth army from Stalingrad waiting to give him an eternal wedgie

Listen to yourself. You're retarded

I'm not the one sucking the cock of a failed mid 20th century dictator who poisoned his own dog and left the men who trusted in him to die at Stalingrad because his petty ego could not hack strategic retreat

Kek you're retarded enough to believe hitler and the nazis were satan's spawn.

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maybe the should have worked on getting it...

They did. What they got instead was an oil and steel embargo, top kek

that's literally not what he's trying to say, and we're on the same team.
te guy see's hitler as pathetic because he did what he did, and that's not the worst perception of the him that there is.
you keep digging yourself deeper, and its making you look like a smooth brained zoomer, just be honest and try to give the guy the reasons you think why everything happened the way it did.

How does that guy not scream shill? He's slandering hitler to make him look as shitty/evil/incompetent as possible.

They aren't even good/fair points. His attacks against Hitler are broad and meaningless

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>He lost ww2
>destroyed germany
>murdered a fuck ton of civilians in eastern Europe
>poison their own dogs and wives
>best buddies like goebbels who poison their own kids
>gassed german psychiatric patents including ww1 veterans
>left the sixth army to freeze to death in Stalingrad

these are genuine complaints that need to be argued against, that's all i'm going to say about this.


Haha He lost to Russians

got some pics here for ya, checks em out (;
tell me what ya think mega.nz/folder/6400mI6T#G2KqOLR0A7WCaAyOaMj5HA

he lost. thats a black mark in my book

NSGeneral please bump it up so it doesn't die (;

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if he did nothing wrong then why are you alive?

clearly he did something wrong.

Come on now.

"He lost ww2" is a genuine complaint? Really? I don't think Hitler envisioned a war of attrition against the entire world.

(((Yas Forums))) degeneracy has subverted you

some great ones, thanks mate

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>Really? I don't think Hitler envisioned a war of attrition against the entire world.
that is what you could have replied, now you're getting my point, to him they were genuine.

says decryption key invalid

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>turning his country into eternal cuckland
yeah. he should have thought that through a little better

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He should have done the holocaust though.

I miss him bad. I want to cleanse the filth so badly.


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kys, faggot

I still think he's a shill, but your point is duly noted. HH

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>I want to cleanse the filth so badly.

that's not what it was about user, it was about replacing it with beauty(;

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the jews did nothing wrong

it's giving me shit it won't open

Attached: 1586494411251.jpg (1500x2260, 295.97K)

Nice RPT pics, have you looked at my archive?
Its got a few dozen or so enhanced RTP pictures, all the photos in the catalogue are enhanced and the highest quality around.

are you on IE(internet explorer)?

Hitler wasn't nearly as authoritarian as today's "world leaders"
fuck i wanna guillotine politicians so bad
the cure for totalitarianism is genocide of the political class

try internet explorer if you aren't, try chrome if you are.
