How can we make Europe return to its roots?
How can we make Europe return to its roots?
This board is nothing but bots
Mushroom nationalism when?
Rejection of Abrahamic religion
and bots that reply to bots
By nuking it.
You had your run and it was fun but I think it would be best to put you out of your misery
Why is that old man holding his giant mushroom in front of those little kids.
Remove golem. At least thats what germanons keep saying.
society ending disaster
corona aint it
Our mistake was continuing to interact with Mediterranean Euros. They have been raped and pillaged by Muhammad and his followers too many times in the past to not have the toxins from Islam imbued in the people.
I'm sorry we killed your PM, we were really trying to help.
Remember what the stole from you.
I think that's really the only answer and that goes for more than just Sweden. While we still have running water, the internet and relatively stable societies nothing is going to change for the better really.
stop. free. gibs.
Dont look back Swede, you are not going that way
You've got that, now look at you.
some1 redpill me on what mushrooms have to do with sweden lol
Nuke the cucks first!
Even if ill tell you exactly what to do you cant do it alone
Come home white man.
General AI is the last hope for Europe... Seems that every time AI is implemented for tasks it discriminates against "minorities". Once we create one that can't be turned off our society will become very violent for the ones who reject traditional Europe.
this cracka know what's up
Mushroom nationalist here.
Take care of radiation in mushrooms.
Has this guy spent ONE fucking day without bitching and moaning like it's the end of the world, holy fucking shit.
First world problems - the person.
You're merely embracing niggerdom, I was born into it, molded by it. My family didn't race mix once in Africa since before the United States even existed. Get on our level, for fucks sakes.
>stop electing women
>deport the niggers
Read between the lines. AI discriminates against inferior beings. They might kill off shitskins first, but once there's only AI and white people left we will be seen as the inferior ones. AI must be stopped.
>all about the mushroom tips
>DURR improved building tech came from christ!
THIS 10000000000000000%
Take away voting rights from woman
If AI even gives me a week knowing coons, pakis and chinks no longer exist I will accept the end from our robotic children with open arms
I want my fucking swamps back
Many researchers question whether Stockholm Syndrome even exists. No other group of captors had as high a rate of conversion (>50%) outside of Sweden.
Asians will probably be last, they're closest to computers.
thats funny. apparently south africa actually did kill him as well according to leaks from the palme investigation
It's the Swedecuck genes
Before Sweden went to shit with mass migration in the late 90's/early 00's and economic issues of today this would count as big local news. I still remember in my childhood how there was hardly any bad news coming from Sweden and their TV shows dominated our screens.
Don’t be sorry. Palme was a cunt.
Return to what? Two years ago?
unironically this.
At this point I believe that vikings were just a Yas Forums of their age, as it's known they hang around with Slavs and probably anyone radical and hardcore back then.
your roots are mud huts and incest. europe's roots are the parthenon, galileo galilei, shakespeare and montesquieu.
you wouldnt survive a single winter here lmao
riddle me this Swede - how vikings or even Deluge XVII hardcore Swedes changed into...well, you and your Minnesotan relatives. Pussy-whipped timid cucks incarnate.
Cope medcuck, you guys cant even survive a coof which is pretty much allegorical for your civilisations and empires.
That fucking thread, cannot forgrt
PeterSweden isn't even Swedish if I remember correctly lol
strong trust in government
It's quite a sight to see, you know. Even after all this time, this building has endured more than any other modern thing. And he is still up.
Välfärdstaten founded by Tage Erlander sett the foundations of cuckdom with his good intentions for the Swedish people. All roads paved with good intentions end up leading to hell.
Reminder the semitic people push false history to advance their narratives.
Your historys are not real history, or my history.
Is... Is that a cumsock with mushrooms growing from it?
There are no Nukes. It''s a Hoax, like Globalism
it's so large, it doesn't leave mush room for anything else
What is multi-culturalism if not white people being held hostage, and some siding with the captors? It started in Stockholm. That was the first experiment, and why urban Swedes are mega cucks now. It's like a virus!
maybe show pics of your sharia no go zones?
But you already did
Nor is he living in Sweden. He's leeching welfare in Norway.