I'm doing a survey on how childhood trauma correlates to political extremism later in life and wanted to know: how many of you were abused as children?
Hey Yas Forums, i'm doing an anonymous survey
Tongue my anus nigger
I was. Now I love taking dicks in my arse, dressing as a woman and voting for faggots.
A POC in my elementary school beat me up and lead me to being racist. In truth, I started the fight.
Sad to hear, do you want to share your experience?
This is all too common. Don't worry user. You need to forgive yourself.
You don't even understand childhood trauma. Everyone has it, also you. The leftists think victims are gods. Now think what they were as a kid. Now you can fuck yourself. Go back
I was molested by a nigger
Yes. I was inducted into the gate program.
It's okay user. Let it out. Only then can the healing process begin. user, I love you.
I was a liberal all my life until a few years ago.
If you have a brain, you eventually wake up to the programming OP. Your gay liberal hypothesis is incorrect.
I was abused, my mum did'nt let me chop my dick off when i was 7 years old.
The faggots stole my innocene so now i only vote for detards and niggers.
Wypipo who want to be proud of who they are and have a nation mercifully free of vibrant diversity and hardcore homosexual propaganda are obviously mentally ill. OP thinks they need to be 're-educated'.
me the baby go go ga ga
When I was a kid adult niggers would threaten to kill me.
I see no reason not to hate them for it.
That makes you a nigger by association
Yes, and i am a radical communist.
I hate you for not seeing the world as it is.
I see the world as it is, and using that knowledge my entire town is rushing to wear masks and erect protective barriers.
Do YOU understand the power of symbols?
Post feet pics pls
This hurts me emotionally, I'm am now going to start several blacked threads to share my suffering
I was not abused and now I'm a libertarianish tranny.
My dad made me mow the lawn once even though I really wanted to play Oblivion instead.
my mom only bought store brand foods
>correlates to political extremism
You’d first have to define extremist, and then prove Yas Forums is an extremist site. There’s too many shill posts to draw any conclusions about the nature of Yas Forums and being right wing doesn’t count as extremist
Nah but i used to rape my stepdad cuz he was a jew
>being racist
A lot of mixed signals here mr racist.
Was molested by a teenage girl. Not an extremist or anything just bad with women and probably always will be.
>never had a date/kiss/etc
Stop trying to pathologize, kike. Staged
Oh you sweet summer child, we are all trying to understand how the world is. It's okay to admit you don't know. It's okay to say you don't have all the answers.
My mom beat me every day and now I dress up as an asian trap and vote religiously for the Democratic party.
Based and plague pilled
I have all the answers.
For example, the reason you made this thread is because OP is a faggot.
my father hit me as a child
Manipulative monster
hahaha,,,,,oh shit
Hey frued, maybe you shouldn't project your powerlessness on others.
Can you not see anons? The constant slurs that stem from far-right extremism is ingrained in your language. You jump to these slurs when you feel frightened. These words give you power. They scare away and hurt people. The same way you were hurt. It's okay user. It's okay to be open and vulnerable.
>I lived with my mother and father. At my younger years while dad was finishing up school we lived in poorer neighborhoods. I saw niggers do nigger shit every day
>Dad gets out of school
>Move to white neighborhood
>No niggers doing nigger shit
>Hate niggers
Any questions?
Same from when I was 6 until 12. My experiences with women are awful and I've never been able to maintain a relationship for long
Did you fall for the bleach meme
I was attacked by my father when I was very young.
Preschool age.
I had to have surgery to correct the damage.
Although National Socialism is the political ideology that most closely represents my philosophy, I do not consider myself extreme.
In fact, of the dozens of white nationalist type groups that I have met with, all of them were too extreme.
Filled to the brim with borderline personalities.
My experiences completely turned me off to the "movement".
I don't think that another serious National Socialist exists.
I do think that there are tons of people who call themselves National Socialist simply because it upsets people.
Some things don't heal and some thing do not deserve forgiveness. Now fuck off with your pop psychology.
I was raped by a pack of rabbi.
>T. Powerless non agent
You work for others, and have no choices in this world.
The people here fight for their hearts!
And you would deny them that.
Not knowing does not equate to being powerless. Accepting the fact you don't know everything is a strength. It was Einstein that said a man could spend his entire life studying the conditions of a tree and still not know all there is to be known about the tree.
I was not abused mentally nor physically.
6. Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply
troubled society. One of the most widespread manifesta-
tions of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discus-
sion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduc-
tion to the discussion of the problems of modern society
in general.
7. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th
century leftism could have been practically identified with
socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not
clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak
of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists,
collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and
disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But
not everyone who is associated with one of these move-
ments is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discus-
sing leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as a
psychological type, or rather a collection of related types.
Thus, what we mean by “leftism” will emerge more clearly
in the course of our discussion of leftist psychology. (Also,
see paragraphs 227-230.)
8. Even so, our conception of leftism will remain a good
deal less clear than we would wish, but there doesn’t seem
to be any remedy for this. All we are trying to do here is
indicate in a rough and approximate way the two psycho-
logical tendencies that we believe are the main driving
force of modern leftism. We by no means claim to be tel-
ling the WHOLE truth about leftist psychology. Also, our
discussion is meant to apply to modern leftism only. We
leave open the question of the extent to which our discus-
sion could be applied to the leftists of the 19th and early
20th centuries.
I was not. Political extremism is a natural result of current year's extremely binary system of agenda pushing. If you aren't left, you are a nazi and so on. Most people are moderates/centrists, it's just certain groups labeling all dissenters as radical.
>how many of you were abused as children?
Ask homosexuals this question.
Nope - had a great childhood, parents sheltered me from a lot of the bullshit in this world. Only once I went to university I figured out how fucked I was as a white male.
who hurt you????
Woah, memes are a science. Consult Dawkin the selfish gene and return.
You can "program" culture via memes.
This process is already way to far along to stop.
It is similar to those who adopt the label of 'Satanist'. Most don't believe in what they profess to be and even if they do, they don't act it.
That's what the rabbis said before they raped me.
There are too many people here in bad faith for you to draw useful conclusions from any survey conducted here. How hard is that to understand?
I was beat by my father and I hate Jews and niggers and I'm probably on a domestic terrorist watch list
9. The two psychological tendencies that underlie mo-
dern leftism we call “feelings of inferiority” and “over-
socialization”. Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of
modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is cha-
racteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism;
but this segment is highly influential.
10. By “feelings of inferiority” we mean not only infe-
riority feelings in the strict sense but a whole spectrum
of related traits; low self-esteem, feelings of powerless-
ness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self-hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have some such
feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these
feelings are decisive in determining the direction of mo-
dern leftism.
11. When someone interprets as derogatory almost any-
thing that is said about him (or about groups with whom
he identifies) we conclude that he has inferiority feelings
or low self-esteem. This tendency is pronounced among
minority rights activists, whether or not they belong to the
minority groups whose rights they defend. They are hy-
persensitive about the words used to designate minorities
and about anything that is said concerning minorities. The
terms “negro”, “oriental”, “handicapped” or “chick” for an
African, an Asian, a disabled person or a woman origi-
nally had no derogatory connotation. “Broad” and “chick”
were merely the feminine equivalents of “guy”, “dude” or
“fellow”. The negative connotations have been attache to these terms by the activistes themselves. Some animal rights activists have gone so far as to reject the word“pet” and insist on its replacement by “animal companion”.
Until a proper "trigger" condition or flag is met*
Someone doesn't understand heuristics In sociological and group psychology models.
I wouldn't be reading Ted's work. You might end up on a list, user.
i was abused by holocaust gore and liberal progressive feminazis and sjws in school. its was nasty.
fuck you jew
The government, financial, and media sectors have been abusing us since the first time we watched Mickey Mouse and got encouraged to join the RAT race.
Never abused, had an uneventful childhood. Gas the kikes, race war now.
emotionally/spiritually abused, yes. physically only rarely
Again how can someone lacking anything but very BASIC influence and persuasion training even hope to have an effect here?
You should be fired for being unqualified to change opinion here.
I wasn't abused at all, in fact my mom breastfed me well into my 20s(longer breastfeeding correlates with intelligence and mental stability so I'm a very stable genius).
>I'm doing a survey on how childhood trauma correlates to political extremism later in life
Makes sense, can't wait to see all the extremists that will appear when children being forced to be toddler trannies by their far-leftist abusive parents grow up.
I am as far redpilled as one can get, i am naming my son Adolf, wife said yes, and i must say my family was loving and i received no abuse what so ever.
Everyone that comes here is on a list.
Stfu faggot.
If anything child abuse correlates with being a homosexuality or a tranny.
Specifically; an appeal to authority, as if everyone posting here isn't absolutely hated by the powers that be.
Everyone here is already on a list.
How stupid are you?
The Liberal Media abused me by trying to indoctrinate me.
I was raped by my uncle when I was young. Now I am leftist unironically.
user, you have a lot to say about this topic? Does this resonate with you? Would you like to share more about what in your life lead you to where you are now?
I was but I'm a Bernie bro, not a cuck, and fiscally conservative.
Governments are there to serve people, corporations were made to serve people.
Why the fuck are we serving them?
Also don't spend money you ain't got.
So you already read it. Why do you have an inferiority complex ?
>I'm a Bernie bro, not a cuck
sorry, you have to pick one
>Let's not address that I should be fired
>Make it about the subject!
>extremism buzzword if you don't like antifa, open borders, gun-grabbing and censorship
Rabid "liberal" marxists are ridiculous.
Now, why would your uncle do that? Did you ever get a reason as to why that happened? Any closure?
>how many of you were abused as children?
>how many
>I'm a Bernie bro, not a cuck, and fiscally conservative.
That's like being three diametrically opposed things at the same time.
When I was a baby I was strapped to a table and someone skinned my penis.
Probably influenced my politics desu.
Also; foolishly prying for information without anything to barter, nor having trust or rapport established
Pathetic, you should be fired and replaced.
Yea when I was eight my fat cock was just so strained from fucking your mon relentlessly until she died.
>how many of you were abused as children?
I was spit on by niggers when I was a child. Does it qualified as abuse?
Because, it's enough to grew to hate them, and don't need your uncle touching your peepee.
You lost me soon as you said leftism was a problem. Then provided 0 supporting arguments and just moved on assuming no one questions it and Just assumes accuracy.
Watch this I can do this too.
So pol is full of welfare kids like you, and welfare is problem, so how do we deal with all the problems of welfare abuse on pol?
Why do you seek to be on political extremes? What about neoliberalism bothers you? Did a troubled childhood lead to you to desire a life of rebellion? Does this explain your distrust of authority?
>Recover momentum, reply elsewhere
0/10 would get shot as a spy
I had a very good childhood but also I was racist when I was 6 because I didn't like that the brown kids didn't know how to speak English and my dad scolded me so hard over it that I went full libtard before realizing I should have gone with my gut.
My genitals were mutilated by a Jewish doctor at birth according to a Jewish ritual that has no basis in science or health. Now I hate Jews. Is that weird?
>you sweet summer child
plebbit gtfo
the satanic jewish pedo cabal implanted nefarious subliminal messages into my developing brain viacom television programming
>Leading questions
Sloppy would get destroyed by any lawyer
Also, you are 30+