Why are roasts all shaving their head because of the quarantine?

Why are roasts all shaving their head because of the quarantine?

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Gotta get attention somehow.

what the fuck

For the same reason you made this post!

Women shave their heads when they go nuts, see Britney spears

must be a record they got broke in 3 week

I shave my head monthly can i get some social points for that?

accepting their role as govt prisoners and slaves, they sense the paradigm shift and adapt. new daddy has arrived


Hair catches moisture, always gets in your mouth and eyes when it's that long.

And yes, attention.

Because the barber shops are closed, retard.

The vaginal Jew desperately needs attention. It cannot survive without it.

like inceltears they are all brats.

either attention or targeted individual mkultra testing

all inceltears need to grow up.

Practically, long hair can get in your eye, a long hair can fall out on your face and then you have to wash your hands to remove it, it can make a half mask respirator or gas mask harder to wear, and so on. I shaved my head close a few weeks ago too.

isolation makes women insane

; D

Too lazy to spend 5min of their new HOURS of free time keeping their hair presentable. Would rather look like a cancer patient for attention.

>why do women-
The answer is always attention

interesting that that's a trope, I bet we get it from movies like taxi driver., I bet it's programmed into us all for a reason, like how on Dexter he always had his iphone with him so if there were any copycats irl the cops could track them.

they go batshit when they're not attention whoring

based nippon

they don't know what to do with themselves. most of us are content with being neets and doing nothing all day. most women can't. they go a little stir crazy and do dumb shit to pass the time. including shaving their head. I bet a lot are also giving themselves bangs right now.


>denying facts
Typical trannie

They're entering a Pink Floyd phase.

Women cut their hair short or even bald if they have a mental breakdown, clearly the quarantine has made them lose their minds.

They ran out of hair dye

>first one
>i shaved my head
>clearly doesn't

good eye, patrician (You) denial as well

Bahah i don’t envy you zoomers, ya the pussy is tight but your women are fucking weirdos.

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the only one to ever pull it off

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That's not a word, queefeaters

it's an attention getting move

means they are in desperate need of some male validation

look for white knights in the comments telling they never looked more beautiful

maybe they have no social life and its their only chance to experience something like this

We've known for years that solitary confinement causes mental issues. they're going stir crazy


I also shaved my head!
I look like a organ trader from Middle East

And are you a woman..? Probably not, so don't presume you know why they do what they do.

Honestly though it would be hot fucking a bald chick. (you) agree?

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Based and true. They're fucking pathetic by and large and shouldnt vote desu.

this is always the same thing
it's a fake "test" to see if their bfs "love them for who they really are" and are willing to fuck a Bene Gesserit to prove it (pic related)
really they know they're making themselves unfuckably ugly on purpose
it's a ruse to get their bfs to break up with them because they don't have the fortitude to do it themselves
they just want to fuck other dudes guilt free
if it sounds batshit or retarded or circuitous, welcome to the female mind

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that fuckin cunt probably bullied cruz into shooting up the school in the first place

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Because they are empty attention seeking whores who havent inhaled the usual amount of coom in the past two weeks and are now going into complete incoherent insanity

She about says that in one interview.

i should run for governor of florida then surprise everyone by pardoning him

a fellow patrician i see

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do you suppose ole darthy ever force fucked her?

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I fucked this woman once who I swear to god was a Natalie Portman clone. Looked like nat in Garden State, but still.

in his dreams

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I wonder what would happen in a situation like that

that reminds me, time for my yearly buzzcut.

she was premium in GS

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You ever seen Leon: The Professional?

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Women, while in a situation of stress, tend to cut the hair. Its always like that. Ive seeing a lot of women cutting it short here too.

I dont know why.

Smooth head yet still sandpaper vag

this this this


I know a load of shaved-heads who do it to to signal how LGBTWOKE they are. But unironically they are the most well-off people I know.

It's not just a trope, it's a psychological known behavior among women who were abused and/or molested.

Kind of like all the nutjob BPD's that end up wearing pixie cuts trying to ruin their feminine looks.



Because they are attention seeking whores

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>Panic button
>Doing anything against one of the strongest of the dozen people in the Galaxy who can only be taken down by an actual army or one of their own

to feel in control

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