Drag queen story time: actually not bad

Without any unnecessary name calling or fqctless accusations, I want you to explain to me why this is supposedly a bad idea.

Since when are youth outreach programs bad? Especially ones that reach youth at high risk of harm due to a lack of peers like queer or trans kids?

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>Sweaty fat guys dress up as clowns for little children to sit on their lap
kids definitely aren't afraid of this trannys aren't real its all a pysop you're a stupid jew nigger 0/10 bait, sage

Are you legitimately joking? Things are so fucked I can't tell anymore

Ok so if kids are afraid isnt it good to desensitize them to this sort of thing? Wouldnt you rather your child be more worldly and understanding than a sheltered boy who's never even had a gay or black friend let alone seen a drag race?

>dress up as clowns
That brings up a great point.
Are clowns crossderssing?
It's creepy and unnatural so i'd have to say yes.
They should both be done with.

>Ok so if kids are afraid isnt it good to desensitize them to this sort of thing?
No we should strive to fucking destroy it trannys and drag"queens" need to be fucking shot and killed.

One of the very few things islam gets right is throwing you degenerates off rooftops.

Forget about the kids, Grown men should be afraid of these bug chasing monsters!

you stupid niggers need to lynched with your own intestine im so sick of you faggots converting kids into your stupid Homoglobo faggot pyramid scheme

There are no queer or trans kids until you make them queer or trans.
Trannies must be purged.

You should be skinned alive in the street.

Kids are trans before anyone reaches them lol. They're just finally getting treatment rather than forced into a state of extreme dysphoria. Jazz jennings transitioned and started hormones at 4. Now she has a show and is attending Harvard. What exactly have you done if you're such a superior being?

Enough is enough now! Murders need to happen! Degenerates, kikes, politicians and police need to be murdered so we can move on and make this a better place to live!

>Kids are trans before anyone reaches them lol
Why doesn't this happen to literally any other animal on earth?
>What exactly have you done if you're such a superior being?
I never claimed I was I'm merely expressing my disgust for there crimes

1. You dont know if it does

2. Human brains are incredibly complex

Agreed. End homophobes and let gays rule for once. We probably would have a hell of a lot less war with a gay man in the white house

Did you miss the "degenerates" part? It's right their if you read carefully

>Human brains are incredibly complex
Yeah good excuse for being a child fucking troomer

Do you accuse doctors of grooming kids when they give them chemo? Because that's the only affliction similar to the one I'm talking about dealing with in gender dysphoria. These drag queen story hours are as essential to the survival of trans children as chemo is for cancer patients. You walk up to these patients and deny them their chemo if you think they arent fucking worth it

Because drag is not trans. Completely different ballpark.

Its youth outreach....

It's "youth outreach" all right. Your reaching out for youths!

>why this is supposedly a bad idea.
You must be a faggot if you don't know why.
94% of male children who are sexually abused are abused by faggots.
97% of faggots are attracted to children
84% if faggots have had sexual relations with under age.
Most faggots have some type of STDs (72%)
Faggots cost the public healthcare systems 280% more in their lifetimes than a straight person.
>And you want to tell children that it's okay to be a faggot?
That's without even getting into that faggots are telling children they're gay before they even hit puberty. When they're still at the age when boys say "eww girls" and girls say "eww boys"

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Yeah so they dont reach for a rope??

That's a larp, they just want to fuck messed up kids

Who are these people who come in here to post these garbages.

>2. Human brains are incredibly complex
Not really. Humans just can't analyze (and don't want to analyze) brains well enough to understand how commonplace and dull the average brain is.

Oh probably people who actually give a fuck about trans kids not killing themselves rather than encouraging it like you :)

Ok Groomer

You will be removed

>Kids are trans lol
Kill him

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You mean childfuckers like you? All of this shit is demonic and if you can't s-


Queer and trans people are overcoming the likes of you every day you basic ass boomer. You dont scare a soul.

This is a very powerful post. I agree 10p% and this is the kind of stuff the right cannot address.

Sneaky males . Only thing that explains it.

Gays are pedophiles. At least two of these freaks have outed as sex predators.

I really, really hate this country and every night I pray for tidal waves.

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So this far I've gathered Yas Forums opposes drag queen story time because

1. If you dont you must literally be a pedophiles


2. If you do support it we will threaten to kill you because seeing gay people makes us feel something uncomfortable inside of ourselves we have trouble confronting.

>these drag queen story hours are as essential to the survival of trans children as chemo is for cancer patients

I'm trans but I didn't think it was an option when I was young because I only knew about drag queens existing and they're weird freaks. Drag queens are not related to trans people. I don't understand why this stupid library thing is happening.

It is probably more important than chemo given the high death rate of trans individuals

> Since when are youth outreach programs bad?
It’s bad when you have disguised pedos trying to outreach youth genitalia

>reach youth at high risk of harm
It sounds like you're aware of the problem already and are in denial. Neck yourself.

There's nothing wrong with adults doing nice things for kids...Just...Why do you wanna do it in bondage gear or dressed like a sex worker? Why not just in your regular street clothes?

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I met a trans guy once. He was down to earth and understood that he was a biological male and even told guys that would come up to him that he wasn’t an actual woman. Even after his surgery he said he was still going to let guys know because he felt it was unethical to trick guys into thinking he’s a girl. Cool person overall

>I'm trans

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Because the grooming wouldn’t be as effective

>These drag queen story hours are as essential to the survival of trans children
They're only essential as an outlet for groomers like you. You should rot in a cell for ever where you can't harm anyone. You and all your kind are pure evil

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Let’s be honest everyone. You can let your kids sit on a drag queens lap and they can potentially get diddled. Or you can let them in the Boy Scouts and they get diddled by some homo scout leader. Or diddled by a catholic priest. Or get them involved in sports, and still your kid could be cornered in the locker room by Jerry Sandusky and diddled.

The best bet is to be vigilant in your child’s life and prevent all faggotry from happening, not just freaks dressing up like female cartoon characters.

Nobody talks about grooming but the right wing. And I see Catholics molesting way more kids than drag queens so look at your own country ok patti?

Yes the Catholic church raped loads of little boys because it became infested with gay people. Gay people molest kids in huge numbers so any group with a large amount of gays is gonna have a large amount of pedos. This is why gay groups/communities shouldn't be allowed to exist

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Don't forget that this forum is used for social engineering to target disenfranchised young white men in order to create domestic terrorists and push a certain narrative. It goes back to Tavistock Institute and their leaders are Israeli Jews who focus on using panic and shame to control and alter human behavior. They use Gestalt psychology in an aggressive way to get inside your heads on this forum and manipulate your emotions to create trigger words and repetitive thoughts. This forum is also used by military PSYOP departments using techniques from MindWar started by Lt Col Michael Aquino to manipulate your minds and control your reactions using lesser known psychological tactics of mind control. They call this Lesser Black Magick and you are the guinea pigs on here. This forum is used to target and manipulate young men, especially white men, of the Millennial and Gen Z. They focus on Gen X and Boomers on sites like Godlikeproductions and other conspiracy forums. They are also the ones behind Black twitter, the radical La Raza type forums, Antifa, Stormfront ,etc. It all goes back to Gestalt psychology coming from Tavistock Institute and MIndWar style Lesser Black Magick mind control coming from Lt Col Michael Aquino. Know yourself and know what you are up against on this forum. Godspeed, Anons.

Dont forget to take your meds

Drag has always been and will always adult entertainment so why expose children to it even if you are on board with the entire lgbtwhatever agenda.
Also why introduce anything related to sexuality to children (who isn't even going through puberty)

Because the entire purpose of it is to fuck children. It's all grooming

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sexuality is universal and that isnt even relevant because there is nothing inherently sexual about drag

If you dig a little bit, behind every drag queen story time events there was a lesbian teacher/librarian organizing it. These women want to destroy masculinity and therefore train boys at young age to behave like women. Notice that there isn't such a thing as Drag King story time, isn't that weird?

>Jazz jennings transitioned and started hormones at 4
nope, they don't give 4 year olds male or female hormones, that would be a very bad idea, it'd cause precocious puberty & dwarfism due to early bone fusing, any hormone treatment is in line with the naturally occurring puberty timeline, so more like 14, certainly not 4

ok i guess that didnt happen because you say so lol

> why is this a bad idea?

You can implant FALSE MEMORIES in small children merely by suggestion.

They will absorb the content and encapsulate it as if it were their own! An amazing genetic gift making human children the most adaptable most conditionable animals on the planet. They can adopt any and all conditions you put them in as if it were normal.

> Drag queens reading to kids.
So then ask yourself, why would these images of trannies, degenerates, homos and cross dressers be the false memories you implant in your offspring?

Vicariously we live through them; and with their ability they absorb our memories and lessons as their own. Thus they further our lives and carry our very essence.

> Who cannot live through their children?
Those that don’t make any.

This drag queen indoctrination is so they can SUGGEST DEGENERACY to your children. That they might carry on the legacy of degeneracy. Allowing the fags to vicariously live on thru other people’s children!

> Breaking point
We all understand that if laws pass to take kids and forcibly place them in these programs; then those rednecks are indeed gonna put their trillion rounds of ammunition to use.

The kikes know this. It’s why they need to take the guns.

so explain why it would be a bad thing to implant memories that would make more kids gay if it leads to wider acceptance of homosexuality?

Fags reproduce by molesting children. You will die in a ropefest.

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you still have the chance to go back in the closet
i recommend you do it today, because the window is closing, and you really won't like the alternative