This situation is an NPC's wet dream, isn't it

This situation is an NPC's wet dream, isn't it.

Attached: EVKlnJsU0AA3H5z.jpg (720x960, 70.49K)

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someone's got an admirer...

This could only be in the UK or Australia where everybody have been cucked so hard by their government they have stockholm syndrome.

T. Aussie

>hurr durr I have reported you to big brother

The only power the average leftard will ever be able to feel in his life.
Also keking at them for thinking only uniformed people have a job. This isn't the communist party, not everyone has to wear a uniform to go to work.

Kinda feels like what we had here in the 1930s. Any serious consequences to being "reported"?


Yeah, the UK. It's weird and worrying how much self-policing is done here. This situation is bringing them all out.

The police are essentially useless, so I can't imagine anything would happen.

It's not my pic, I found it on Twitter.

woman handwriting

Attached: obvio.jpg (670x400, 37.27K)

"Fuck you dumb whore"

Send this back and only this.

>NPCs actually think there are no jobs besides retail and latte cafes

>still driving to the plant every day in cascual business so that I can pay taxes for the rescue programs for these fucks

why are you going to work on good friday?

Police might come around your house to have a word with you if they're not busy fining sunbathers, remind you of the rules, but if they haven't actually witnessed you flouting quarantine themselves they're not going to do anything.
Some woman called into LBC and said she and her flatmates were sitting out on their balcony and a police car pulled up and said a neighbour had reported them, and they asked them if they all lived together at that address, they said they did and the police left them alone.

In Britain, it is illegal to put someone under surveillance.
That person could prosecute.

-10 good boi point on the social credit system

Or at least that's what the leftard who made this wishes it would do, because he wishes he was living in communist China.

yes, women really get off on shit like this. they LOVE policing other people and feeling in charge.

Attached: signal.png (1007x1144, 393.21K)

found out who the fucking cunt is and kill her

nosy npcs are the worst

Keep working essential bros, these cunts depend on your tax dollars.

>Drive with my uniform
>What is a locker room?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-10-10-31-47-1865069123.png (513x734, 166.45K)

I remember prior to this properly going down I thought we'd see a lot of good being done. It's the complete opposite. Even the good that's being done is for internet points and self congratulation.

>caring about order and public safety means you're an NPC
No, it's called being a white person who gives a fuck. An NPC would be like "breh idgaf about no corona XD imma just do what I want and fuck hookers and have block parties in New York because I'll either get it or not get it no sense worrying about that shit brah XD"

Send it where? Doubt she listed a return address

maybe, dont work, seriously fuck society, if I was a doctor I would be AWOL right now

seriously fuck everybody, everybody is a piece of shit

Nice. Time to write a few notes for my coworkers. Another mysterious unsolved case file for security.

Nothing a good beating can't fix. Remember that for the time after the crisis.

Yes pretty much. Ironically, it's women and s0ib0is doing this shit. It's even happening here in California. I had some crazy bearded hipster come up to me, yelling at me to go back home when I went shopping for food. I thought I was going to clock him right there.
Then I had another one tell me that my rights don't matter, the constitution doesn't matter, that I'm killing people.

I'm at the point where I think I will start knocking these fucks out, because cops are largely ignoring everything here.

They would be getting frozen piss through their letterbox and shit on their doorstep if I caught them. Hope they like pizza, Chinese and curry as well.

where is your identity card?

Attached: idjew.png (971x496, 422.34K)

If you were in a free country I’d tell you to get a gun in case this stalker bitch comes after you.

That's definitely a woman's handwriting.

nah now is the time that the government and the police are busy

>op kills nosy bitch
>goes to jail
>coof and complain of "symtoms"
>gets released to "home quarentine" again

>You are not in uniform
Don't suppose this idiot thinks every essential job has a uniform, do they?

Yeah, but that's because women are wired to raise children. Women should have 6 children that they boss around, but instead they're childless so they take out their natural urges onto adult men instead.

Yes, after 3 months of nothingburger the nothingburger npc has come to the conclusion to its happeningburger and must remind fellow Chadnonnpc of his bad behavior instead of killing themselves and contributing much more to society.

This board is fucking hilarious.
>why yes, I do like to go outdoors and risk making the pandemic last longer because this is just a nothingburger, how did you know?

So what was this persons job?
I bet a shiny penny it was in some kind of critical infrastructure

lol what a cowardly bitch

She obviously lives near by. Probably in the same building. Most likely a younger woman by the handwriting, profile your neighbors. Idk. Doesnt seem to hard to figure out if you've been there for bvb a while. People who do this sort of shit usually stick out like a sore thumb.

>Yas Forums is one person with a consistent, unilateral opinion.
New here are ya?

Looks like its being held by a woman's hand, probably the woman that wrote it.

there are a *lot* of npcs in the uk i hear

So they come outside to tell you, that you shouldn't be outside, and get in your face to remind you to quarrantine
Sounds like real fucking genius out there, man

Or literally any job that’s still essential and let’s you wear casual. This woman’s a cunt.

Nah. Here nurses also received anonymous letters from their appartment building neighbours, telling them to go away. There are also numerous reports made to the police about supposed violations of lockdown rules. The NPC were all crying this was Vichy Regime stuff, that the french spirit is rotten ro the core, that it's like the antisemites denouncing their jewish neighbours to the nazis... the usual NPC stuff.

Women require the states protection, so they make for great boot lickers.

It's a nothingburger because of order, dumb faggot. As a German you should understand the importance of order more than anyone. If everyone just ignored health officials and did what they wanted during corona the death rate would have been several order of magnitude higher. And you know who would have been the most impacted? Older people, AKA the backbone of the white electorate.

Tell them to write a love note in return.

why is it always women reporting people?

Attached: hmm.png (600x600, 143.37K)

Folk that go to the effort of making something up in their head and then projecting it on others usually aren't that strong at thinking

A lot of NPC's are women.
Why do you think this is?

And Anglos still wonder why germans sold out jews to the Nazis.
Every NPC dream to sell somebody out to the system and be rewarded for his snitching.

>nurses also received anonymous letters from their appartment building neighbours, telling them to go away
The kind of person who sends these messages deserves physical violence.

>not in uniform
There's a lot of essential work that doesn't require a uniform. Even if you have to wear hi-viz - how do you know he doesn't keep it in is car and put it on when gets there?

Find out who she is and give her hell. She watches you everyday, so it shouldn't be difficult. Do not approach her directly or in the presence. Make her wish she never gloated about spying on you and being a traitorous cunt.

what the FUCK is wrong with bongs?

Social conformism. We always come to the dame conclusion. That's why women in the past were more conservative than men, and now that the jews fucked up our values they turned into mostly center-leftists.

Where I found it seems to be a repost, so not sure of the job of the person.

and maybe his uniform is at work. maybe he's going to get groceries for his sick grandmother, or god forbid, his own white male self.

selfish is every npc's favorite word

thats why they love becoming teachers

I wish a girl would write a memo for me too...

Nobody gave a shit when it happened.
>airports open
>borders open
>schools, kindergarten open
>don't wear masks

Why should I feel sorry for a bunch of npcs dying that have brought this misery into my area? That's right, I shouldn't

Fuck off, cunt. Me going outdoors on my bike doesn’t mean I’m violating “social distancing.”


It is also possible that someone working in an essential service might have a uniform that does not need to be put on until they are at the worksite. For instance, a construction worker will need a hard hat and maybe one of those orange vests for attracting attention, but they won't need to put them on while driving to work.

1. Caring about the wellbeing of society =/= NPC
o2. Women are NPC's because they evolutionarily adapted the mechanism of conformity to increase mating chances; men have always preferred submissive, simpleminded women and so that's how they all are today; women have never needed to be revolutionary, out-of-the-box thinkers, because all that's ever been demanded of them is to watch over the hearth and to cradle the infant. Even 'liberated' women all have the most basic and shallow of interests, usually involving an obsession with skincare and makeup, reality show bullshit, and social media garbage. Any 'deep' interest they claim to have is in reality a ploy for male attention; the scant few women who have actually deep hobbies and interests are lesbians or women who were suspect to a lot of testosterone in the womb

>leave scathing note without a name or way to contact them
Fucking coward

>go biking
>ride through someone's cough cloud
Good job nigger.

I change into my uniform at work because of people similar to this. I would continue to do it and when police show up show credentials and have them leave immediately while they watched dumbfounded.

>“social distancing.”

Social distancing is a crock of shit anyway.

>go to the shop yesterday
>queue for 10 minutes to get in, spaced 2m apart
>get into the shop
>it's so small I'm literally touching shoulders with the staff at times

This whole thing is hilarious and retarded. Companies doing stuff to try and show they're doing stuff and NPC's literally clapping it all even though they have no idea what's even going on.

Did you ask why he wasn't in quarantine?

I don't understand the ending of that movie

>why should I give a fuck about my fellow German man, especially our elders, suffering
KYS lolbert kraut

>If everyone just ignored health officials and did what they wanted during corona the death rate would have been several order of magnitude higher.
NPC repeating talking points alert

Yeah, it's a pretty typical thing
That shit letter is just some faggot whose cooming over having power over others

Get a fucking hobby and stop looking out the window spying on everyone.

>I found it on Twitter
Link to tweet?

Then you need to file charges for harassment by the person who did it
Maybe make a crying video on twitter and get some news reporters round
You might get some female fans wanting to touch your peepee

autism = extreme male brain
hypersocialization = extreme female brain

Post your hand mutt and don't speak about the situation of foreign countries you have no idea about. Boomers and npcs brought it on uppon themselves to not care when it materred.
