Aus/pol/ - The ride never ends edition

Time for me to do some baking!

>It's likely there will never be an effective cure for Corona.

>However - we might be ok, just not the rest of the world....

>Anyone identifying as a celebrity chef needs to be gassed.

I wish there was more links to post, but literally everything is Corona-chan coverage.

Anyway it's time for your Daily Reminder that Boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.

Let's hope Corona-chan kills them all!

And time for yet another Reminder that Unchecked Migration is Generational Genocide.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don’t want my mummy to die, everyone else can though

Where the fuck is everyone stop pretending you have lives

What's for dinner lads?

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Alright laddies, whats for dinner? Im having rissoles and tomato
Tonights topic; what are you doing this easter long weekend and what chocolate eggs you eating?

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Who feeling completely unJUSTed now that coronavirus has come along?

>We both work full time, I also help run my non profit AND manage a complex project in Egypt AND am running a COVID-19 tracking platform. So, his happiness trumps crappy math worksheet management.
>Managing his education is a bridge too far right now. I also cook, manage cleaning, have a garden etc (husband does 50% of housework BTW, we are a team). The thought of homeschooling makes me want to barf. It’s a fucking joke.
>Our work is more important that our son. Fuck that little shit. Fuck math worksheets.
What did she mean by this?

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>Where the fuck is everyone stop pretending you have lives

I'm guessing the shills don't work public holidays.

Slack cunts.

Cadbury fruit and nut fuck the easter egg jew the chocolate is cheap shit

I was supposed to start work for the dole on the 30th of March lmao

We are now monitoring this thread. Please limit all nonessential posting and thread creation. Unless you have papers from an employer showing you are performing essential shitposting services please remain inside and refrain from any posting activities. We are logging all IP addresses so any breach of these guidelines may result in a $11,000 fine and a possible six months in prison. If you believe that a poster is breaching one of the guidelines, and thereby creating a risk to board safety you can contact the Police Assistance Line on 131 444, or the dedicated coronavirus disease (COVID-19) reporting hotline on 1800 675 398. With your compliance we can beat this virus. Thank you.

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>What did she mean by this?

Entitled parent doesn't want to look after her child after 10 years of having the state do her job for her.

Fuck off dumb bitch
I’m sick of sporty cunts fuckin cuck dumb fags

The only fine I see is how fine you are baby.

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Some of the best surf of the year and the beaches are closed

Pure Cohen-incidence

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its hard to imagine how a womans mind would process this board... they cant even comprehend period moodswings let alone this forbidden fruit

Just smashed some Punjabi Palace, shit was cash

Spag bol. Lots of mushies and garlic

Thank Christ. A decent thread.

i went to maccas too unfortunately, wanted subway but it was closed

Anyone get a screenshot of Sarah hanson youngs post about guy Sebastian

Since the borders are closed already...

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Based florian producing kids unlike 99% of pol and reddit

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Isn't it convenient that this virus kills the people in the way of total chinese rule. the boomers.

The woke are just chinese puppets, against free speech ect. soo kil off the ones that stand in the way. fuckers

Gotta love Pete Evans. The ultimate troll irl
>tfw 4 day weekend before i get back into work
Shit is nice af. just get to chill at home and not have to worry about seeing family. loving corona-chan atm

Feels fucking great being right about the fact that Coronavirus in Australia would be a nonissue come end of April.
Was telling my co workers that since the start of last month.
Just want supermarket shelves stocked normally tbqh

>boomers stand in the way of the Chinese
Yeah, opening the borders, selling off our manufacturing and importing cheap foreign labour is really “standing in the China’s way”

Old workplace let me and 2 other guys go right at the start of corona-virus as we were senior staff at a higher pay rate. A few weeks later, they let another 5 people go.

2 missed calls from my boss today, and one of the other lads who was let go same time as me told me the boss was calling to offer our jobs back because the "curve was flattening"

Nah, get fucked, we had over 30 years service between us and you let us go because of a bad flu that's going to last like 3 months you money grubbing fucks


I want to sexually assault you in your uniform.

That better be Filet-o-Fish considering the day.
We're having grilled salmon.

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If there is a good side to this then it's that no one is going to trust employers ever again.

Wheres the cunt in japan I was talking to earlier?

I wanna know how to score shitcunt work in the land of the rising cun.

is having sex with trannys considered to be based?

Pete Evans makes me kek with his scams. As other user said, a perfect IRL troll

Sounds like you've got leverage to negotiate for better pay and conditions if the cunt wants you back.
Tell them you'll come back for 20% increase in pay and a signing bonus as a show of goodwill.

And a free lunch.

>It's likely there will never be an effective cure for Corona.
True, the vaccines are bullshit talk by insane billionaires. The success is going to be in different theraputics eliminating the more deadly immune responses. Not just the anti virals, they're talking t-cells and all sorts of things.

Filthy pajeet loving cunt.

Going to run quarantine lines tomorrow lads. No pigs gunna stop me.

No, but if you're going to be a degenerate remember that trannies are the demographic with by far the highest prevalence of GRIDS so use protection.

That industry is totally fucked, it was based around importing out of China and reselling product here so it'll be crippled, and I know a lot of people who ha worked a long time for their bosses and got dropped like a hot pan at the first sign of trouble so you're right there

Already got another job lined up starting in 2 weeks, the industry was going to end up fucked anyway

For now, it'll be just put the head down and learn some new skills and invest

>It's likely there will never be an effective cure for Corona
wow it's almost like it's the seasonal flu better let all the prisoners out and start arresting old people for sitting alone in the park.

why is 4chin but mainly this bread so quiet tonight?

The cunts a nutter but he looks pretty fucking good for 47 so he can’t be too far off on the crazy shit he shills.

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Probably normies partying on a Friday as always.

I'm moving to Australia.

Carbonara el penne thanks to the misdus while i drink and shitpost m8. Tastes good. Kids are rippen in too


If USA and China went to war, who would we support?

>Military ally
>Probs going to win
>Much fellow westerner

>Biggest trading partner
>Makes 99% of everything
>Could cripple our economy

The boomers are the ones who let the chinks buy into all our shit and let the government take OUR FUCKING GUNS

>I'm moving to Australia.

You're always moving to Australia, and we're always going to be full - today, tomorrow, the day after that, next week, next month and next year, full always full.

China would have to annex us to get our support in a war and yanks won't let that happen

Aren't we literally allies with the US?

vaccine talk is simply a way of easing the proles into permanent suspension of their freedom.

The doublethink way it will be sold is that we still ARE free, and the democracy is a cherished pillar of society, it is just that as true patriots we have all voluntarily put freedom into hibernation forever.

Everytime the media tells us a vaccine is close, some disaster or tragedy will occur that pushes the vaccine out another year.

I don't people have any idea of just how fucked we are. East Germany 2.0 is here, they are just ironing out the bugs as they roll it out.

What industry?
Trying to see if it was my old employer, it sounds like something they’d do

You’re a faggot if you even need to ask that question. I’d be in Chinatown bashing 5th column skulls before the first shots were fired.

>looking to buy an apartment in sydney
>careful about demographics
>research demographics of basically every suburb


it doesn't look good

there is basically only 1 white region left


They’re gonna start moving manufacturing away from the chinks, it only took a bio weapon

lads i got involved with a crazy bitch and i wanna break it off but she’s genuinely crazy and it’s likely she’s gonna come to my house and scream and cause a scene. i just can’t win, it’s all so tiresome. what do?


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The USA because they're (mostly) White.

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Get fucked mick that tradition is gay as fuck

USA. Nothing good has ever come out of china even when we've given them strict instructions to follow. Their diets, their customs, the people themselves are fucked.

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Didn’t NZ break the treaty by banning nuclear ships in their waters?

>buying apartment
Mate if you want you can just give me $800k now and I’ll give you back $550k in a year. Save you the hassle of moving.
t. Reasonably snr in a bank. We did 50,000 calls from clients in mortgage stress just this week.

>care worker
>Slowly losing hours every week and no one looking for new workers
>gf is takeaway shop manager
>Sales going down every week since Coronachan, shop closing any day now

Nuke China

Call the cops and get her a $1600 fine.

Thanks for the qrd. Just as i expected when i saw the article which i couldnt be bothered reading because i knew it would be this

Stop being such a beta faggot.

Absolutely 100% based and redpilled


- JobKeeper - The Government has passed legislation for the $130 billion JobKeeper Payment to keep more Australians in jobs and support businesses affected by the Coronavirus.
- Coronavirus modelling - The Federal Government has released the modelling behind Australia’s Coronavirus response. It shows how COVID-19 could spread through the Australian population under different scenarios but DOES NOT predict the future or factually represent Australia’s current position. Early data suggests physical distancing and other measures taken in Australia are slowing the growth in COVID-19 cases to a point where the health system can meet expected demand
- Cyber crime - There has been an increase in COVID-19 themed cyber activity towards websites designed to either install software or steal personal information and banking details.
- Commercial tenancies - The National Cabinet has agreed that states and territories will implement a mandatory Code of Conduct for commercial tenancies.
- Restrictions - Public gatherings, excluding household members, have been reduced to a maximum of 2 people. Check State & Territory websites for further enforcement information.
- Stay home - Everyone should stay home unless you are: shopping for essentials, receiving medical care, exercising or travelling to work or education.
- Easter - During the Easter period, places of worship must remain closed to the public. Services will be streamed and only clergy and those formally involved in services or streaming are permitted to attend.
- Stay informed - Download the official government 'Coronavirus Australia' app in the Apple App Store and on Google Play.

More? Read

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It’s pretty much only mega northern beaches or mega south afaik, maybe east where the jews are I wouldn’t know

record everything from your phone call to your house so that if she does spaz out you can call the police and give them the recordings. In an ideal world you'd just slap a bitch and be done but times are bad.

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As at 3:00pm on 10 April 2020, there have been 6,203 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia. Of these cases, 100 were confirmed within 24 hours prior to this time.

Of the 6,203 confirmed cases in Australia, 53 have died from COVID-19. More than 338,000 tests have been conducted across Australia.

Confirmed cases in:
Australian Capital Territory - 103
New South Wales - 2,822
Northern Territory - 27
Queensland - 965
South Australia - 428
Tasmania - 111
Victoria - 1,241
Western Australia - 506

View more data & statistics

For the modelling behind Australia's response to the Coronavirus

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Apparel importing

I love cunts with a bit of inner labia, is objectively much nicer sucking on a cunt with a hard clit if there is labia to tongue and suck too

one day you will come to realise this
if you're not a genuine homosexual, that is

how do i go about recording phone calls?
I already have proof in text regarding consent about sex and that, i’m scared of being false flagged and going to jail or held on remand for 2 years, over some chick being jealous and talking shit

Can't speak for others, but I have uni assessments to finish.
All of the deadlines got extended to this week and next due to Corona-chan.

my work isn't impacted by this crisis (remote swe), i'm looking to buy something in 6 months when prices should drop a little bit because thats when mortgage relief ends from most banks and hopefully owners sell off properties that they can't sustain

they never show how many of the cases are recovered, to make them look as bad as possible

Ah ok, mine was stationary, we have far too many industries that rely on selling chinese trash

>in the way
Are you retarded? They're here in massive numbers thanks to boomers with their poofter antiwasm crap and consist indoctrination over the years and the boomers have fed Chinese industry for so fucking long.
And this

Videos related

We don’t have accurate numbers on the total infections, so the recovered number is meaningless anyway

gib gubberment supplied ASI-HOE mole gf right fucking now

I would support China.
Long live the CCP.

livestream it for us cunt or at least take pictures