Did you guys see this fucking shit??? They're blaming niggers having diabetes on whites lmaoooo

Did you guys see this fucking shit??? They're blaming niggers having diabetes on whites lmaoooo

Attached: Screenshot_20200410-041244.png (496x728, 230.39K)

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link phonenigger

link, i wanna leave some comments.

>They're blaming niggers having diabetes on whites lmaoooo
All of the corporations that make and serve high carb, high sugar foods are run by white folks. This alongside the economic chaos caused by trump is literally a white supremacist plot to destroy minorities in America.

Eat. Fucking. Shit.

>ran white folk
You mean jews. Jews are not white. Just be brown and ask them.

They'll just be deleted, dumb dumb

its white peoples fault blacks are fat and eat shit

To be fair, if whites didn't give them food stamps, they wouldn't be fat. If we didn't give them free cars, they'd walk. If we didn't give them free homes, they'd work. If we didn't get them free education, they'd study, if we didn't give them free healthcare, they'd exercise. I don't think you can blame whites specifically, but social services have fucked blacks hard.

Blacks are only 13% of the population. Building whole chains intending to just count on 13% for revenue is utterly retarded.

So they aren't, they are taking revenue from everbody.

Retardation of the highest order.

Time for full on white nationalism & eject all nonwhites.

Whites try & help nonwhites & instead of thanks, they get shit on. Nothing whites do wll ever be enough for what are essentially parasitic people.

"White folks" yeah okay Nigger...or it could just be that your people aren't taking care of themselves you fucking moron


If whites wanted to destroy minorities in america, we fucking would. Just ask the indians you fucking dipshit.

niggers had to have a concert to tell other niggers to stop being such niggers all the time.

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You’ve taken a few baby redpills, but clearly still have a lot to learn.

You're already late to the party pal... It's got double the amount of dislikes to likes and every single comment is talking about red pills or them stretching for content... That being said it wouldn't be bad to have you comment too...

You know if we really wanted to get rid of you, we'd just do it right? No elaborate plot required?

Typical...just like slavery you're blaming us for what the Jews did just because we look similar in your eyes... How about you look up your favorite food companies owners and look up there early life... Come back and tell me what you find

I'm assuming they're talking about "food deserts": en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_desert

The idea is that poor black people are more likely to live in areas in which fresh produce isn't available in their local dollar stores, so they tend to eat more processed foods like potato chips and soda which leads to them developing diabetes.

While I'm certain there's a grain of truth in there somewhere, it doesn't explain how poor immigrants who live in shit neighborhoods without supermarkets like Whole Foods have access to fruits and vegetables.

Go to any poor neighborhood filled with West Africans, West Indians, or Hispanics, they're all broke as shit, there are no high-end supermarkets around them and their houses are filled with fresh produce so that they can cook their awful-smelling food.

It literally all follows if you believe all races are biologically the same, any and all differences have to be social.

It won't stop so long as there is one more black in prison, with diabetes, shot by police, poorer, more drug addicted, less educated than whites. It will come at enormous costs to whites, essentially slavery.

Lol try eating some actual food other than that garbage you dumb ass nigger. Learn to shop within your means, and buy fresh food. Cook fresh food. Stop impulsively buying fast food and prepackaged oven/microwave food. People act like it's expensive, its fucking not, they are just dumb as fuck and can't think rationally for more than ten minutes. Also don't go grocery shopping when you are hungry. Jesus fucking christ.

She cute as fuck though.

She looks like an ape...

>"white folks"
If people of beetus are too stupid to eat properly with all that free money for actual food then it's their own fucking fault
And I say this as a person of beetus

Food stamps can pay for actual food too, instead of every meal at mcd's

You're saying this as if there's not more fat whites than fat blacks....

Niggers will always have an inferiority complex because they were boarded up on ships, their majesitc african powers shackled, their hunter reflexes, muh dick, all meaningless. Because they are fucking retarded, and all this article does is prove that and drive the point home. Just because 1 in 5 black people are smarter than the average white person doesn't mean the rest aren't fucking animals, and frankly a ton of those minority-within-the-minority actually smart black people can thank that 20% European ancestry for an of their frontal lobe development. Eat a dick Matumba.

Don't forget whites run the government and hand out welfare to coloureds with no questions.

It's okay fren... We all have to start somewhere...

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Whites run the government.... That's exactly what (((they))) would want you to think...

You know, even with the shit I just said, we used the niggers and even though jews were involved we fucked up by bringing their dumb asses over here too. If we let them live like they do naturally, without our help, everywhere would look like Mozambique where there were niggers. I wish we could send them back god damn it. I wish we would have left them all to die of aids in Africa.

Yeah, but the idea here is that the fat whites could easily take their big asses to a nice supermarket and buy all the salads they want whereas the the fat blacks don't have that option, they couldn't eat healthy if they wanted to because healthy foods aren't available to them in their area.

Like I said, I'm sure there's a tad bit of truth there, but it doesn't explain how every other minority group living in the same circumstances have all the fruits and vegetables they want.

if it wasnt for jews stealing all our wealth through inflation and going off a gold standard... then we wouldnt need to give niggers welfare because things would be cheaper.

What local dollar store sells fresh produce? Is that a thing in the US? Do you guys not get your groceries from a grocery store?

>3 Ws
Woumbless people are dying at twice the rate woumb people are...
What's this bitch saying?

i dont get it, why dont "people of color" unfuck their system then. headlines like this are derogatory and embarassing

>yo Tyrone, wanna hang out in Jamals cuckshed?
>lemme get a bite from dat frahd chickun
>pass dat blunt nigga
>stahp coofin in ma face
>maaahnd if ay take a sip from dat purple drank uf yaaahs?
>2 weeks later in hospital
>*smacks lips*
>da Kahuna vahruzz is racis

I literally go to the same Walmart as the niggers down the street... I don't understand where you guys get this dumbass idea in your head of all whites being rich...the majority of rich people that look white are actually Jewish... The majority of whites have to live with blacks... That's why we hate them so much... So don't even try that shit... The only difference between us two is that I use real money from my job and they use an EBT card

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In their magical world every white person inherrits $50,000 from their grandma, remember

I'm sorry user. I grew up around niggers and escaped to an area about 30 miles from a very white suburb, where I can shoot guns and be far away from the niggers.

You see there's a problem... You keep "escaping" you need to stand your ground

I'm all right on living around the niggers. No one can convince me to live in a densely populated area in the first place anymore, being surrounded by niggers on top of it is literally like living in hell. I'm trying to raise a family and buy more land.

Dollar stores don't sell produce, but in these "food deserts", that's pretty much all people have access to when it comes to grocery shopping which means everything is either frozen, boxed, or canned and has loads of sodium/sugar in it.

Again, this is their argument as to why poor blacks suffer disproportionately from diabetes, not mine.

I never said anything about all white people being rich, I was trying to explain their line of thinking regarding why poor black neighborhoods only have access to gas stations or dollar stores when it comes to buying food.

I even said twice that I don't buy it myself because of all the other poor minority groups that seem to have no problem finding fresh produce, but I'm also inclined to believe it to a certain degree because, well, I've seen plenty of neighborhoods where a family would rather just buy something boxed/canned/frozen and loaded with sodium from the local spot than waste precious gas to reach the nearest supermarket.

No user... I don't mean like you should take over the city...but I mean after a while if you keep trying to escape to different places... there's going to be no place for your kids to escape too...us whites really need to start speaking up and standing out ground... One of the white pills that gets me by every day is that white nationalism is rising extremely fast...2.1 percent in 2011...now 15.4 percent in 2020

Also, unless you're actually a nigger and live deep within a nigger neighborhood, you can't really just shoot rounds off all day in city limits. Wouldn't trade that for the world.

Well as you should know already... Their way of thinking is fucking autistic...

>Democrats are the real racists
Solid first step, you'll figure it out soon

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What about inequality of more males getting and dying from the disease? I guess we’re not allowed to have that conversation.

(((They))) won't allow it

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Where did mention democrats?

They would starve. Look at Africa.

I don't understand why being poor makes you but expensive garbage food. Food stamps were a mistake, of you are poor you should be living on a diet of rice, beans, chicken, and locally source veggies. Also water is free

You dumb nigger. If they'd buy anything besides fast food any retailer would seize that fucking opportunity to make money. The reason why there's no market for it is because there fucking blacks don't buy it. Imagine thinking people wouldn't profit off this because niggers. No. They'd sell the fucking apes anything they could, but sadly all they fucking buy are 4 locos, malt liquor, and POPEYE'S. Stop acting like the free market wouldn't be all over selling shit to these people. If there's a market for it, it fucking exists, you stupid faggot.

Maybe if they didn't rob, vandalize and loiter, more businesses would stay in those areas. I live near a used to be majority white now turned section 8 niggerville and almost every major business has left as the black population increases. But obviously it's whitey's fault. Niggers like to be slaves and have to be taken care of, no personal responsibility for slaves, it's all on masta.

Well I did a bit of research, MSNBC is owned by Comcast... Comcast is owned by the Roberts family... Roberts family.... Well you can already guess who they are...(((they))) know damn well what they're doing...

Frito Lays and Coca Cola have no problem lobbying for EBT bucks

The nearest large city to me has less than a 3% black population. It is the white stronghold in my state and the area to raise children. It also is the highest income area here, coincidentally of course. I love my kids, I won't subject them to go to school with those people like I had to. While I do agree with you, you've gotta play the game like a jew and price them out if you want them gone. They will leave, trust me. The other big problem is that white people aren't having enough kids. Even if you have to get a landwhale, go have kids anons. Make it work. I'm aiming for 5, and plan to pretty much expend all of myself in the process. I will most likely lose my hair, be stressed out, and deal with my bitch of a wife forever. But I'll die knowing I did my part. I've already had two sons, I'm praying to god that I have as few daughters as possible.

>be immigrant
>dont wash hands
>dont shower
>live on the street
>get corona
>wypipo again shiiiiet

I assume their logic is..

>Slavery ended but wealth distribution was never made an even playing field and because of that nignogs are poor and eat shitty fattening foods and are too stupid to know otherwise because dindu will shoot inner city teachers so only shitty teachers are teaching black students.

No one is shoveling that shit in their mouths. Produce is cheap. Take some responsibility, blacks.


MSNBC is literally not a channel anymore. They're a parody site that applies an "orange man bad" filter to regular news stories. Like a less funny version of College Humor or the Onion.

We used to get it at Blockbuster, but now that they're closed and we all had to endure the great migration, we've settled on Dollar General.

Chinks put the virus in the shenigger hair care products and weaves.
