>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Spread flyers and stickers, physically remove leftist Agitprop! Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
How many times have you parasites been expelled and prosecuted now? If there's one guarantee in life, it's that we'll come for you again. Better start preparing. Nice shitpost though, cunt.
>. Even Jews admit this is this some quality check? it should be in balance but it not "controls" your mind
Evan Jones
"Controls your mind" is obviously oversimplification.
Hudson Myers
>Pic rel Imagine having a curre trunning through that wire/pipe. THEY CALL ME BUZZKILL
Brandon Moore
Sorry we fucked it up and left so many of you alive.
Joseph Foster
Stop redpilling people on Buchweizen. That just drives zhe demand and prize up!
Jose Green
Ever had toasted Carraway-seed bread? Put some butter, cheddar, some crispy water (iceberg lettuce) and a meat of your choice on that and you will start believing in a merciful god again. Oh and add pepper, you dolt.
Thomas Morales
I've been having a low-key fewer for 12 days now. It's barely noticeable, I have no fatigue, just some slight sweating. No muscle pains, no joint pains, no runny nose or sore throat, but I do have a slight cough. Should I go to the doctor? Will they even test me with these meager symptoms?
I'm self-treating with both regular and liposomal forms of vitamin C, roughly 2.5g per day.
Eli Ward
You breathing alright? If you get any breathing emergencies, you have reason to worry. Avoid any social contact and if the acute bronchitis/pneumonia sets in (strong cough and breathing issues) you should definetly try to get some professionals to look into it.
Try getting some lemons and squeeze 1/4th to half of one into a freshly brewed black tea. You can also drink it with sugar. Also if you got some himbeermarmelade you can mix that i to a hot tea aswell. After drinking make yourself cozy under a blanket and sweat everything out. Usually works for me.
Brayden Sanchez
Thanks. I've been breathing perfectly fine so far and haven't experienced any oxygen starvation symptoms. Guess I'll just try staying at home till this blows over and go to the doctor if my condition takes a turn for the worse.
Glucose competes with vitamin C for transportation into the cell, you need to reduce sugar/simple carb consumption as much as possible for optimal uptake. I'm eating precisely zero sugar and very little carbs (mostly from oats), but some lemon juice and more rest won't hurt.
I hear you but imagine a Germany with healthy and fit Bäckereifachverkäuferinnen who create Backwaren with the best ingredients that our planet can offer. Overemotional social media reactions would probably die within a month
Yep. Extra pathetic because the tweet implies their simp customers would have donated themselves.
Gabriel Cox
My heart is rending.
Adam Carter
>Glucose competes with vitamin C for transportation into the cell, you need to reduce sugar/simple carb consumption as much as possible for optimal uptake. I'm eating precisely zero sugar and very little carbs (mostly from oats), but some lemon juice and more rest won't hurt. Das tut mir leid.
Angel Torres
€5,000 from Berlin, €9,000 from Federal. Now the grants from Berlin are depleted, only Federal grants are left. 150,000 Berliners (self-employed and small businesses) applied and crashed the whole thing.
They're pay pigs one way or the other.
Joseph Brooks
Given our highly autistic bureaucrats, I suspect a lot of faggots who took advantage of financial aid will get lubed up after the crisis is over. handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/corona-soforthilfen-hoechstsatz-ohne-pruefung-soforthilfen-werden-haeufig-pauschal-ausgezahlt/25731768.html >In NRW etwa werden immer die Höchstbeträge von 9000 Euro und 15.000 Euro bewilligt – unabhängig vom tatsächlichen Bedarf. >Auf eine solche nachträgliche Prüfung drängt auch der Chef des Steuerzahlerbundes, Reiner Holznagel: „Dort, wo die Zuschüsse sehr zügig gewährt wurden, muss nachträglich geprüft werden – das können zum Beispiel die Finanzämter erledigen.“
Jackson Roberts
You mean Backwarenverkäufer that existed like 100 years ago? I always wonder why our ancestors, even just a hundred years back, were always fit. I guess the food they had wasn't laced with toxins as much as our meat now.
>14.000 euro >Berlin Das reicht doch nichmal für einen Monat.
Hudson Bennett
Oh yes, that is the plan behind that shit. I mean, first they promised everyone unconditional help and then it turned out its just a loan.
Mason Johnson
Berlin's Investment Bank already hinted that they cannot and won't control it. It's a couple of people who have to check and process hundred thousands of applications. That's why they say that abuse was so low that it's negligible. And they have no real measure except for very crude criteria when checking it with the tax statements next year. Politically those people are RRG's voter base and I don't think they'll hunt them down, considering that elections are next year as well.
For many Berliners who're self-employed that's an annual income. Guess their accounts never saw such numbers before. For a dominatrix studio it'll probably cover rent, insurance etc. for 3 months (that's the duration the grant is meant for).
Thread got slid off the board by shills and N33ko spammers, so I repost: >if you create a steer by castrating a bull, what do you get when you castrate a cow? >a Mooslima
Joshua Moore
No idea about Berlin, but for the overwhelming rest of Germany, Finanzämter are no joke. I'm self-employed and getting audited by these niggers is a huge headache. Never got whacked by them, but if you do shady shit like getting financial aid you didn't need, expect a Steuerstrafverfahren. Paying your lawyer and getting that all unpacked will rape your wallet.
Cameron Ortiz
Berlin is the joke. A Swedecuk made dis for Görlitzer Park.
In that case I wouldn't worry too much. There was (still is) so much uncertainty about eligibility criteria that people didn't know whether they could apply or not. So many conflicting statements even from tax advisors and lawyers around. The uncertainty is so widespread that people can legitimately claim that they were confused (which is probably true in many cases).
The same "artist" made an exhibition in 2017 where he glorified African drug dealers as the real victims of neo-colonialism and racism and painted them as entrepreneurial heroes who supply what others have demand for.
ich war da. hast nichts verpasst berlin ist einfach hässlich
Matthew Ward
>destroys memorials di tsugunfd isd weiblisch :DDD >covers up debris women stones lol geschigdsglidderung xDDD >Erects Nigger Statue So brave
I was so often said Yas Forums was a safe space. The years i've spent here have given me no feeling of safety but an endless overwhelming sense of dread.