From his letter to America (can be found in "Messages to the World"

From his letter to America (can be found in "Messages to the World"

>The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.

>We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and trading with interest.

>You are the nation that permits Usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions. Yet you build your economy and investments on Usury. As a result of this, in all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense

>You are a nation that permits acts of immorality, and you consider them to be pillars of personal freedom.

>You are a nation that permits gambling in its all forms. The companies practice this as well, resulting in the investments becoming active and the criminals becoming rich.

>You are a nation that exploits women like consumer products or advertising tools calling upon customers to purchase them. You use women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of women.

>You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and industries.

Will post more from his writings

Islamic discord

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Other urls found in this thread:

Quote by Anwar al-Awlaki. Droned for al-Qaeda affiliation, he was also ridiculously slandered by the FBI who said he solicited prostitutes and was arrested multiple times for it while an imam in San Diego (strange no news organization reported it until years later, considering his mosque was major and he was a national figure). Obviously this character assassination was to discourage Muslims from following him. But I digress. The above quote is from an English khutbah (sermon) by him, the first in a series on the Life of Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam. It's available to listen to here

(excerpt is from 27:25)

>Brothers and sisters, there is a global culture that is being forced down the throats of everyone on the face of the earth. This global culture is protected and promoted. Thomas Friedman--he is a famous writer in the U.S., he writes for the New York Times--he says, "The hidden hand of the market cannot survive without a hidden fist. McDonald's will never flourish without McDonnell Douglas." The designer of the F-15's. In other words, we're not really dealing with a global culture that is benign or compassionate. This is a culture that gives you no choice. You either accept McDonald's, otherwise McDonnell Douglas will send the F-15's above your head. It's a very intolerant culture that cannot coexist with anything else, it uproots every other culture on the face of the earth, it just cuts the roots of it. And you have here a quote here by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, he's a famous Russian historian-writer, he says, "To destroy a people you must first sever their roots." So it's really a destruction of the people of the earth, because every other culture is being demolished. So this is not a global culture that will coexist with others, it will replace others. And the only ideology that is standing up to this global culture is Islam.

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misunderstood genius

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Bin Laden on the Iraq War

>America insisted on attacking entire peoples, including their children, their women, and their elderly. It is now clear that it is Israel that is behind all the attacks on states in the Islamic world. However, for fear that great popular movements will rise up and topple them, these collaborator regimes [he singles out Saud especially] have conspired to save their own skin, regardless of their duties to Islam and Muslims. The feelings of these people were desensitized as much as America wanted, so the Jews were able to employ American and British Christians to do the job of attacking Iraq. America claims that it is bringing Iraq to account and to justice, but the fact is that the Israeli authority and the Jewish authority, which has become powerful inside the White House, as everyone can see—the Defence Minister is Jewish, the Secretary of State is Jewish, the CIA and National Security officials are Jewish, all the biggest officials are Jews—led the Christians to clip the wings of the Islamic world. Their real target is not Saddam Hussein but the growing power of the Arab and Islamic world, even if they struck the Iraqi people or—as they previously alleged in the sanctions against Libya—because they had a chemical weapons factory, or when they bombed the al-Shifa factory in Sudan, which was a pharmaceutical factory.

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I’ll stick to Christ thank you very much.

>trusting a western educated son of a multibillionaire

His interview in 1997 after condemning the House of Saud as degenerate and leaving the country

>PA: Your family is a rich powerful family in Saudi Arabia. Have they, or the Saudi Arabian government, asked you to stop your activities?

>OBL: They have done that a lot. They have pressured us greatly, especially since a lot of our money is still in the hands of the Saudi ruling family due to the activities of our family and company. They sent my mother, my uncle, and my brothers on almost nine visits to me in Khartoum, asking me to stop and return to Arabia to apologize to King Fahd. I apologized to my family kindly because I know that they were driven by force to come to talk to me. This regime wants to create a problem between me and my family in order to take some measures against them. But, with God's grace, this regime did not get its wish fulfilled. I refused to go back. They [my family] conveyed the Saudi government's message that if I did not go back, they'll freeze all my assets, deprive me of my citizenship, my passport, and my Saudi ID, and distort my picture in the Saudi and foreign media. They think that a Muslim may bargain on his religion. I said to them: do whatever you may wish. It is with God's bounty that we refused to go back. We are living in dignity and honor for which we thank God. It is much better for us to live under a tree here on these mountains than to live in palaces in the land most sacred to God, subjected to the disgrace of not worshipping God even in the most sacred land on earth, where injustice is so widespread. There is no strength except with God.

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Wow that’s actually surprisingly based and redpilled

>Some Arab states were most strong in their criticism, like for example the latest speech of the Saudi Interior Minister, who warned against you personally, and warned against the following of your curriculum [nahjikum] and what you say. So do you have a specific strategy for Arab nations? And what is your answer about the latest declaration by the Saudi Interior Minister?


Bin Laden
>I say to those people who walk behind those rulers, don’t they have hearts? Don’t they have faith [imaan]? How can they declare faith [imaan] while they are helping those fornicating disbelievers [al-kafara al-fajara, fajar is the root of a 4-letter English word that starts with F] against the children of Islam? They help them against our children in Iraq and Palestine.

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His teacher was Abdullah Azzam....


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I'm a white convert

"We have made it clear and stated so many times for over two decades that the cause of the quarrel with you is your support for your Israeli allies, who have occupied our land, Palestine. This position of yours, along with some other grievances, is what prompted us to carry out the 11 September events.

Had you known the magnitude of our suffering as a result of the injustice of the Jews against us... both our nations are victims of the policies of the White House, which is in fact a hostage in the hands of interest groups, especially major corporations and the Israeli lobby" woah

Sorry you became a nigger bro.

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You become a nigger when you convert, nigger.

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I hope all you donkey and goat fucking niggers get the Corona and die

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Among other people, most of which were prolific faggots and sissies. Weird. Just like Kim Jong In, a EuroBoo.

So basically Osama bin Laden was a sand nigger combination of Hitler and Ted Kaczynski?

The true story of the Taliban

Also read My Life With the Taliban for further redpill

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Abdullah Azzam was a Palestinian insurgent who taught at a university in Arabia

CIA boogeyman owned by Bush sr.

Bin Laden was a CIA operative.

What is more plausible?
a ) an extremely nationalist Islamic people who wanted to protect their culture and identity from American so they thought they would attack America in a great spectacle so that they would be able to bring the full force of the American military to destroy their home and culture.

b) America wanted the resources that the Arab nations were not giving up so they false flag attacked them selves to then liberate the people of
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria and now Iran.

Only a fucking retard would think that America didn't false flag them selves, there is no motive to attack America what so ever its not a smart play, and since it would have taken great intellect to pull it off the only logical conclusion is that America is Satan incarnate on earth and we are all slaves to their tyrannical fascist oligarchies that rape kills and then murder Epstein who tries to exposer the pedophile corruption in western political class.

All you glow niggers are going to hell.

>there is no motive to attack America
You must be joking.

No I am not joking.

A smart person does not attack America in a great spectacle like this. There is an asymmetric power imbalance between Afghanistan and the USA, there are other means to destroy America such as selling oil in Euros.

Since it would have taken a smart person to architect 3 planes to simultaneously crash into America with all their sophisticated defence networks, which were also deactivated, conveniently. You have made one crucial mistake. A man cannot be a mastermind and retarded at the same time. It's just the most parsimonious reasoning that it was a false flag attack. Probably to continue this empire building game that should have fucking died along time ago.

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Bin Laden was Syrian living in Arabia because Daddy money. Never trust what multibillionaires say.

Al Qaeda was financed in Chechnya by the neicons against Jewish sevenn-bankers of Russia. They play both sides

Seems Afghanistan's victory over the USSR was replicated against America. According to Bin Laden's son, this was the point

He didn't look Syrian. Al-Suri (pic related) is tho

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I assume this is a takfiri / glowie discord?
same alhamdulillah

I love cunts with a bit of inner labia, is objectively much nicer sucking on a cunt with a hard clit if there is labia to tongue and suck too

one day you will come to realise this
if you're not a genuine homosexual, that is

Al-Qaeda aren't takfiris. ISIS are

>all this matters but not the fact the world was and maybe still is run and powered by pedophiles who exploit the energy of children and aborted babies

Lowest of the low

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Also abortion is illegal in every Shari'a stafe

when will people realize the the Sun God, the only God you should really fear, doesnt give a fuck about any of this?

>NOOOO, you can't just abandon pop culture and bugmanism in favor of theocracy and warrior ethos!

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yeah they really got us with the whole abortion thing, but that kid cant be unfucked.
if there was any kind of morality or balance in our "civilization', wed use the stem cells to regrow limbs for amputees and organs for people who need them

Please see the articles. The Taliban literally rose in popular support for stopping pederasty, whereas America put the pederasts in power as they were the only ones fighting the Taliban

Warrior ethos of invader shitskins, you are the scum that betrays his own people for the foreigner, literal Efialtes

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this article? so they stopped beating women and started raping boys sounds about right for people in power

We're the ones being invaded. If we bombed the west as much as they bombed us, they would collapse

Both articles

>The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.
Desert religion derived from make belief and pedophile profit
> >We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and trading with interest.
Only closet faggots care about what others do in the bedroom
> >You are the nation that permits Usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions. Yet you build your economy and investments on Usury. As a result of this, in all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense
>>You are a nation that permits acts of immorality, and you consider them to be pillars of personal freedom.
morality is relative.
> You are a nation that permits gambling in its all forms.
>You are a nation that exploits women like consumer products or advertising tools calling upon customers to purchase them. You use women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of women.
> You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and industries.

I really liked listening to Awlaki back in the day, he spoke with such a calm yet earnest and sincere tone that was pretty kino.
Im gonna start digging through my files again and listen to those since Im growing tired of my podcasts at the moment.


and besides, this thread and that discord are almost certainly glownigger trap so fuck clickin dat shit nigga but w/e

you dont have to tell me that America rapes its children and subjects them to permanent psychological torment, bleeds their energy out and leaves them with nothing but a shit pile while the old fucks desperately try to out run it. it could be why we were hit on 9/11 and engaged in holy war ever since.
fuck you Yas Forums are your fixed captcha
fucking pussies

Shitskins are not invaders, you are invaders, you are invading your own lands by importing foreign nations, for the very goal of destroying your own selves, whether you realize this subconsciously or consciously. Islam, despite its flaws, is still miles better than the current state of the West. Christianity will not provide the security and stability for the West that Islam will, because Christianity is a faith of the weak and the development and global domination of the West has been coinciding with going farther and farther away from Christianity but when it went too far, it realized that now that it is at the peak of humanity, it needs a set of laws and rules not to degenerate and self-destroy, but Christiantiy could not fill this niche, because Christianity is not a set of principles to make an individual strong, it is a tool of principles to make the individual controllable and docile. Islam is a warrior code with Arabic/Judean/Zoroastrian theology.

Not a trap although I am most likely on a list, I have good reason to believe I may even be under surveillance

Homosexuality has gone far beyond the bedroom.

Religion doesn't make the individual strong, it makes them a disposable part of a group.
Islam is a group thinking ideology and its a flawed one at that.
Christianity is also a flawed ideology and religion cannot be used to save the west.
The west has too many centralised power structures and they need to be torn down.
We don't need to revert backwards in time by adopting another religion.
We had an enlightenment era and it was for the best, all forms of centralised power needs to be broken up it is the only way to ensure our liberties.

Any one arguing for the opposite is just a faggot.

> Osama Bin Laden
One of the most successful CIA assets in History.
His second job was even more successful. (Pic Related)

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The individual as we know it is an ideological creation. Our natural inclination is to identify with our immediate tribe but there are barely families in the west, let alone tribes like in Arabia and Afghanistan

I am leaving this here.

Islam is peak civnat cuckery.

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The unified mass always beats the decentralized "libertarians". People who advocate for breaking up culture and the political system are almost directly advocating for being conquered by China or other bugmen.

Religion DOES make an individual strong. Not everyone has to understand the essence of religion, being a dogmatic Muslim is enough if the clergy are intelligent and understand the essence of the scripture. Issue with Arabs is that they have degenerated into retarded spergs, so it is clear why Osama was so opposed to his kin back home. If one does not have a certain code of conduct that Islam provides and at the same time that same person lives in the comfortable and abundant society that is the West, it is inevitable that he degenerates, almost inevitable.

>Homosexuality has gone far beyond the bedroom.
I find gay sex repulsive and do not understand them in any way but it doesn't mean I have any right to tell them how to live.
Who cares as long as it doesn't involve minors, homosexuals are not hurting anyone.


Billal Phillips is absolutely my brother over a white kaffir

Lol you're a lunatic, they are taking over yiur culture

Read the federalist paper!
Direct democracy is the most decentralised form of governance.
In the west we have representative democracies which are individuals who represent others. These individuals are targets for corruption, which china bribes to push the agenda of their nations.

So no You are wrong and religion is just another cuckhold ideology that teaches individuals to be sheep. Democracy is a powerful thing.

Never forget 9/11. Kek
I say it was false flag, simply put
>A bunch of random terrorists hijacked and attack ed the single most strongest military might in the world
>Dirty psychopathic Jews running political games to gather influence and power
If you go by the first option you're either a 80 iq subhuman or 115+ iq paid shill on 4chinz or just another misinformed faggot who thinks he knows shit. Y'all are ez. No wonder the elites are playing you like puppets

are you a legit practicing muzzie that goes to the mosque or are you just another Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani larper?
Ive been wondering how the muslim community has been doing in the culture war but my sense is that it will be pozzed eventually

absolutely gay and cringe post
One day youre gonna wake up and realize that that libertarianpill you swallowed was actually a cock and now youre entire society has the liberty to be a bunch of atomised cockgobbling homos

Okay, can we all admit that Osama was actually based?

They're interesting views, thanks for posting the quotes.

>Coming from the nation with an average IQ of 80

The majority of the people is ignorant about economics, military structure or law, hence why they will need reprentatives one way or another. You can decrease the size of government but up to a certain limit, after the limit you are preparing the soil for anarchism and separatism.

Yeah I can't deny, what he's said is pretty based but I can't look past the santa claus worship and goatfucking.

>he thinks he's woke because he believes 9/11 is an inside job
OK Ahmed, basically every white 12 year old edgy kid agrees with u

They have a higher IQ range. High average iq just means everybodys the same because of communist nutrition. Thats why modern nations have no outstanding people

Its the other way around. Modern countries are all direct democracies. America used to be a representative democracy before 1917 Jews.

Federalist Papers were against firect democracy. Read Fedralist 10

I can't go to masjid right now because it's closed but I did very much go and I pray five times a day (seven actually, I oeay Tahajjud and Duha also) and don't shake hands with women etc. I am a convert. I also converted by mom. My fiancee is a niqabi


No man. A random desert dwelling terrorist hijacked a plane and drove it into a building, thanks for the enlightenment
The nation isn't talking to you. I'm an individual, going by your 63 iq logic then your reply is coming from a nation with an average iq of -60.

>absolutely gay and cringe post
>One day youre gonna wake up and realize that that libertarianpill you swallowed was actually a cock and now youre entire society has the liberty to be a bunch of atomised cockgobbling homos

No I am not.
Power is always bottom up, from the individual soldier holding the gun taking orders to the worker paying taxes, they all agree and cooperate for the system because they believe its the right thing to do.
History has tried violence and other means to persuade, but at the end of the day ideas can break the entire thing.

So all the desperate psyops in the world wont convince the white man who has had his enlightenment era, he just views you as backwards degenerates, who cling to antiquated ideas, hence the belief of some dood who lives in the sky.

No wonder we never actually heard what he had to say.

>Ive been wondering how the muslim community has been doing in the culture war
This is a meme btw. The Muslims who fare best are the ones who isolate into insulated communities and homeschool or use Islamic schools. The "culture war" is a literal war
Trying to fight it with words and democracy is foolish