Niggers are JUST starting to realize that the Chinks might not be their Friends

I never thought I'd say this, but I think the niggers are starting to understand.

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cry more glownegro

They don't care about chinks. All that matters is destroying the white man like their Jewish masters want.

Oh no how dare they be taught discipline and a foreign language that will help them get ahead in life
the horror

Little nog is gonne grown up strong.

not any worse than the way they treat eachother.

no they aren't, our elites praise the CCP any chance they get.

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Africa can be their problem

wtf love chinks now

They do that shit to their own children as well to make them into top level athletes. Chinks are literal soulless worker ants.

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Imagine being proud of that art
The absolute state of niggers

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wouldn't it be dullblacknegro in OPs case?

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Pretty sure it was sarcasm

If we would put some effort in Twitter we could turn niggers against gooks

How long do you think she could be put in the direct sun before getting skin cancer?

They never liked chinese or asians. They dont care about africans either unless its to get morally outraged which is all they're good at.

I'm talking about the darkie posing in the pic you actual retard memeflag niggerfaggot

Poor little guys, Just makes me want to give them a hug and tell them not to worry about these evil yellow devils.

thats not pride
disdain or contempt. it would be sarcastic if he was doing a thumbs up and giving a big blue gum smile.


Lads we need to get the niggas on our side.
We need to spread these videos wherever possible. No matter what threatens us down the road, CHINA is our Number 1 enemy right now as it stands.

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based chinks are based


>chinks do things that Yas Forums wishes their cucked countries can do
>f-fuck the chinks for doing what we can't

What does Yas Forums mean by this?

whitoids are cucks

fuck off, insectoid

Yeah China totally isn't a bigger threat than some monkeys shooting each other in Detroit

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I used to always get your flags mixed up

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checked. And having kids exercise as punishment is probably one of the most based things you can do.

Says the microbenis from Singapoo? Kek.

Why do you think this is a good thing? They watch anti-China stuff then instead of actually doing something to harm the Chink government they beat up some random asian person they see then the (((msm))) leaves out their race in their reporting and says Trump's rhetoric caused it.

and of course the bogans keep coming back to the penis
last i checked there are no abos here

That's what they fucking get.

>niggers are starting to understand.
Nah. Here's what is happening. Fools being niggers into their lands for economic reasons. Niggers become a huge burden causing crime and being a general net drain. People start to rightfully hate them. Niggers chimp out, DEYZ BE OPPRESSIN ME N' SHIT! Society ruined.

Chinese are garbage but niggers literally ruin everything they touch. They destroy cultural. They destroy everything civilized people build. They destroy genetic lineage through miscegenation. Niggers are a plague.

Paying $25 for a beer, surrounded by chinks and pajeets, in disgusting humidity year round, crying over small asian benis... Imagine being you.

Based. That makes them smarter than most whites.

it's not punishment, you dumb ass western peasants.

It's called "zhan zhuang". Everyone who wants to learn Kongfu needs to exercise this first. It trains your muscles and improves your sense of balance.

This kind of exercises have a long history in Chinese Kongfu culture. It is painful, but exercise is painful all the time.

Fuck off chankoro

As if light escapes from her.

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Looks like they're getting free martial arts classes..

Wait a second... That African city in the second video actually looks cleaner and more put together than Baltimore... That commentator also has better English than southern niggers.


good this is how we should have treated niggers from the beginning instead of giving them fine secure bantustans.

China will control subsaharian Africans for us in the New world order

Even if that were true, it doesn't matter.
Africa itself is completely defenseless. The first popolous civilization that claims it again will be the next superpower. Africans can't defend themselves against anyone. After America falls as superpower, China will just take over all of sub saharan africa with all it's sweet sweet resources. Who is going to stop them? Europeans? They will be busy dealing with the implosion of the EU and ethnic war between natives and immigrants.
By gaining a foothold in Africa, China already won the future.

Don't educate fatty american.

These dumbass posters don’t understand mental and physical discipline.

Please explain to us how pain for the sake of pain and work for the sake of work while central banks control supply and demand and the value of time and effort benefits your race.

Jackie Chan, who is famous in western, exercised like this everyday when he was young.

Are you back chink bro? cuz the Belarus one is right here too.

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how do bats taste like?

treat them harsher and control their population, they could destroy you

Negro ninjas would be good in night time

>imagine being so physically weak that this is considered exercise
LoL, sick man of Asia. With all your Kong Foo an average white man still managed to skewer 10 of you at a time in a bayonet charge in Korea. Absolutely pathetic creatures that you shrimp dicks are.

teeth and eyes would glow

>tfw you gave up on your own kind
>the weak mind that exist in africans

It's okej black brothers, we are nothing but farm equipment to everyone in this world. The almighty has stayed consistnent in his punishment for us for thousands of years, and he will continue doing that because we are meant to be the lower races.


Bogan, when anyone uses -whitoid, class them as Jewish-led opposition(reddit /azn/masculinity). They are Jewish zogbot NPCs.

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kek. I bet you can't keep holding the position in the picture for 20 minutes. Try it, amerimutts.

Jackie Chan's weed-huffing son and LGBT daughter speaks volumes of Wumao successful parenting.

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Come on now, the average American would be crying after five mins of holding this position, even without the sticks. Fitness levels are a far cry from what they were during the Korean War, there are fatties everywhere. It's a sad state of affairs.

Oh now youre all fucked theyre training blacks in their Chinese secret mystical martial arts, better call Neo

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I bet you can't lift the hood off a D5 Caterpillar dozer like I can. Your frame is too frail. For all the chinkercise and training you do, I can still pick you up and put you down on your neck over and over again onto the concrete until every bone in your body is broken into splinters. Jackie Chan movies aren't real life kiddo.

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yeah, something tells me those kids will be way ahead of their peers