Let’s settle this once and for all

Let’s settle this once and for all
You have $10 to create a perfect society
>civic responsibility

What do?

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Leave you dumb coomer

Fuck off fattyposter.

Probably based
Certainly gay

You like dicks, user. Your life will get so much better once you accept it and learn to love yourself.

(big baby cranium)

Why does socialism cost more than I can afford?

Oh. That's pretty funny actually.

this guy gets it
Probably this guy too, maybe.

Who is that??

If you're lucky, the mother of your kids someday.

What's that? $23 you say? I'll take all of them then. Easy.

Depends. Is coffee good for you?

I'll have 6 nationalism and 2 civic responsibility please

She has the perfect body type. I love me some birthing hips

You only have $10 user. How are you gonna come up with the other $13?

Hard mode, you can't get on your knees.

2 cups of coffee please.

>pic related

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As you should. Bless.

Haha brrrr

OP here, he picked socialism so he can afford anything he wants.
Sorry that you are too retarded to realize the obvious solution to the problem; I will be posting this on reddit for people to mock and deride how helplessly retarded “capitalists” truly are.

take the woman
turn on brrr machine make a few trillion
free education free healthcare
rest on infrastructure
non-predatory lending
castle doctrine laws
break my other laws and i break you

> hurr just tell me what the correct answer is
Kill yourself.

nice bush

You will regret that choice.
Brr machine costs 15 bucks, m8

I'll take 5 lots of civic responsibility because nationalism is already a civic responsibility



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I'd buy the chick in pic related a coffee and save the $5 for bus fare after taking her to the ally in the back.

These fucking retards are acting like she's wife material because she has wide hips. Meanwhile she is still a fucking slut.

Use $2 to create two opposing nationalist countries with no social responsibility then use the remaining $8 to implement usury for each country, changing rates and thus availability of resources to keep them equal and always in stalemate conflict with each other while buying their best finished products and lolis with the interest.

What am I supposed to do with the remaining 5 dollars

No refunds, retard.

Based, fuck whale-enablers

how else are you supposed to know she's got a good body for breeding?
let me guess, you'd wait until your honeymoon after marrying to find out what her body looks like?

Imagine being so fucking new you think “wife material” and “breeding material” are synonymous

May as well just register for reddit right now.

It’s a hypothetical situation you fucking retard.
>hurr, I’ll only drink coffee once ever
this board is fucking retarded.

I'll take 5 civic responsibility's and come back for nationalism and socialism when I can afford them.

Women like that stop being fertile at 25. Fat girls have issues conceiving

These parameters are insufficient

Are you upset that i described reality?

Maybe the marketplace of ideas has reached an obvious equilibrium.

There wasn’t suppossed to be a correct answer.
Please go ruin someone else’s thread

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No, I just wanted an extra (you)

Civic responsebility times 4
coffee times 0.5 = *cof*

The end is nigh!

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Explain yourself

Don't worry about it. Corona-chan will reveal all there is to be revealed. About this world. The people and their behaviours. Their primal instincts of survival will show you the selffish animalistic side of them. God himself will abandon them. And we shall have the last laugh.

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U gay.
Corona is a nothing being used for totalitarian expansion.
Prove me wrong without keeping this thread permabumpd without. referencing Q

3 civic responsibility so there's some social harmony
4 nationalism to unify and stabilize what we have against interior and exterior threats.
1 dollar neutral greta for me for free.

Women with that frame are supposed to have gigantic milkers. Otherwise that body is inexcusable. Fat women with average or small tits are bottom of the barrel


It's that "I just had your white baby and I am already back in the kitchen" look. Very nice brother.

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>posts an obese slut
Amerifat confirmed

>Imagine a German being this gay
You do realize she poops, right?

Nationalism, Civic responsibility, coffee, and I'll throw another $2 in for BWC

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How much for National Socialism

>being gay on purpose
So is reproduction officially antisemitism in Germany now?

16 bucks you fucking retard.


I’m on mobile. She has more pics but I don’t know her name.
RIS or something.

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National socialism is not the fusion of nationalism and socialism, retard.

you are a homosexual

I'm not into fatties, but you're a gigantic faggot, the girl isn't even that fat.


Lillias Right

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Neck yourself lolbertardian amerifat

Imagine being so jew you think anyone here thinks about being a husband and father. This board is chinks, jooze, and middle aged women larping as their sons who still live at home. Go to bed Matt. Check em.

Spend it all on 10 nationalisms.