"Russia is a poor and drunk shithol-"


Take the Russia pill:

Largest country in the World

Badass language sounds commanding and beautiful.

Proud and great military histroy

Has helped to advance Science, expecially in Chemistry, nuclear, and rocketships/spacetravel.

Christian, hates gays,

One of the few white countries whose fertility rate is actually increasing instead of plummeting

Why shouldn't we try to ally with Russia?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Just fucking stop already, let us finally die in peace.


Can I haz Siberian resources pls? :3

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I hate Russians. You guys are barely religious. Compared to Poland, you are atheist like Czech. You have too many Chinese loan words. You have so many non Slavs in your country that you think Slav isn't a race. You spread aids like you are niggers. Your proudest moment in history was the jewish revolution that murdered more Slavs than any event in history.

> be russia
> run by literal child molesting retards
> entire cities look like ruins
> most of the country's population is in poverty
> oh boy! this video will prove Yas Forums wrong once and for all!
> whoops! i forgot to enable my communist meme flag
lmao @ your spectacular failure of a life. just neck yourself.

I'd like someone to explain the downside

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End your blatant hutzpa kike.
>You have too many Chinese loan words.
Lolwhat? Name just one you retarded judeomongoloid.

>Why shouldn't we try to ally with Russia?
A dichotomy is required to keep infighting from uprooting the ruling class and interfering with their war on those worse off.
China may be able to replace them as 'the enemy', but given proximity, can you ever really trust the Slava?
Maybe if China starts pushing through Siberia, but an action that honest isn't the Chinese way, and Russia is aware of their neighbors way.

>mimimimi Russia stronk, not gonna share resources!!

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Small country syndrome?

Maybe it WAS before commies overtook it in 20s.

Now talk about aids levels, drug consumption, corruption, low natality and fucked up politics.
Russia is always in the thin line between posing as badass and be scared and paranoid of everybody else.

I've never visited
But I sincerely doubt Russia has Chinese loan words

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>1 post by this ID
OBVIOUS shill. Hi KGB.

Slavs conquered half of Europe not by wars of aggression but wars of retaliation
I.e. the Germans were the ones sperging out
Slavs never! Lost any land

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yes russia is based. they rape antifa nigs in prisons and torture fagots. and they dont have their childrens dicks cut off

Woow, you have no idea what you're talking about, shill

Have a video about corruption in the upper echelons of the Russian government


Fuck off

As far as I know their aids rates are for 2 reasons
1) russian women are angelic looking
2) Putin sort of banned condoms which I think will prove based in the future

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Russian indeed does have loanwords from Chinese, as well as from French, German and many other languages
>onquered half of Europe not by wars of aggression but wars of retaliation
>I.e. the Germans were the ones sperging out
Pure cringe

You don't deserve anything anyways, none of you, excluding us from colonial power with all this passive-agressive propaganda, claiming that we're asia even though that we were exactly the ones who colonized it, always were the frontier defending you from asiatic hordes, and we tamed them, civilized them, none of you deserve these resources we have here, it's ours by the rule of the strong one, and I rather glass this shit altogether from border to border.

Well duh which country doesn't have corruption
Look at America they literally elected Joe Biden

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You are Russian

1) they are average looking, the only reason they are believed to be good looking is that we have more women than men here, simple as
2) condoms are not banned, faggot, but some people, particularly outside of Moscow/Petersburg can't afford them

My question is how is your dialect so fucking fucked up when German is literally standardized to the High German variant.

English has Chinese loan words as well does that mean anything?
Russia probably has more but an insignificant amount

Well duh, American corruption still allows the country to exist and be the richest/strongest country in the world, sucka
I'm Belarusian actually, and you're Spanish

Russia and USA should form a Christian SuperAlliance and create War Robots

Not surprising since you're a retarded faggot (american)

We don't have any chinese loanwords because we never held any policical nor economical relationships during the entire history, this is just ridiculous, the fact that your potato dictator decided to sell your arses to chinks and be firends with them have literally nothing to do with our language. Again, I repeat, name just one fucking world.

Stop fucking promoting our cunt among w*stoids

You do not have more women than men
That's what some YouTubers are selling to virgin idiots
Russia has more women because it has less old men (ww2 and lower age expectancy)
Russia isn't some holy land where more women are being born than elsewhere

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Biden is just the future. Since 2008 the mass involvement of niggers has meant that Democrats will always elect a candidate who appeals to niggers. Naturally this means all their future candidates will be retarded in one way or another.

No. Your identity only exists because russians had a hard on for the west and started to have loan words from french, german and italian. So their language became different from yours specially since it was polonized. You're basically embracing foreign influence, don’t be a fucking cuck. Turning your back to your brothers is disgusting.

Well it is obvious why america is the strongest but not for long
It didn't do anything in ww2 (80% of Nazis were killed on the Eastern front)
While Russians are mutts as well
They are at least mutts with Asiatic peoples like Turkic or Mongoljc (the greatest conquering tribes in history after Slavs)
Americans are African Americans which is a lesser mix

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This post is brought to you by the Russian troll farms.

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This is so wrong
Belarusian language almost doesn't exist and you're saying that's the difference between them?

That means that your point about Russian not having Chinese loanwords does not stand
"бaйхoвый" (白毫 báihuā), "жeмчyг" (珍珠 zhēnzhū), just to name a few. No need to sperg out about it, Ivan. Russia did have a relationship with China in the late 19th to early 20th century when you colonized Harbin and Dalian
We have about 87 men per 100 women in here, get your facts straight, and the situation is similar in Russia
Our identity exists because we want to, and Russians are not brothers to us, haven't been this way since they showed their true colors with Georgia and Ukraine, et cetera. One day they will take us over, but that will only make them more isolated from the rest of the world. Nobody's gonna toy with Putin and his little kingdom forever, patience is wearing thin all around the world.

Schleichts eng!!

Fair enough ... although I always assumed at least we did not have that bad relationship with you guys. Alright, but only as long as you never NEVER ever let these bloody gooks get it!

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Russia does not have more young women than young men*
I literally explained it

You're absolutely delusional. No different than D&C kikes

Living in an ancient silent frozen ruin city with beatiful structure sounds pretty comfy to be honest. I love playing Pathologic because of that, kino underrated game.

Possibly because it sounds like the complete opposite of a favela, favelas are fucking hell full of loud people and devoid of any culture. Now I know why desert semites think that the paradise is a bunch of trees,your dream paradise is the opposite of the hell you live on earth

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Too late.

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beautiful. want to live there

Well, you're delusional if you believe you'll ever achieve independence, so what? You can still put on your fancy flag and larp on Yas Forums as much as you want
Russian cities (and all of Eastern Europe) look like this. Not very comfy and/or inspiring

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Do anything about the terminal moslem problem you have and we'll talk.

Fuck off, russia is going to be our ally!
The eternal anglo would just ruin everything

And that colonization has nothing to do with the language formation, or what this amurikike said about "many", you braindead blyadoraha.
I didn't mean you particularly, but entire europe, and if you guys decided to abolish our european identity, so let it be, and don't worry by no one I mean literally no one, ESPECIALLY our southern neighbours.

Stop being such a drama queen.

I want to move to Russia desu

As a citizen of this cunt I crealy can see what's going to wait us in the near future, trust me, this country is dying with frigtening speed, so just let us filally finish this misery.

Even if catalonia is not independent, you're still a bigger larper than i am. The reason my language exists is very different from yours. You're Russian.

They are inspiring because those shitty apartments are filled with Slavs instead of mexicans.

>all cheap housing in America is packed with herds of shitskins

Fair point

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Heard the same bullshit all my life about the USA.
Your country is fine.

I still want to spend a vacation in a beatiful ruin slav city with super ancient buildings.

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i like the russians if they have something to say they do it not fake like american faggots

So we'll see who's right in a few years at max.

You guys are welcome to come over to Minsk and realize that it doesn't feel that great after all in a place like this, even American suburbia is better than this
>no argumentation whatsoever: the post

They're not that ancient. If you want ancient then go to Matera or Sicily.

>Why shouldn't we try to ally with Russia?
We and the West can be allies after we both get rid of zionists controlling our goverments.

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Wake the fuck up Ivan or ill invade you again, this time i won't forget the snow