The weedie will get defensive and take it personally when you say something negative about their magical plant

The weedie will get defensive and take it personally when you say something negative about their magical plant

For me, it’s like someone insulting a company I have a lot of shares in. I spent a lot of money on it, and i don’t want anything negative to go to it.

The weedie has spent so much on their miracle plant, they do not like being told their purchase was a waste.

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u mad lol blaze it faggot

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Literally quit weed tonight and smoked an ultra light feels goodman

Everything in moderation op duh

I love how all the weedies all claim to be "pro science" yet also ignore everything bad about their precious plant.

Weed is addictive and all this "legalization" and cultural brainwashing and revisionism is just a ploy to get people addicted so the medical industries can make massive bank on it.

Itll be the opium crisis but on a much MUCH larger scale.

>reddit spacing
>neocon talking points

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Have you heard of RAID Shadow Legends?

but when craig sinks 20 tinnies after work it's "a cultural thing"

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Weedfags are the worst. They're like faggots where the only personally they have is their degenerate passtime.

Rampant alcoholism is also a massive issue. Its one of the things i really dislike about Australian culture.

You are right. You should be able to limit me. First on this, then on everything else. What is wrong with you. Leave others alone. Go in your ownr asshole.

so you realise that not all problems with substance use can be chalked up to "big pharma" taking reign?

I haven’t been able to get any weed from dispensaries since this lockdown started. Sucks, but it isn’t the end of the world. And when it’s all over, my ass is getting high as fuck after this tolerance break.

Where do I fit in?
>smoke weed probably 2 times a month, sometimes I go several months without
>my life doesn't revolve around it
>I write science fiction stories while high

Someone who has a vice but still productive. I personally know some productive crackheads.

ya im hooked

hooked on chronic baby

Been smoking daily since aged 16 now 25, bossman at local waitrose. Nobody suspects a thing, best drug out there.

Yeah sounds about right. One of my friends is a an actual stoner that smokes at least every day. Though he isn't psychotic he clearly has memory problems and other mild cognitive issues. Though he started smoking the stuff when he was 14 and I didn't touch it until 24.

>Stop liking what I don't like.

Worry about your own life, cunt. I'll stop smoking weed when you stop watching incest porn... Which will never happen.

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The weedie, being myself, will not get offended if you state facts about one of my favorite passtimes. It poses a risk to mental health when abused, it poses risk to your spacial intelligence and cognitive ability. It's addictive both mentally and physically, proven by the withdrawals. There are many many many physiological downsides to smoking weed, aggressive yeast infections etc

Where you're wrong is I would never spend more than 5 percent of my income on things that provide entertainment value such as weed and it's kind of retarded of you to assume that everyone that smokes weed is a low income fiend

That’s why I stopped weed to consume Kratom and Phenibut instead. It’s like being on a low does hydro and a 5mg of Valium at the same time. Plus it doesn’t have an effect on iq. Weedies BTFO

Nonsense. I smoke, but could give you a solid ten reasons why I could or should quit.
I'm a reasonable person, so I also have several very good reasons to smoke at all.

To be honest I felt like an idiot when I went to Norway and asked if a pharmacy was a weed dispensary because they both use the green cross sign. Fuck you stoners.

Nice strawman you fucking idiot

Why would that make you feel like an idiot?

Microdosing weed is the way to go. I personally hate getting stoned and feeling like a vegetable but 2-3 puffs in the evening just to get me slightly buzzed is the best way to unwind after work. Also a single bag of week lasts me months that way.

imagine telling people what they can and can't do with their own bodies and consciousness and thinking you are in the right

You want to know how I know weed is addictive? I was talking to my berniebro commie roommate and I asked him "when bernie loses, are you going to vote for Biden?" and his response is "fuck no brah Biden is anti-weed" and I just could not comprehend how fucking retarded normies were in that moment. There's a million reasons why Biden would be worse than Trump but literally the first thing that pops into this morons mind is "HE WONT LEGALIZE MY HECKIN DUDE WEED WTF"

Grade A projection from Ausfalia, weed smoking degenerate retard

How is DUDE WEED 420 BRAH culture in Japan? I heard it was next to nonexistent but I imagine it exists in some cliques in Tokyo or something

neck yourself kangaroo boy

I think its dumb that here in america we use the symbol for a pharmacy, a place you buy medicine as a way to advertise a recreational thing. Have you been in a weed dispensary in California? They seem kinda sketchy.

Same here man, I can’t enjoy it unless I’m outside or I’ll get so much anxiety over things I did years ago that no one remembers.

I didn’t realize how it was negatively effecting me until my second year of college, even when I wasn’t smoking I felt as if there was this drifting haze digging up my brain.

I cut back a lot since then but a lot of my friends are still really addicted, and it’s starting to dull their personalities. All they wanna do is smoke dabs, play games, and watch movies. I’ll smoke with them but I feel like I’m losing my god damn mind. Why the fuck are we even hanging out if we’re gonna stay inside and drool over some shitty Jim Carey movie.

>y-you can't do that! m-me no like!
Fuck you
>b-but it's bad for you! *takes his adderall while eating processed food, smoking cigarettes and drinking ethanol*
Faggot cuck

Yes, dont do heroine. I've told you that, and I am in the right... fuck

I'm high right now and about to smoke again

Ok weedie

And before anyone asks "dude why do u hate weed so much man hahaha" it's because it fucked up my life for almost a decade, from when I was 14 to 24. I have no idea how badly my brain development suffered due the abuse. What do I know is this: no, weed will not cause you to OD, it will not make you go insane from withdrawals and rob people for weed money. But it is a nasty, degenerate habit, one that made me content with mediocrity instead of greatness. Why should I worry about a career or my social life when I could just spark up brah and play vidya and browse imageboards all day? That was my life for years and I quit a year and a half ago and have never felt better. I had a gf for a little while, I got my welding certs, I lost 50 lbs., my mind is fucking clear and not slow as molasses for once, I can actually go for a bike ride without my lungs crapping out on me, I'm not constantly having lapses in memory and forgetting really important shit, I'm not 'content' with being a failure, I want to reach great heights, I want to be a great man now instead of being a high, mindless drone or when I'm not high constantly checking my phone and waiting for my dealer to text me back because I need that eighth or I'm not gonna be able to sleep

But anyway: fuck weed, and fuck drug addicts in denial

Bek dicht junk

Slide Thread Detected. Please vacate this board Chang, Moskowitz, or whomsoever you might be.


to me this is like saying alcohol is a waste. I mean, technically, but fuck off I have nothing better to do right now why not be high.

You just proved OP's point.

Now piss off you fucking victorian.

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Ever watched incest porn while high tho?

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But if I want to the government shouldn't be able to tell me no

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I like weed. I grow my own in a legal state and smoke it on weekends because drugs are a subjective experience just like life, and I prefer weed over alcohol. I like to get high in my house, in my own free time, when it literally effects no one. You mad?

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okay weedie

So you're argument is that you shouldn't let people ruin their lives I guess? So what good does throwing people in prison and ruining their life even more do?

Ok weedie

You know, I didn't smoke weed until I was an adult. I'm sorry you made yourself retarded doing it heavily as a kid but don't act like that's other peoples problem who use it responsibly.

Is that why Amerigolems are such perfect slaves?
The jews don't even have to brainwash you, you do it yourself hahahahaha

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Damn, that hurts so bad. You really have gotten under my skin. I'm going to reevaluate my ways because of a troll on an anime forum.

Cannabis is doesn't lower the collective well being of society though. It just makes nerds angry b/c they are scared to try it.

im in a legal state too how do you grow it pls help user

Honestly, you're not that bad of a dude if you only smoke weed once a week. I still think it's a waste of time and money at that frequency, but it is a vast improvement over the average DUDE WEED LMFAO faggot who smokes multiple grams a day. All the guys I was friends with in college smoked an eighth a day (I did too) and holy shit that will ruin anyone's life

That's not reddit spacing you fag





There's been about five years experience leading up to it getting reliably potent harvest. This is now a thread for growing weed boys.

You realize you are in the minority if you only smoke once a week, right faggot? You realize most DUDE WEED LMFAO faggots smoke 5+ times a day, right?

Congrats on your senpai! One of my mates quit weed recently and hes loving it.

The irony of weed becoming legalized is that now that the aura of "cool" is gone people are now realizing its a really fucked up drug.

I used to be able to tell how often/how much my mates smoked by how paranoid they got. It works even for people online too.

I’m 22 and started at 15. Can you elaborate on the withdrawal symptoms? I went through a period after finals where I was constantly smoking more than usual and had this never ending feeling of wanting to just crawl out of my skin.

I never really had to make the effort to stop, I just cut down a lot because I got too used to being high and when all was said and done, I realized I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I did. I’ll never understand the appeal of wake and baking as a grown up, you wake up all tired and groggy anyway and the weed just amplifies it. It’s just nice to enjoy being sober for the day. I’ll smoke at night before bed but that’s just cause my mind is already used to being sober the whole day and remains a hell of a lot more active.

All the cool kids smoke weed.

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You're right, a lot of people abuse it. I don't deny that.

not knowing a good troll when you see it

I swear, Yas Forums is just 40 people posting the same things

dude u sound so
far out

Im stopping for a week because i felt too dependent on it. I dont smoke that much cause femoid but it feels wrong to depend on something like weed

>d-dude I was just pretending to like weed LOL

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ok people start seeds now, it is not too late

>An eighth a day
You had bigger problems than weed, a gram lasts me a month lmao

die of corona

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okay weedie

The three most important things, are lights, nutrients, and then genetics. We will start with lights. If you live in a region with temperatures that range between high 40's and upper 90's for three seasons of the year congratulations anyone can grow weed outdoors there. The sun is wonderful for first time growers because they don't have to spend all the cash on indoor equipment, but the environment can be harsh and you are better off going with bigger numbers of plants if you go with outdoor

But really, if you go through "psychosis" you're probably just a little bitch crying out for attention.

i smoke one bowl of a one hitter sometimes two at night after work and on days off i sometimes smoke a weed vape pen its more mild for me then bud

For me withdrawals weren't bad at all, it's one of the only cogent arguments DUDE WEED retards have. Basically it was just difficult for me to fall asleep for a few days and I felt a little anxious, but when all was said and done all of the 'withdrawal' symptoms were gone after like 4-5 days. If I'm being totally honest though: things like music and vidya aren't quite as amazing as when I was high, but life itself is 1000x better now that I'm not puffing the devils lettuce

You seem to think I prefer prison over outright mass removal of entire populations

you meant vapes, my boomer friend

>how paranoid they got
being paranoid is rooted in fear. stop being a bitch who cares what people think and you wont be paranoid
>t. Chad

No offense but you're just a lightweight faggot or a manlet then, a gram is literally just one blunt you pussy

A gram of weed for a month lol. Are you 12?

>a gram lasts me a month lmao
how many highs do you get out of a gram?

I use a dry herb vaporizer and buy high grade

fuck off
my heart rate was too fast to count and bp was high as hell too, I could feel it. I was lucid enough to hold a normal conversation besides my heart trying to explode.

Do believe that particular weed might have been laced with k2 or something

Withdrawal symptoms happen with minimal use of whatever drug or alcohol. Like a crack head who hasn't had their fix.

Speaking in terms of indoor, there are two big options that home growers will use for the most part. LEDs and high pressure sodium/Metal halide lights. You run the HPS and MH bulbs out of the same ballast. Cheap LED lights are a staple among first time growers but they suck pretty bad, produce inconsistent bud structure, and a plant oftentimes will not get close to its genetic potential in terms of potency and overall weight of the harvest. They do not grow nearly as vigorously under cheap LEDS. I personally would avoid most LEDs, and buy a 200w HPS/MH combo. Something like a VIVOSUN Hydroponic 400 Watt HPS MH Grow Light on amazon is ideal. If done correctly, most HPS set ups will produce 1 gram per watt. Most LED lights I have used produce more like .3-.5 grams per watt, and is a waste of electricity. Also, most LED lights will say they are 400 watts for instance, but then only actually draw 200w

It is, I just don’t understand how people still think it’s edgy and post about it. I started a little younger in middle school (friends had older brothers) and every time we did it was like this fun adventure. Picking it up after weeks of finding a dealer, putting our money together, having to go outside to smoke it.

Now a days you can just take fat rips and watch movies at your house, it lost it’s sense of mystery to me and I just got too used to it, that’s part of what made me cut back.

I literally can't imagine wanting to kill people for smoking weed, wouldn't you rather kill idk all the jews who are ruining our civilization? All the bankers and corrupt politicians, maybe if people didn't live such shitty debt bound miserable lives they wouldn't be getting addicted to heroin

LOL Look at the DUDE WEEDS

look at these two junkie faggots

Nah you're a fag. Smoking a gram a month is fine if you're just a normie who likes to relax every once in awhile, but if you self identify yourself as a weed smoker and get offended when people make fun of stoners but you only smoke a gram a fucking month you're a loser even by weedie standards. Or you're a woman or a manlet, which is just as pathetic. At that point you might as well quit that degenerate bullshit altogether

a vice that should be eliminated. im sure more countries will legalize soon as it will make people more docile and ok with mediocrity and not to do anything abuot the crimes of the jew

K2 lol shitty laced burger weed. i get my shit straight from king trudeau himself bud

A gram is like having half a beer and being like "yeah I drink". It's funny you want to belong so bad that you buy the pathetic little gram yet you hate users so much.

>The weedie will get defensive and take it personally when you say something negative about their magical plant
Yep got pissy.
>The weedie has spent so much on their miracle plant, they do not like being told their purchase was a waste.
Your response clearly proves OP's point you fucking drugged out stoner.

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My take, from a ex-stoner who went from smoking 2-3 times a day for 2 years to as of almost 3 months dropping it cold turkey.

Weed is as addictive as anything that gives you dopamine, but it's habit forming moreso. Yes, people who use it are obviously going to focus on the positives of the drug, and people who despise it are obviously going to focus on the negatives; both of which are plenty. My opinion is that it plateaus you in life, which is fine, if you're at a period you are ok with platauing at. For me, I'm just a uni Computer Science student getting decent grades, so for two years I was fine with just going on autopilot aspirations wise. Now, I've quit (besides slight difficulty sleeping at first no withdrawals), and I definetly am more stressed out but equally more motivated and open aspiration wise as I pursue forward progress in careers and such. Will I use it again in the future? Definitely. Will I use it to the extreme I used to? No, imo it was a degenerate amount of useage that just became a norm for me, I reasoned it with "well I gotta fall asleep/relax/enjoy this junk food/enjoy this tv show". It's a great enhancer for degenerate activities we all divulge in, and that especially includes procrastination and laziness. Do I think we should gatekeep who can and can't ingest a fucking plant? No I don't. Will I vote on a candidate solely based on his stance on weed, no, that would be retarded.

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Oh yeah I had all those too. Dreams were pretty gnarly and entertainment wasn’t as fun, which was kind of a good thing because too much entertainment makes kind of makes you a complacent retard

Imagine having your entire personality revolve around how much drugs you consume.

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There is a lot more to explain with lights, but for a crash course that will do. Oh, and plants have two stages of growth unless they are not photo period sensitive like autoflowers. But really, almost every plant you get will be a normal photo period plant, not an auto, unless you seek them out. The two stages are vegetation, and flowering. During vegetation, you use the MH bulb and the bluer light helps the plant grow better during that phase. When it comes time to flower, you will switch your lights from an 18 hours of light 6 hours of darkness schedule to a 12 hours light 12 hours darkness schedule, and you will swap your MH bulb for a HPS bulb. The HPS bulb mimics sunset better, and helps produce better growth during flowering.

Read my posts, I've been off DUDE WEED for a year and a half and I hate that retarded shit. But that guy I'm replying too is just as pathetic as someone claiming to be an alcoholic but only drinking 1/8th of a Budweiser can a day

this is false. having an anxiety attack because your a little bitch who cant cope without weed is not the same as withdrawl symptoms

the only aryan drug is the mushroom, only used for self growth and not for fun