Why cant America have public transportation?
Why cant America have public transportation?
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That's socialism!
I dare you to ride a public bus in a metropolitan area.
There's a reason we can't have nice things
Inb4 some retard says "This, but unironically"
Because niggers.
If it works what does it matter what it is called?
I do
>I was going to build a railway but then I saw a black person and suddenly all the construction equipment exploded and the workers all fell over dead from the bubonic plague
Cuz of Ford n other big companies they want y to go buy cars
Public transportation is retarded concept.
>retarded concept
Clearly you've never seen the hell that is American "rush hour"
If only that could be retrofitted in some way
Because jews.
They spend trillion dollars in stupid wars but they can't fix their highways & get decent train sets.
They are literally living on their grandfathers' road infrastructure. Back in 2019, I have driven from Washington DC to Boston and damn, those roads are no different than a potato farm.
>I have driven from Washington DC to Boston and damn, those roads are no different than a potato farm.
There is a """high speed train""" the Acela which does the journey in 7 hours.
Boston-DC is the same distance as Paris to Marseilles and Wuhan-Guangzhou, the HSR in those countries do the trip in 3 hours.
Same distance.
More than twice the time.
Hmmm I wonder
>why can't we have nice things
because you get crammed into a little box with a bunch of ferals.
>Why cant America have public transportation?
because we don't want it?
this is now a / n i g h t d r i v e / thread
if its crowded then you probably need to run more frequent services or longer trainsets
>my personal preferences decide for everyone
the free market decided it
When I was in the US, I used MTA rail from CT to Grand Central almost daily.
Those rail cars (it's so dumb thing they call it "car" in US) were absolutely in a miserable condition. It was so fucking noisy and shaking so wildly, I thought we were going to derail each time I boarded a train.
Turkey, for example, is not a rich country but our wagons and highways are absolutely in better shape than American ones.
The kikes chopped the legs off the public transportation system decades ago in favor of pushing the goyim into car ownership. What's left of public transportation these days is infested by loads of niggers, spics, chinks and other shitskins.
>tfw the last time I tried to take the bus home a nigger tried to mug me and a nigger cop tried to arrest me for """"assault"""" because I defended myself
Fuck, wrong fucking pic
For cities, the reason is niggers.
Outside the city, everything is spread apart so public transportation is worthless.
Rush hour is another retarded concept
Because Americans would fight over the seats.
Blame the south
The country's too fucking big and the geography is too weird
Also government incompetence and social decline
no the jews decided it
Because we can afford cars...
And you spent %20 of your lifetime to find a parking space.
>asks why america cant have public transportation
>rides public transportation
Because it’s not needed with epically big roads and cars. The place is 100% designed for driving. Also public transport smells bad.
Railways in America are made for freight, not 800kmph speed dildos.
Because we are being murdered by kikes.
Trains are for europoors without freedom. They can only travel where allowed and someone has to agree to take them. Meanwhile I can drive anywhere, lead police on car chases, get lost offroading in the desert like a German tourist, and haul bodies to where they'll never be found. It's my personal space and I don't get my hands covered in nigger grease or get robbed by gypsies like with trains. If I'm late I can speed.
Why does China brag about bullet trains? It's 50+ year old technology.
we can afford parking lots too
It spreads disease and niggers. Why would you want it?
cause of all the niggers
the honest truth: niggers.
them fatsos would need rocket enging tied to train and thats impossible for now
car ownership and public transport aren't mutually exclusive you dumb ideologue
Heh have a (you) cunt. I swear people don’t get it till they’ve actually been there to see why public transport is pointless unless you’re poor
I bet this mutt hasn't been to any other place other than the US.
better question, why would we want it?
>car ownership and public transport aren't mutually exclusive
can you use both of them at the same time?
fucking retard.
Public transport is cope for having shitty road infrastructure. It's ridiculous how European governments have brainwashed people into thinking public transport is progressive.
Roads are a retarded concept if you think about it enough. But the government takes your money and pays for them. They're entirely subsidized by tax dollars. Nothing can compete with that in the free market. Public transportation though. Tell me why one government idea is better than another. What if they're both terrible ideas, but the one where you stuff a bunch of niggers into confined spaces is somehow less retarded. People like you will never achieve much because you can only think inside the box. You only see what they sell you. HIGHWAYS OR TRAINS. CARS OR BUSES.
See the better idea might actually be to build houses and shopping centers on top of wherever people work so they don't have to travel anywhere. They can stay in their wage cage and never leave. Nobody actually wants that, just like nobody wants to sit next to niggers on buses.
I like how the jews have brainwashed people into thinking jewmobiles are a requirement for life
yeah, the country is designed around driving. we don't need it, we don't need to redesign our entire cities and we don't need to reinvent the transit infrastructure wheel.
I've been to Canada, England, Wales, France, and Mexico. Had to deal with the trains in England and France and it was fucking awful. In France there were niggers everywhere, everything stunk, it was loud, and rush hour packed people in like sardines. In England I got so sick of dealing with their public transit I rented a car and dealt with driving in London in rush hour instead. I also drove to north Wales hoping for a scenic drive like in the US but England is really ugly and boring to drive through. Wales was nice, though. I've also taken Canada's skytrain around Vancouver but it's really poorly developed relative to the others and only a die-hard leaf would even suggest it as viable transport. Rented a car there too, took it to the island.
High 3rd world population.
>we literally have amtrak
>literally the most extensive public rail system in the entire world
>it's public transportation
>it's nearly free if you're on welfare
>it has high speed routes
what more do you want? nobody rides it but we have the biggest system out there
I bet you, massive faggot, removed saddle from your bicycle and upgraded saddlepost with dildo.
The dog model is just so convenient, the knot keeps me in place if I wreck
Coof coof.
Is this news to you. Usa is a third world shithole that spends all their money on fake wars, keeping bases runnin in every coumtry on earth and spitting out another aircraft carrier every year. While they hate socialism their government is bloated as fuck, with 60% of those jobs have no use. Their citizens dumb as fuck, their infrastrucutre falling apart, their tap water undrinkable, 70% of americans are poor who cant pay an unexpectted 500 dollar bill. Their debt crossed 24 trilion and keeps mounting up, unemployment at 16 million and rising.
The american empire is declining and when it does i will enjoy watching the carnage.
Because we give hedge fund managers trillions of dollars after trump bankrupts the country
No it doesn't
The free market gives you a choice between a Ford or a Toyota
It does not give you a choice between driving and riding
The free market in fact opposes such a choice
In the 1950s GM shutdown streetcars and lobbied for auto centric planning
Today the Koch brothers fund campaigns against rail development proposals
You know why, faggot.
>keeping bases runnin in every coumtry on earth
Time for your daily cry about our base in krautistan? Get used to it because we're never, ever leaving.
>public transportation
that's socialism user.
It wasn't Jews
It was General Motors Alfred P. Sloan
Today the Kochs continue it lobbying against public transport development and funding campaigns against public transport ballots - they have funded FOUR anti-lightrail ballots in Phoenix for example, they've all failed thankfully
The Kochs Brothers father was a Nazi sympathiser, one of the co-founders of John Birch Society, and from the mid-1960s to at least 1980 Charles Koch was supporting Holocaust Deniers
So can you please stop this?
What does the size of the country have to do with travel inside a city and its suburbs and surrounding region?
But you cant
You spend everything on them and struggle to do so
>having a choice between driving or riding is lacking freedom
>having to drive everywhere for everything with no other alternative is freedom
No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
Your mom knows all about being used by two at once
Germany has the autobahn
AND rail
Riddle me this Batman
>I like it and it works for me
>So that decides it for everyone
Also isn't "designed around" just a nice way of saying... Induced Demand?
>redesign our cities
You dont, you just build rail tunnels or elevated rail
Or if it doesn't warrant a metro then lay rail on the road for streetcar
>reinvent the transit infrastructure wheel
The technology already exists, what do you need to invent?