How the fuck do 104 year olds survive COVID-19 but 20 yo men don't?

Different strains, maybe?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 22.52.02.png (966x906, 696.84K)

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Zoomers are weak little shits that sit in front of the computer all day. This guy had a more active lifestyle.

How much of the virus you're exposed to is a major factor as well as underlying conditions.
It's why so many doctors and nurses are dying, why essential service workers are getting sick, like the 9 dead bus drivers in the UK.
If you think someone has this stay the fuck out of their atmosphere.

Useless cunts wont die.

If you live to 104 you are basically a superhuman. People that old have usually lived exemplary lives, no alcohol, no smoking, no obesity, etc. They don't even have any fucking chronic diseases.

Your average 20 year old is a junk-food eating, smoking mongoloid. Even if you are skinny, that shit takes a toll on your immune system.

The greatest generation was tough as nails.

so tough they handed the planet to jews

nice citation and meme flag you stupid useless fuck kill yourself

Fully functional immune system not raised on xenoestrogens?

Young people may have a higher risk of suffering a cytokine storm because their immune systems are stronger.

What kills you isn't the virus, it's the extreme overreaction of your immune system. That's why Spaniads and Italians are dying left and right. Their mediterranean diet gives them extremely strong immune systems.

100 year olds are disease-free (otherwise they would be dead already), which already cancels one of the main risk factors, but their immune systems are also weak due to their age. This means that their bodies will slowly but surely get rid of the virus.

Young people die because of an overreaction of their immune systems. 60 year olds die because they have a shitload of chronic illnesses (which is extremely common but NOT normal, it's perfectly possible to reach a ripe old age without having any illnesses if you take care of yourself).

It's NOT natural to get to your 60s with a broken body and a bunch of illnesses. This is a result of our shitty sendentary culture and the garbage food we eat.

ok dr mohammed


The fear of death is a powerful motivator. I've lives with old people my whole life, my grandfather had two heart attacks at 63 and survived, my grandma had a stroke last year at 77 and also survived. Honestly if I live to be 60 I'd rather just off myself than get older. Humans aren't meant to live this long.

Because they're lying about the causes.

ancap is less of a memeflag than canada

There are shitty immune systems and there are good immune systems. Also there may be doctor errors - Italy and Spain for example got fucked hard by Corona-chan because their antibiotics usage poilicy is retarded. Antibiotics fuck up your immune system. If you are prescribed antibiotics (especially wide spectrum ones) without any actual study if you have bacterial infection that needs it then you are fucked.

ok you actually are a retard though. you have taken a bunch of half-truths and tidbits and extrapolated way too far to the point that it's obvious you don't actually know what you're talking about. also, reddit spacing.

They were manipulated into it just like you are today.

Research into Spanish and Italian antibiotics usage policies - they are both retarded af.

>good spacing is now reddit spacing

>Different strains, maybe?
Different insurances.
Zoomers are unenployed and have no right to healthcare in your filthy country.
Boomers got ca$h easy and now are cared for.

I just did a massive fart and it knew more about corona than this post.

>ignoring everything else I just
look up what an ACE2 receptor is

Life isn't fair..

bitch please I know of multiple people who lived past 110 that drank and smoke plently lmao.
Its more than just that, tard.


At 60 your dick will still be hard, vidya games will be blow-your-tits-back amazing, people will be surprising till 130 thanks to advances, and the promise of immorality will seem within grasp. You’ll be able to hike, fuck, eat, watch tv just like anyone. So no, you won’t kill yourself at 60. You’ll move that goal post.

Same reason some 20 year olds die of a heart attack.

They just got lucky. More people could reach that age but they ruin it with their lifestyle.

Possibly. Some seem to have just mild symptoms and other die of pneumonia after just 2 days without underlying conditions, in perfect health. An user in the other thread just reported that his 49 year old wife died and she was a gym rat health nut. The hairdresser in my street her husband died in just 3 days after being entered into the hospital, also late 40s age. A while ago there was a credible larp here, that there were indeed two strains, labeled L (lethal) and S (safe). He claimed if you have antibodies to the safe strain you are also protected against the lethal strain. And that they spread the safe strain over China but that China could not admit to doing this as it would prove that they indeed did accidentally release a bioweapon.


It attacks the gays, smokers, and asians.

>Regular humans are fine.

He probably doesn't smoke/do drugs, and isn't a fat fucking cunt. There's a reason 20-30 year olds are dying. You literally have to not be fat. Ffs, just look search Queen's hospital, every fucking nigger that's dying is obese. STOP FUCKING EATING, jesus fucking christ it isn't that hard.

Attached: healthy fat fuck.png (1423x622, 1.12M)

What a pile of words to commemorate forever what a true retard you are

>no health concerns
What the absolute fucking christ is this allowed?? You weigh 3 fucking people and you are 5ft??
you have a god damn fucking health concern.

Attached: fat cunt never felt like this before.png (652x426, 54.47K)


Anti-smoking campaign parrots are pathetic.

The celebration was a crazy 5-day bender.

i don't understand statistic aberrations, the thread.

Shut up you stupid bitch you have no idea what you're talking about.
Here are the real killers:
>Too much Calcium
>Too much Iron
>Infected teeth (including ALL root canals)
>Poor digestive health
Dr. Thomas (((Levy))) has books relating to all these things. YouTube him and you'll hear his references. He might be a Jew, but he speaks the truth.

My grandmother smoked for 60 years and lived to be 86. Non filtered Chesterfields too.

So what? She just got lucky. She could just as easily have developed cancer from smoking at any point.

Are we even sure the death was COVID related? Not merely COVID positive?

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>survive the wars
>eat sõy and ''survive'' an antifa demonstration

there is a different in toughness when another punches real nazis and other ones gets defeated by a trashcan

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Genetics. People that live more than hundred years are gifted or cursed depending on their condition. Also today young Americans are way less healthy than their parents due to the modern lifestyle

My guess: AIDS

>People that old have usually lived exemplary lives, no alcohol, no smoking, no obesity, etc.

Not necessarily. I had a neighbour once, Achille, who lived up to 98 years old. He drank alcohol every day, he smoked cigars, still rode a bicycle and made furniture as a hobby in his garage. He died in his sleep too, "like a general" as we say.

>too stupid to know about cytokine storm

>Too much Iron
Um, I've been taking 15mg per day of iron to protect me against coronachan.

You realize you can get still get cancer and various disease even if you don't smoke, drink, etc? Yeah, those are aggravating factors, but many people who have never smoked in their lives get lung cancer and fibrosis regardless. Environnement and genetics are also factors.


Ha, good to read! I remember something on tv in the early days, people asking questions to a doctor about corona, one of the first was of course by a lady who smoked. Immediately the doctor took on the typical snotty tone, that the first thing she had to do is stop smoking.

I just bought a kilo of prime quality tobacco from a Spanish farmer. Tastes good, no additives, and I supported Spanish economy that suffers from corona.

Attached: tobacco.png (726x628, 974.35K)

Peacocks wander aimlessly underneath the orange trees

actually you hear it often, you see it less today because doctors are forcing them to quit when they are in retirement homes

Better than you faggots who sit and complain all day on the internet. Enjoy your life of irrelevance

how is it better?

>no additive tobacco
Factory made additive laced cigarettes with shitty paper are the problem, not smoking tobacco.

Maybe different Media

Too bad it is pita/impossible to grow good quality tobacco here. Sun is too weak. But I've done it for 3 years now and seeds are already potted to get seedlings ready in time.

>destroy the planet
>kill your brothers for the jews
>destroy society
>give all power to the jews
Yes great people

maybe he megadose vitamin c

There have been a bunch of hundred year olds recover recently, maybe they lived through the end tail of Spanish Flu, maybe it gives some immunity to this.The guy you featured lived through Spanish Flu, a 99 year old in the UK had battled Malaria twice. (wasn't the treatment drugs Malaria drugs?).

>Non filtered Chesterfields

Attached: pepecigarre.jpg (249x249, 40.93K)

It does remind me of the 2nd wave of the Spanish Flu - The old survive - at the same time the young and healthy start to die. -
"The second wave of the 1918 pandemic was much more deadly than the first. The first wave had resembled typical flu epidemics; those most at risk were the sick and elderly, while younger, healthier people recovered easily. By August, when the second wave began in France, Sierra Leone, and the United States, the virus had mutated to a much more deadly form. October 1918 was the month with the highest fatality rate of the whole pandemic."
"he fact that most of those who recovered from first-wave infections had become immune showed that it must have been the same strain of flu. This was most dramatically illustrated in Copenhagen, which escaped with a combined mortality rate of just 0.29% (0.02% in the first wave and 0.27% in the second wave) because of exposure to the less-lethal first wave. For the rest of the population, the second wave was far more deadly; the most vulnerable people were those like the soldiers in the trenches – adults who were young and fit."

Bell curves.