Chinks eat human newborns for celebration

If you think eating bats is weird take a look at this.

Attached: dngks-20200410-144157-018-resize.jpg (392x512, 62.59K)

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I've seen a lot of pics of this, but are there any vids? That would be the ultimate weapon to redpill the normies into a racewar against chinks

Lol how much do South Koreans hate japs

>random image of blurred asians with no sauce
i think they might be GOOKS instead, don't you agree ya gookoid

Japs are suicidal perverts with no emotions, but miles ahead of chinks nonetheless

Someone nuke these bugs already, save the children and women (only the cute ones)

We don't have those rotating glass things on our tables commie faggot.

look up cannibalism in china on wiki. they took it down recently

>colony of korea
my sides

Attached: gorea.jpg (548x452, 67.57K)

> commie flag
> defends shyna

We found a bug-man !

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bery bery dericious

i remember seeing those same fetus soup pics in 2001, on sites like stileproject and ogrish.

i always thought they were fake/shock art.

It's amazing what a little nuking can do for a people's attitude.

Ah yes the "rotating glass things" found only in china and no where else, definitely NOT in g*rea

Good deduction gookoid.
Shouldn't you be busy getting run over by trucks or something

oh wait no its "C"orea, with a c not a k so it comes before Japan alphabetically
AAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA nice inferiority complex

like other user said, that spinning table thing is purely chinese. I can't even remember the last time i saw a dining table that wasn't a rectangle shape.

Why are you here! Go to ilbo

If trillion changs died today(except Jackie Chan) i'd have a huge boost of serotonin

fuck china and those sub'human bugs living there

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your right my "C"orean friend. I believe every word from you just as I believe your comfort women victims
Good luck with getting your reparations from japan

Attached: gorea2.jpg (261x193, 11.1K)

Only the high party members can eat children

You are a chinese.

Why do you hate your cousins fingolian
great grandpa genghis khan would not approve

Attached: fingolian.jpg (247x250, 6.55K)

I dunno anons, would you rather have the few scat eating Japs who do it for the hentai and some because they have a weird fetish that isn't generally normal to most
or cannibalistic chinks who do it because they think fail to admit they are literal subhumans who eat babies and think that is genuinely normal and acceptable practices

Is that a fetus in a Togo box?

Its riggity real my nigga I dun seent it

Attached: PicsArt_04-08-08.24.24.jpg (1200x800, 231.42K)

Apparently it's so common that you can walk into hospitals and ask for a dead fetus.

Sorry op your picture isn't expanded enough to see clearly
DON'T expect me to download or screen cap
if your going to post do it right!

woah sasuga amerika kun. heado SOOOO sumarto. saw righto suru my disguisu.

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He's just a leftover hun

shit eating japs, at least they know its not OK and hide it

>It's okay when Jew do it though

Fuck you like op. China should be nuked but Jews and niggers/Muslims etc are just as bad

>save the children and women (only the cute ones)
Right, so just save the children. Why add extra words?

Take off your meme-flag. You seem pathetic and desperate trying to get a rise out of random people from the internet. Until you remove the flag, you are just a sad little basement dweller.

I don't understand why they do this

>shit eating japs, at least they know its not OK and hide it
yes a good point
the fact that chinks literally flaunt that they are eating babies makes it much worse

seethe more.

Gooks are chinks. No one cares about which type of slanteye slope you are


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This is a cope post. Pretty sure you are living here, chink. Why do you cope for a failed state?


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Hey, he still looks better than an average chinese citizen!

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this is a famous "performance art" that was meant to criticize the CCP.

Because I assume you are relatively normal

>trying to get a rise out of random people
welcome to Yas Forums bud
I wouldn't have found out about the whole "C"orea thing without reverse googling OP's pic tho, took me to some Corean's twitter feed
have a (You)

Attached: gorea3.jpg (550x536, 27.36K)

Hate Level over load abandon flesh
self district in 50 seconds
49 48

>file name
any biologist user that wants to infiltrate a high class lab and do a covert operation for a few years to mutate corona-virus and re-release it in china? good luck to any who is willing to do such a service for mankind, kek

I just enjoy getting the (You)s, nothing personnel kiddo
A fellow chinese saw right through the deception of the lying gookoids. have a (You)

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japs and koreans are practically the same genetically. mostly, koreans hate japs for their emperor having the foresight to westernize a full century before the koreans, but koreans have made a remarkable jump forward in just a couple of generations and deserve kudos for that.

>A fellow chinese saw right through the deception of the lying gookoids. have a (You)
The artist still claims it was a real fetus tho.

Now I now you are a burger with the meme flag on.
You are pathetic. It's so cringe when people try and use history shit to try and bother Koreans. No one actually cares. You mentioned comfort women before. Are you underraged? lmao such weird insults from weird people.

Is there any articles of North Korea doing this shit?
if not, damn I will be so impressed that NK is a starving populace and even they would still refuse to eat babies, like fuck
If china is the only one, they have really have no human decency left do they?

China will fall.. As it has in the past, many times. You are nothing, and will never be "something." You want to be something, but you don't know how to be. You and your people will fail every time. This virus will glue you to the floor like niggers have since the beginning of time. You tried, you really did this time, but you will fail. Just accept you are no better than niggers.

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gooks shouldn't be talking about looks when gooks go under the knife just to look less gooky

gook looks, it even rhymes. See picrel
Before: Classic northern manchu/mongol Corean feature, square jaw, monolids, flat features
After: Southern chinese/vietnamese features, pointed jaw, more pronounced features, double lids, etc

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don't confuse the artist's stunt with the pics published in the South Korea newspaper. two completely different things.

But its YOUR people's fantasy history/future. Why would a chinese/japanese shill about greater Corean and Corean colony?
Your inferiority complex rivals that of the pole's

90% of patients who get plastic surgery in Korea are chinese tourists you retard

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Even if the pics were fake, would it really be that far fetched to think they eat human flesh? I mean they are fucking lunatics who eat everything else, dead or alive, and leave their fellow chinamen to die on the street.

I agree but he does have a point on the no emotions part. I noticed a significant difference in emotion between Japs and Koreans in my 3 years in Asia. They're still robots compared to us though.

have seen this one before and still haven't got the full story
did she plan to take a shit in the street and the baby just fell out too, or was it her plan to literally shit out the baby on purpose?

>China restarts factories and resumes schools
>burgerstan digs mass graves
pack it up boys, the war was lost. america has won

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>talking about history again
Don't care. Do you really care about this stuff? You have nothing else going on in your life? It's funny how you make these posts about Koreans showing you have had some deep thoughts about it, searching, saving, posting. It is sad that no one on the planet will ever spend 2 seconds even thinking about you. Stay in your basement with your meme flag on. You may forget your pathetic existence for a few moments while you are "trolling" people on the internet with ww2 tier history that modern people don't care about lmao

lol that's bull, I've been to Sorkland and you do have lazy susans there. Not as common as in Chinkland but not non-existant.

>Yes, because it is china that gives plastic surgery as gifts to girls graduating school, getting married, and other occasions. Coreans are not that superficial

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That baby looks dead, and I'm guessing by her age and being a 3rd worlder she probably already had 10 other one. At that point they just fly right out, so it probably died and she passed it extremely fast.

Stop. You are either digging your own grave, or a weak troll. Nobody here takes you serious.

I dont care about your "history" at ALL
Its the COREANS that are lying about history about their "Great empires" and "colonization of Japan"
I am merely pointing out the absurdity and the level of cope