2nd amendment electronics

What scope of arms does the 2nd amendment cover? Firearms only? What about electronic warfare? I recently learned that RF jammers are illegal. Doesn't that constitute a violation of our 2nd amendment rights?

Btw this was a very active thread on /k/ before it was deleted. Must have figured it was more political.

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Great topic. Have a bump OP.
>t. orthodox Tedfag luddite interested in anti tech tech

you're allowed to have certain kinds of guns because it makes you think you're in control and safe. that feeling makes you a more productive livestock on their farm.

You arent allowed to have anything that would actually give them a problem.

I think they are illegal. I'm not sure though. But they have ionizing radiation I believe.

Can u own a nuclear missile?

They arent illegal to own. They are illegal to operate without special permission. They fall under some obscure experimental rules for HAMfags iirc

Lmao, nice red herring. While you're at it ,just make only swords legal, retard.

it violates the first amendment because all you are doing is sending an electronic message with them

its just the equiavalent of screaming really loudly so nobody else can talk

No im curious. If they dont let u own nukes what good is 2nd amendment. It is infringing ln your right to bear arms.

No, what if you have some idiot neighbors encroaching on you or what if you want to have a private conversation in a hotel room?

Jammers are illegal because they don't discriminate and fuck with emergency service radios genius.
You will get fined/jail time if caught being a retard with one.

They are here... what's the point of owning a sword when you can't go outside with it.

>Nigger tier behavior

That's true but I mean a personal use 15 meter radius one if you're in danger of immediate attack. I'm not saying that that shouldn't be unregulated. But to be illegal out of the question is absurd and violates our rights

>What scope of arms does the 2nd amendment cover?
Short answer: whatever the Supreme Court says it does.
>What about electronic warfare?
Probably not, since the constitutionalists would interpret "arms" in the traditional "Thing you can carry to stab slash or shoot with" sense while the cultural Marxists just hate anything that stands in the way of the government having complete power over the people.

Attached: flamenco_laser_gun.jpg (1280x720, 65.54K)

A fucking butterknife will land you in jail you fucking Brit GTFO

>Probably not, since the constitutionalists would interpret "arms" in the traditional "Thing you can carry to stab slash or shoot with"
So moving the goalposts in other words. I can see the writing on the wall.

It doesn't make sense to run a jammer willy nilly. You should build a broad spectrum analyzer so you're able to determine what signals are in your area and where. When you know someone is running some bullshit in your area, you do things.

Bearing "arms" . That's what I mean. We can't own anything other than the most primitive weaponry?

What kinda scenario does a 15 meter personal jammer save your life?

when you're standing near an rcied and abdool wants to function it.

When the tinfoil hat u have been wearing begins to fail at keeping out the suicide suggestion rays that the alliums are beaming into your brain

Suppose you're getting robbed by a couple of dudes.
Maybe there's a drone spying on you.
Should I list the possibilities a handgun would save you? I'm sure there are many parallel scenarios.

Even state prisons can't get signal jammers.

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Yes. Shall Not Be Infringed but NAP also should apply.

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Beautiful. Are these on ebay?

I can't think of one scenario why a prison would need a jammer

Not sure if serious

What if some rednecks near your property are fucking around on the FRS and NOAA channels and you want to shut them up??

When police officers an millitary people have ECm or whatever, you have a stronger case.

Glownigger thread.

All cellular jammers are illegal in the USA period. Just google it and read the FCC.


>If they dont let u own nukes what good is 2nd amendment.
It's not really an issue that has ever come up because there's no practical way for a solitary US citizen to create a nuclear weapon.
You can't buy nukes.
You can't buy the materials to make nukes.
You need an entire nuclear power plant to make the materials to make nukes.
All of that is way out of the reach of any US citizen. Even entire nation states struggle to meet those standards of ownership.

It's like asking if the government will let you own super-carrier. The reality is that it doesn't need to be illegal because no one can afford one in the first place.

Are RF jammers really illegal? There are tons of youtube videos that show you how to make them, yet they've not been deleted or banned here.


That will be handy in minecraft.

>2nd amendment rights
RF jamming has nothing to do with the second amendment, nigger. jesus fucking christ this virus has attracted some incredibly low IQ niggers to this site over the last couple of weeks.

Are you a retard?

There is an understood distinction between arms and ordnance. Historically, ordnance was supplied by the state or wealthy merchants as it requires capital beyond that of the common militia.

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*Shills in federal*

RF jammers interrupt other peoples communication

So no you cant have them

The government owns the radio frequencies. That is why you have to get a license in order to broadcast anything.
Making an RF jammer isn't hard at all. You can do it by rewiring your microwave but I really doubt you know anything.

Not illegal to own or build. Illegal to operate without license from the FCC.

What about PMC groups operating off the coast of Africa?

Yeah but it's illegal to own enriched uranium so no.

Violates the NAP and if I catch anyone using one I will sell them off as a slave since laws don't matter.

Why would I have to spend money to send a radio signal when I pay upwards up 80k a year In taxes

not for hillary and mueller

Please do. The two you already proposed can be solved with a gun.

who the fuck cares? do what you want, and don't get caught.
>roll easy rf wide spectrum jammer
>plug them in all over the place
>Everytime one goes down, they have to triangulate the next
>set up optical transmission commo system
>you can now talk to whoever, and the feebs are shut out
none of this stuff is difficult, there's just no real need. Now if shit goes really sideways, it's good to have in your back pocket. otherwise, why would you? it gimps you as badly as anyone else.
don't worry everyone, TACP isn't actually offensive anything, they're just calling bombers. it's just a prank, bro. doesn't count as war.

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We recently introduced jammers in prisons because inmates where using cellphones they snuck in too coordinate break outs.

Nigger I can't read that tiny ass fucking writing I don't keep a telescope like you do to see your cock inlarge that shit

interesting - they are used to defend ourself
have a bump

you can zoom in your fucking ape.
You're such a fucking fag.

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honestly, you'd be surprised what they get away with now. There are floating armories/gun factories out there, and we use them for defense contracts now.
>leave US port, pick up deuces and mount on deck
>make rounds to third world shitholes with cargo, stow guns and allow inspection when going into real people ports
>shoot nigger pirates when they get to close l
>coming back into the US, dump guns and go home
this is how it actually works. One of the guys I went to college with does 90 day contracts for shits and gigs. he got a degree in mechanical engineering and makes more doing this than he could otherwise, and he literally gets paid to wank it and occasionally fire warning shots at nigs.

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Leaf simmer the fuck down before I got get my new blower from the shed

I just want a suit that enhances me.

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you're on mobile. save the image, or open it up in a browser and remove the m.

Faggot jammers are the tip of the ice berg
But you are 100% correct the 2nd amendment is about overturning a corrupted police state
It really has nothing to do with being allowed to hold guns more then it is about being endowed with the sacred duty of defending the original American spirit
In fact we already failed by arguing about what we think the bill of rights means
The call of duty rang a very long time ago


RF jammers aren't really "arms". In fact, you can't use them to physically harm humans. The reason they're illegal is because they have the potential to cause economic damage.

well, it think a scrambler can be considered arms.

Why is it always a fucking retard leaf.

i used to have a 3g/4g/wifi scrambler. but i fried. it was a cheap one, alas it still worked great.

fucking hilarious turning it on in a coffee shop, and watching all the millennial fags all freak out.

I'm pretty sure I could scramble your brain if we turn the power up enough and direct it. does that make it a weapon then?

the right to bare arms shall not be infringed. that shit doesnt shoot anything.