People have been saying this for centuries
Are we really in the End Times Yas Forums?
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yeah but they were wrong and i am right.
october 22 1844 is when judgement began. that is when end time prophecy started to be fulfilled.
The end times occurred centuries ago
We're living in a forsaken world
This. 1000 years of hell
not the biblical end times. time table prophecy provided by Daniel says 1844 is when they started.
>october 22
even your false God says i'm right faggots.
My schizophrenic uncle has been saying this since '91
I've read about church history and they almost never claimed we were in the end times until recently.
I sure hope so!
Think about this for a bit. All major events in the Bible happen in roughly 2000 year intervals. Christ was 3 years old when the wise men visited him. He was crucified at age 30.
Add to that the global privatization of fresh water resources and the nuclear armament of 3rd world countries.
You're going to see some serious shit in the next 7 years.
This is just the start.
This is just God letting his children know that the return is coming and to save those who can be saved in what little time is left.
Believe. Don't believe. It makes no difference to me.
You must have missed the entirety of the middle ages.
Christians today are brainwashed into believing a false "End times" narrative. End times are actually the Last Days of the old covenant and temple system in Jerusalem. This is why Christ spoke to THIS GENERATION. Christ came in the glory of the Father in judgment in 70ad after the church was tribulated by Rome and Jews. Revelation was written for them, not us.
"Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power."
>time table prophecy provided by Daniel says 1844 is when they started.
70 7s is fulfilled. You're way off
I guess there are two options:
1. Big Brother is changing is strategy
2. Big Brother is falling
The conditions for the Apocalypse were never set until Israel became a nation (in one your Bible) in 1948 and yet again, when they recaptured Jerusalem in 1967. The generation that sees this will not pass before the tribulation begins to unfold. A generation in the Bible is calculated at 72 years by some. What is 1948 plus 72 user? Here we are. These are just birth pangs. You know the event is near when the frequency of birth pangs increases. In isolation, they are meaningless. It is when they accelerate that you know the birth is near. What are Biblical birth pangs? Nation rising against nation. Wars and rumors of wars. Pestilence. Volcanoes. Earthquakes in diverse places. Strange sights in the heavens. The time of the Gentiles is almost over. Daniel's 70th week is close. Repent, for your redemption draweth night. You have been living under a period of grace that God set aside for the gentiles. When the fullness of the gentiles comes in, His attention returns to Israel. That will be THE focus of the tribulation.
You are clueless.
You should try reading the Bible maybe. None of the prophecies of the last seven years can occur until Israel is a nation dwelling in their land and in possession of Jerusalem.
It seems insane that all of humanity would one day end, but its inevitable. Really makes life feel meaningless.
When did (("Israel")) confess their sins to regain land entry? Thats part of the covenant, Daniel had to do it to regain entry after Babylon exile.
You've been duped into false prophesy by fake Jews....
It is never the end until it is over and it doesn't really matter anyway because nobody ever gets out alive, end times or not.
Probably not, but it's definitely looking like it's going to be a downhill for human rights, and the loss of sovereignty of white countries and businesses.
when CWD is able to infect humans and transmit easily, the beginning of the end will commence anons
that or another Krakatoa type event or ~1km sized ateroid hits a populated area
>End Times
release your brain from slavery NOTHING EVER ENDS you are stuck in this HELL
technically the last days began when Christ was crucified but you aren't wrong.
based Millerite
It kinda makes sense. We've pretty much reached the limits of human development in terms of consciousness, morality, etc.
It's possible that the left vs. right devide is actually the division between good vs. evil referenced in revelations. On a moral level you cannot accept the filth of progressive movements without somewhat of a spiritual rebellion against God.
>mfw the great war will be Yas Forums vs. trannies.
plz buddy with your jesuit eschatology.
when you let satan write your doctrines..
Quit reading there. Go fuck yourself christfag.
thanks for the answers
Wow I see nines really frequently
Which end times? I'm going to assume you are referring to ancient Jew scribblings. The Daniel last days referred to Babylonian captivity and Antiochus IV stuff, the other OT "prophecies was Babylonian stuff too. the NT last days "prophecies" regarded the 66-73AD revolt. Jews have been trying to convince the goyim that these somehow are meant to be fulfilled over and over again and the jews that have infested this board are relentlessly pushing Christian Zionism on this board which is why there is always at least off-topic Jesus thread on this board at all times
>1948. Born in one day. Her labor came after as she was immediately attacked. God showed mercy to the Jews on that day. Israel was reborn in a day, period. Israel WILL repent of their sins and apostasy and disbelief DURING the Tribulation, not before. They will mourn over the one they pierced.
Isaiah 66:7-8
“Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.”
the Christian Zionism was created by the Jesuits to trick protestants into not recognizing that the prophesies identify papal rome as a the antichrist.
>checking your own digits
Yes, tribulation begins 81 - 7.5 years after Israel is formed. Search the parable of the fig tree
Sounds like shizo "go back to our future" jew scribblings to me.
We aren't at peak yet. I can think of dozens of things humanity has yet to do. The end is the end though.
They start tomorrow
No, we need to have a climate crisis in which we're all going to die every 2-5 years forever.
Yes, goy. Go donate all your money to your local preacher. He needs a new Rolex to match his new Rolls Royce.
Look, people died in the millions from plagues and shit. There were literal world-ending cataclysms, and humanity still survived. This is nothing in comparison. Only globohomos are scared of this.
30 giant hornets are terrorizing the UK.
look it up, it's true.
the revelation becomes reality
We are in the time we are which is after the time that was yesterday approximately.
>And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. They had what looked like gold crowns on their heads, and their faces looked like human faces.
>I can think of dozens of things humanity has yet to do.
like what? We have already hit peak moral consciousness and are quickly receeding, the only question is how far that recession goes.
The planet cannot sustain us for much longer without a massive population reduction, which is itself a sign of revelations.
maybe it is some jews who want you to believe so, in order for you to give in to their tikkun olam.
maybe it is the end
and isnt it the end times, since the beginning?
Believing and spreading in kabbalistic gematria, voodoo and witchcraft
Wait a minute. I thought it was a global warming alarm. When did they change it into "climate change" or crisis?
The "nation" or "country" is the spiritual kingdom coming forth at the resurrection. Not an earthly nation of Christ rejecting fake Jews.
So God gave them the land back but not under the old covenant. They didnt have to confess their sins of rejecting and killing Messiah? You're serious?
Your philosophy.
No, everytime something bad happens people proclaim its end times.
Most Middle Ages didn't even have scatology.
Israel isn't Biblical Israel. Christianity is.
When are we going to get the biopic starring Joaquin Phoenix?
God abolished israel and makes it possible for every person to "gain citizenship" if the real Israel, which is the spiritual connection to God.
those are also called children of God or reborn in the name of Christ
>People still posting on Yas Forums without faith in Jesus Christ
Nobody is able to force you but there's still time
> People have been saying this for centuries
have all people of the globe ever been confided in their home?
has there ever been so much homosexuality, transexuality, fornication and tragedy?
I think we are clearly in the end times
Humanity is always in the end times. The struggle is stopping the world from tumbling into the abyss.
preacher man says it's the end of time
he says america's rivers are going dry
No. Life will go on regardless of what happens
Dear Lord;
19 years have passed since the towers of finance were sacrificed in your name.
This proved to be fruitful, bringing forth the PATRIOT ACT.
5 years ago, we brought the mongrel hordes to europe.
This proved to be fruitful, bringing forth FEAR and SUBMISSION.
We are now in the midst of bringing you a new gift, 19 years after the inauguration of your spirit into our realm.
This new gift will be PROLONGED, and LONG LASTING.
It will bring ORDER which will emerge from CHAOS.
Lord Spongebob, we shall crush the people under the weight of their own anxiety, in your name.
May they sell high, so that we buy low.
May the shelves run empty.
May desperation overtake hope.
When all of this occurs, may the people SEEK OUT YOUR LIGHT, the wisdom that will prevail here.
The initiates shall now secretly gather in New Zealand, away from the unworthy masses.
(pirate laughter)
this is just the beginning
it begins
it's begun
you could have prevented this
why didn't you stop it?
No, we’re god. One day, every human will know this and we will probably end up making another Big Bang far from now.
> Are we really in the end times?
No, this is the nightmare that will never, ever end.
No just the changing of the guard.
This. This puts an end to the "MuH 1948 IsrEals BaCk!!!" Prophecy....
>No, we’re god.
aww did baby read his first occultist pamphlet? If were god then our creator is God of gods.
the "muh-israel" is literally the synagogue of satan
Get right with Jesus Christ and he will show you the path. It's a relationship between Him and yourself.
Ending soon
>Israel is a nation dwelling in their land and in possession of Jerusalem.
They've been there for decades