/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3093

► Detected: 1,604,900 (+1,248) ► Died: 95,738 (+46) ► Day: 92 (-21:10:16)

— 4.4 billion people under lockdown —
— 214 countries and territories infected —
— 5.2x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,160 strains have been sequenced —


Jews 8 times more likely to die in the UK

Most "comorbidities" are just diabetes and hypertension

Coronavirus is now 1st cause of death in the US

Boris Johnson out of intensive care

NHS officials say Muslims are hardest hit in the UK

Treatment with HIV drugs ends in failure in controlled study

Incubation period up to 24 days, longer than expected

Virus causes damage to heart, kidneys and liver

In France, half in intensive care under 50 years old

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

0.4% of all Bergamo died to COVID within a month, despite lockdowns

WHO says detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

Test kits in the U.S and 30 countries are flawed

US federal government pressures states to test less

NOTE: The timeline does not reflect all of the recent changes to the table
19:23: 1,158 new cases and 117 new deaths in Michigan
18:35: 3,590 new cases and 196 new deaths in New Jersey
18:00: 4,799 new cases and 1,341 new deaths in France
17:30: 4,056 new cases and 96 new deaths in Turkey
17:00: 1,253 new cases and 50 new deaths in Louisiana


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Other urls found in this thread:


What effect has corona-chan had in London? Has there been more or less crime?

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I say Trump you say Virus


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Imagine she invites you over to her house to try some yummy BAT SOUP that she cooked especially just for you.

What do you do?

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hey Israeli, what's that chart mean? looks interesting

my corona chan can't be this cute!

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Easy, I boil that insectoid alive.

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How fast a virus spreads.

Good luck to our Goddess Corona-chan

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>I say Trump you say Virus

>America is now the world's 'worst-case scenario'
>In New York, things are looking so dire that prison inmates are being asked to don protective gear as they dig mass graves on Hart Island in the Bronx.
>Robert Spalding, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, believes coronavirus has shattered the "myth" of American global supremacy.
>As a former senior director of strategy at the National Security Council — the President's most important advisory body — he offers a sobering assessment of America's place in the world today.
>"I think the myth was that the US was still the main power acting throughout the world," he told the ABC.
>"All our pharmaceuticals are manufactured in China. All of our masks are manufactured in China. Basically everything is manufactured in China," he told ABC.
>"We have this incredible logistics capability for deploying [military] forces abroad but it's all dependent on the help of the Chinese Communist Party."

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Hardships make character. If you do despair in all of this just remember that we will come out stronger from this

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Is that an oreimo reference?

By the way, where's oreimo user?

> subscribers, 20 million

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nothingburger argiebro. just fucking give up already. its already fucking over.

sorry user, but I'm not the oreimo user

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>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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shitty comic that doesn't reflect reality

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>prep'd for the end of the world
>all the stuff I bought is pointless because I won't want to live past the collapse anyway
Without anime what's the point in going on

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Friendly reminder that it's only slowed down because NY peaked. Many more peaks to come.

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Nothingburger confirmed:

it is objectively terrible from any political standpoint.

why did corona.help get taken down? the gov't doesn't want sources reporting 7k/day?

Wow, that's some ancient shit there.

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government is going to do a rush job on lifting the lockdowns to try to get people back to work. They are completely unwilling to wait for a consistent decline and leveling off to appropriate levels. The extended dates will run their courses over the next month/month and a half and a return to work will occur as government claims summer stops the spread. Major statewide lockdown with no travel may occur in NY but I highly doubt this. Major cities largely effected still running public transportation from what I can see. Test shortages occurring country wide but media unwilling to address this. Highly likely a leveling off isn't even occurring. Already slamming on the maximum testing capacity on a daily basis. Backlog of two weeks. Don't go back to work, its a trap

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It seems like every government and news outlet is trying to suppress information to prevent panic. Almost all the data we get from here on out is going to be bullshit.


thank you. i knew you'd love it


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well deserved when adjusted to a shithole

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>95k dead after 6 months
no seriously, how is this any worse than the flu?
how was destroying the economy justified?

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machine learning makes better memes then you

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he's a schizo. 33 is one their triggering numbers.

If you read only headlines you won't get the full picture. Real information is hidden at the end of long articles or in a single sentence in stories barely being talked about. Is the navy ship with 400+ cases being talked about in MSM? No. Barely any mention of the kit shortage. Fuck MSM, you're absolutely right in saying that they are trying to stem panic. At this point all that matters is how soon they lift the lockdown. Anything less than 3 months isn't enough

Cvg you told me this wasn't a nothingburger

Probably because it's targeting people by demographic and that's a scary premise.

Is he wearing a mask?

Wonder what Israel will do without america

When will WHO receive consequences for what they did?

countries around the world all doing cutting edge research on covid-19 and this....is what finland comes up with....

Ok jew

it's because the kike media is scaremongering
the wuhan chink flu is literally just the flu, read this

They'd probably nuke their neighbors and yolo on fact most don't have Sampson option.

All it takes is one, but you'd know all about that, wouldn't you know? Fucking schlomo? Hitler should have finished the fucking job. I knew you cunts had a fucking plan.

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They didn't do anything wrong?

pooland gets more from mama merkel than us from USA

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How do you plan to celebrate?

>Jews 8 times more likely to die in the UK

wow I knew coronachan was based but THIS BASED?

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Too many words. It should just be "workers", "mandatory lockdown" and "government". If you're reading the meme, reading "local state and federal government" is too much.

No one is keeping an eye on the spread of germans now except Finland. Someone has to do it.

Gonna coom one extra time

>A phlebotomist working at Roseland Community Hospital said Thursday that 30% to 50% of patients tested for the coronavirus have antibodies while only around 10% to 20% of those tested have the active virus.

Could be a good sign as long as the antibody tests are accurate.

Why were healthy people that recovered going for tests, though?

Even papers published by virologist in China say the virus was world wide by Jan 27, who fought efforts publicly for border control, masks, and didn't declare a pandemic until March.

>spent 700 bucks on emergency long term food supplies for when I'm sick of rice and beans
>order still hasn't shipped 3 weeks later

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She's ourgirl

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We need UBI because automation is going to take all the meme making jobs in the future, how can we compete with pic related.

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it's too late


This virus is probably some left over bullshit from WW2 Nazi virologists

Go back to Twitter

~90,000 deaths
~3,000 CVG threads
~300 replies per thread

We are at about 1 death per 10 CVG thread replies.
At some point in time we should cross 1:1 death per CVG reply due to exponential growth.

Screencap this...

>Learn that Uncle I fucking hate tests positive
>55 years old, overweight, diabetic, smoker and drinker
>Only symptoms are a fever and cough that only lasted 3 days
>It's been over two weeks and he's still feeling perfectly fine, no second wave of the illness



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Why would they test your uncle?

The WHO is helping the world using the best scientists and doctors they can get. I'd trust them over some schizo on Yas Forums.

>We are at about 1 death per 10 CVG thread replies.

Does anyone know anything about hardtack? I've made it before, but does anyone know if you can put black pepper in it? The black pepper would be nice for flavor, but if it's just gonna make the batch go bad then it's not worth it.

Antobodies don't mean shit due to Corona being corona. Its an RNA virus that mutates like a motherfucker. You could miraculously get full antobodies for one stain and die because you caught another
The antibody memes coming out of the feds is a desperate hope in despite times because they cant do shit to stop her from wiping the whole population

Anyone else just going to keep buying powdered milk even after this is over? 10 liters per bag and it takes forever to go bad. Much more cost effective.

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That's a good question. I wonder if people were going because they were freaking out over the hysteria the media is driving (IMO). This is drive-thru testing. So I wonder if they give it to whoever shows up.

If the antibody tests are accurate and this story is true, it means the USA was just a couple weeks from reaching herd immunity when lockdowns started here, and that this virus is far more prevalent and infectious and far less lethal than we've been told.

>2 weeks and nothing
Incubation period is 28 days for the fun symptoms if he is unlucky

Faggot. You have learned nothing.

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Anyone else think this is a Chinese virus that was developed to get rid of Muslims and blacks? It was obviously incomplete and accidentally released. All the hardest hit areas have high black and/or arab DNA. I'm just saiyan. Obviously others can catch it and die from it, but the numbers I'm seeing are *very* strange.

time to spam AI memes then

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If you have a loved one who has died I'm sorry

1% of New York state infected by Sunday, screencap this.

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yes. Source beef bones now and freeze them so you can make bone broth to soak it in.

The common cold and influenza are RNA viruses.

SARS was also a corona virus. There's nothing special about sars-cov-2 being a coronavirus.

Hey KIKE! Ya know, that musugah lil chart ya got there is wrong, right?
You trying to JEW the numbers down like usual??

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Not sure why China would want to kill off the people holding the USA and Europe back from building space elevators and exploring the galaxy.

Operation paperclip and Odessa are the things that keep my hope up that some forces are still working behind the scenes for the good.

i think it was released purposely and its a lesser strain, all to warn the world of what china was creating in those fucking labs

Is that actually from an AI? Neat

It is at 95k with the total shutdown you mongoloid , without it you are looking at end of days style shit.
This is such a basic concept how can you mouthbreathers not comprehend it ?

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>The WHO is helping the world using the best scientists and doctors they can get. I'd trust them over some schizo on Yas Forums.
Imagine trusting an international organization

well over 1% if new orleans is infected.

that'd be really lame

Best thing that Corona brought is showing off how false of an union the EU is.
By denying Coronabonds Germany and Holland litted it's collapse that now is gonna happen in the decade for sure, glorious.
Get ready for the real economical crysis comming with the dissolution of the EU

It's not targeted. Just look at what it's doing in Quebec. Communities known for extended families and large gatherings are getting spreading the shit more. Hell, one of the biggest grouped cases in Newfoundland happened because of a funeral gathering.
Niggers and muslims are known for being very social among their own groups, and that's why they're spreading it more.

they lied for china you cunt

argie baker was right, hcq monkey btfo

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>Half of all deaths of corona in the US are niggers

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Could be, but does China want to play biowarfare chicken with Israel and by extension the US?

All I know is something very fucky is going on.

>Trusting China Health Organization

So just theoretically, what is the best way to actually get Corona? I know of like the niggerball guy who touched all the microphones, and people licking toilet seats etc but that seems like a way to just get sick in general. How does one go about contracting coronavirus specifically, if you don't know anyone who has it?

wheres r0 5.7


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