Why do Americans do this?

Why do Americans do this?

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Because Christian Americans think that just because they're following a religion, they know way better than anyone else.

Good intentions often lead to very bad things.

-t Roman Catholic raised American

No im a Protestant and that image is blasphemy

Evangelicals are simpleton chimp niggers

wtf how do they get the boxes to stay afloat like that

how are the side boxes floating?

You're asking the wrong question. HOW do Americans do this? Those boxes are floating.

pickle rick

>why are Atheists such butt hurt pussies?
Tell me OP

faith and belief in the lord jesus christ

A lot of Christian americans dont like it and find it in bad taste.

This is likely in red neck country.

why do amerimutts have to ruin everything with their consumerist BS?

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>Good intentions often lead to very bad things.

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Empty and taped/glued.

sticks running through the boxes. The employees just drink the sodas from the damaged box later on when a new display is set up.

Raised faggot I see

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I don't think Jesus would advocate for people to drink liquid diabetes in a can...

probably pulled an old anti-grav engine from the junkyard

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In their place, would totally set something like this up

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Xmas.

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why not? it's pretty cool. sorry that it offends you, snowflake

Its just old anti-gravity technology . We even put it on our bins here.

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When we have so many morbidly obese people rolling around in the US on fat people scooters, enough to have multiple tv shows with multiple seasons of different people being over 600lbs, you really have to ask why they would erect an alter to their calorie god?



strawman much?

Based, praise Jesus

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I hope you come back to Christ user, were in the final stages of NWO implementation with varying factions vying for control.

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We're too busy not worshipping the sun and molesting kids

American Christianity is the absolute biggest disgrace to Christendom. They literally can’t see past their own super rich pastors and anytime anything happens ever they just go “muh grace” like that’s all God ever wanted us to do.

It is pathetic.

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>when a random event happens

>when multiple catholic churches abuse boys

It was just a individual guys!.

I never said I went away from Christ.

I'm more casual than I was as a child, but I was an altar boy (who wasn't raped/diddled) and I still attend more holy days of obligation than a lot of my peers.

At my worst I'm agnostic. But as the days get worse and worse, and America's political situation gets more and more bleak, saving my own soul is looking like a pretty good option right about now.

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Someone post the pic of the girl praying to a stack of cokes at a fucking walmart

lmao, if this wasnt in English this kind of headline wouldnt be so out of place over here

This is the one that’s complete horse shit LARPing for twitter likes

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peak america

christcucks will never see the birth of their new god until its to late

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That picture would have been so edgy and cool in 2003.


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to give those chinks something to copy

>4 boxes of dr pepper for 10 bucks

i see, this is why americans are obese and diabetic.

If Dr. Pepper were alive to witness this...he would be disgusted.

It's evangelical protestant shit, probably in the South.

Kek you got me for a moment.

a 6 pack of water is 20 dollars

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Whats up ya fucking pedo?

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why do they make crosses when they have access to boxes? or are you upset its soda?

>muh cunsoomerist

The Gospels of Thomas


don't define them with your mind
because they define your soul
I will wake the world very soon
only some will smile to say the least
the rest will weep and cry
they will never know or see the truth
and they will remain within the burdens of the fouled up economic system

That is beautifully ridiculous. God bless America.

>Christians: see past the brands on the boxes and focus on their faith.
>Atheists: see past the faith and focus on the brands on the boxes

It's all matter of perspective.
Personally I think the Christians have the healthier one.

You dont see Catholics doing this shit. They're too busy having sex without protection because the priest told them condoms are the devils rubber

they are addicted to sugar

Considering the fact that I'm going to Uni to be a high school band director and that my girlfriend and I are the same age...

There's really nothing I can say to prove to you that I'm not a pedophile.

But I'm not a pedophile. And I have the clearances and state-conducted background checks to prove it.

protniggers do all kinds of stupid shit kek