So what exactly did Jesus mean when he called the Jews the Synagogue of Satan.
So what exactly did Jesus mean when he called the Jews the Synagogue of Satan
He meant unconverted Jews are the Synagogue of Satan
He didn't. He called a group of gnostics who claimed to be Christians the synagogue of satan.
based Messiah
>Revelation 3:9, NIV: "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
The earliest Christians considered themselves to be Jews. There was a gnostic group in Smyrna who claimed to follow Jesus but did not. They taught that Jesus existed on the earth as a spirit with no physical body. They were called antichrists:
1Jo 4:3 - and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.
place of worship for jewish people
>Synagogue of Satan.
they worship satan,jews are luciferians.
the mesias of the jewish religion is the antichrist,leviatan represents satan,in the passovers the jews instead of eating lamb(jesuschrist)they eat fish(leviatan a sea monster that represents satan)
what rabbis say about freemasonry?judaism for the goy.
>rev 2:9 and 3:9
There's no real controversy about translation about it.
>According to a 2015 WIN/Gallup poll, 65% of the Israeli population "said that they are either not religious or convinced atheists, compared to just 30% who say that they are religious." Of this religious 30%, only about 2.1% practice Christianity in any form, and about 80% of those are Arab Christians.
He meant that they were Roman collaborators.
i think "fake jews" means the former jews who started to worship moleck in the talmod
Yep, and that is modern Judaism.
Jewish people are not bad people. There is nothing wrong with them. However, the religion of Judaism is wrong.
>Jewish people are not bad people. There is nothing wrong with them. However, the religion of Judaism is wrong.
they follow judaism,so they ae bad people,inmoral people.
Not all of them.
Not all of them follow Judaism*
We should try to convert them.
the rabbi is the roadblock between jews and good
Imagine killing your pure blood Nordic pagan brothers in their ancestral homelands because they would'nt worhship a Jew hanging off a cross killed by other Jews in their Jew homeland.
Christcucks are pathetic.
pagans sacrificed children
you cringey fucks are so retarded. you're all the same retard slaves wasting your lives so priests can rape your kids.
>imagine doing what I don’t like
You're wrong. Pagans included Jesus pretty quickly in their pantheon. Violence didn't really happen there. Still doesn't make killing off the old culture right, but what can you do about things that happened 800+ years ago?
Imagine being a pagan in the first place. It goes against the first commandment. The first one lol
Because Jesus was based and Godpilled.
Make his eyes blue. Trigger subhumans even more... also more accurate.
Yahweh is evil, Jesus is good
Says the subhuman jew who was literally sodomised by his rabbi who also sucked the blood off his bloody, freshly mutilated infant cock.
What a cope
That tub of lard larping at ren fest
so all jews then?
they are the devils people not
Yahweh the creator god is evil. Jesus, his son is good. He challenged the evil Yahweh to let him save souls by sacrificing himself instead. It’s the only way Christianity makes any sense.
>having a homeland
The synagogue of satan are canaanites, the ancient saturn worshippers. It's not Jews as in the race, Jesus is referring to those who worship false idols, such as Moloch, etc.
Those who are completely without morals, who eat human flesh and rape children.
Whether you believe it or not, these pedo's do worship the devil.
God IS the devil. Jesus is the good God.
Imagine thinking the bible as we know it after thousands of bad translations is the sole reasonable way to find God
jesus was king of the jews, therefore any israelite claiming to be a jew who did not accept jesus as lord worships satan
if you read the talmud it literally says parents can sacrifice their children to molech so he was spot on
Imagine being a bunch of sea raiders who couldnt take the heat you yourselves started .
The Jews aren't a race, they're about 4. Jesus was absolutely referring to Hebrews though. They are all apart from god. Christ was the redeemer.
after years and years of studying King James version ive yet to find a flaw
The only way a conflict could occur requiring a sacrifice is if God the father and the son has a moral disagreement. Furthermore, it is clear from the Old Testament that the father is evil. Jesus is good. He saved us from his evil father.
satan is the planet saturn.
>Jews have hemorrhoids.
God lives on Saturn. The ring is what got transcribed as a halo in art.
The planet was named after it.
The Star of David is the Star of Remphan. A demonic sigil given to Solomon to control Satan's minions by his witch wives that worship saturn.
There's your redpill for today.
Read the bible and you will understand.
Dont ask questions like this here. If you do, expect horseshit answers that are either wrong, very wrong and deliberately misleading, or just insulting.
God lives in the hexagon on Saturn’s North Pole. Look it up
Man, you're a retard. Get help.
Same excuse Romans used to invade Carthage guess the Catholic church continue to use it they even did it here in the Americas.
Thinking Christian were the first moral people on this planet
Did the Native Americans also started shit?
>they call themselves Jews and are not
Think real hard faggots. Who calls themselves Jews without ever attending any religious event? Who calls themselves Jews without any observance of religious moral principle?
Most all of the people that call themselves Jews are just hugging the racial type, with no observance to the religion at all.
You asshats hate on Jews and the evil they do all day but when the Bible is just about to confirm your suspicions then you say stupid bullshit and then stick your head up your ass?
>muh synagogue of Satan meme
Revelation 3 provides no way or form to know who these "fake jews" are, as everything in the Gospel it is vague and contradictory
So you randomly have decided that the synagogue of Satan is the modern Jews, as if that would change anything at all
Jesus himself said that the world is of Satan, and he made it quite clear that the only way to oppose "Satan" is by opposing the World. Which is INSANE if your main concerns are the survival of a WORLDY civilization into the far future. A concern that Christianity makes completely pointless
Why are you even here? You have no skin on this game. According to you, the Jewish War God will WIN no matter what and slay your enemies
There is nothing on the line for Christians
They gave up on this Universe
Europe being Islamic or not is completely IRRELEVANT for a christians that believes in the plan of God
The plan which promised that God would come back after 1000 years of oppression and persecution of his followers
A christians wanting to oppose the oppression of his people is going against God's plan
And it is not some sort of twisted interpretation by the Pope or evil catholics:
- "it is the duty of a Christian to suffer injustice, not to seize the sword and take to violence" - Martin Luther
According to who? Christcucks?
Gas yourself nigger the vikings killed more whites and were snowniggers. Pagans constantly fought religious wars and chimped out at each other. Christianity civilized snow niggers. Meds will always civilize the snow monkeys thats how it goes
The Pharisees had legitimate authority from God, but many of their highest ranking leaders did not truly believe. They loved power and money and saw anything that would shake up the established order as a threat, using the true faith as a means for personal exultation and worldly popularity.
Unfortunately, the new Israel (the church) is taking a page out of this exact book.
Okay I guess Jesus sacrificed himself for no reason then? Take your blasphemous tard self out of here
everyone where he was worshiped in a synagogue even jewsus himself you fucking retard! Also read
Isaiah 14
read Also non-jews = gentile those who claim to be jews black isrealites kek
There's plenty of verses that directly describe God's character as "good" and "hating evil."
The ones that call themselves Jewish are usurpers. They're pretending to take after Judah the patriarch who was given the kingdom. However, over time and battles the survivors usurped the title.
The usurper's real genealogy is from the bloodline of Cain - the serpent seed (Genesis 3:15). While Jesus the Messiah is the seed of the woman.
God is evil and lives in Saturn: within the hexagon on Saturn. Jesus saved us from him. Amen
imagine being American claiming a religion that you know next to nothing about except muh oaks
read the scripture youre referencing, it is purposefully misquoted in the meme you picked it up from
stop being a retard
From god’s point of view, yes.
>bro just make shit up
Romans were trying to civilized them it worked in Britania. I have no problem with civilizing tribal people. But doing it in the name of a jew nah.
>It goes against the first commandment. The first one lol
noooooooooo not the heckin first commendementino of the israelites!!! not the heckin law of moishe!!!!
Ok let's talk about Roman paganism or Greek Paganism I know more about those what's would you like to know?
change the last word slightly and it all makes sense
>synagogue of satan
>synagogue of saturn
Goyim are any people who have not willfully accepted the eternal covenant of Yah.
You sound like a Calvinists. Calvinists are massive faggots. Martin Luther was a kike agent purposefully acting to split that Church.
>God thinks he is good and people he works with describe him as good but he's actually evil
Hot take. Also I'm so damned tired of the "Saturn worship" thing.
>pagani = gentiles
I think this is the product of two similar words having two similar uses in a Christian-oriented culture for several hundred years.
>Christians are jews
Sorry, I don't worship jews period.
He meant they were the synagogue of satan
Fpbp well close enough
>roman and greek paganism
willingly converted lol
Calvin and Luther were separate people, dumdum
Islam, Christianity and Judaism same shit different names. all desert cult religions. Have the same founding father and cut the skin off their dicks the same way.