Californian secession

>bangs gavel

Anons, it is time for those of us in the states to vote on CA's movement to leave the Union.

Will the states please cast their vote?

>KY votes let em' leave

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Fuck this. Why do degenerates, niggers and homeless get to infest and take over prime real estate.

Kick all of these faggots out to some shithole desert and restore Cali to greatness

>mfw Escape From New York and Escape From L.A. turn out to be documentaries

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Quick run down? Been at work all day

We are voting on letting CA leave the union.


Texas votes we get our 1850 land back and we leave.

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Don't think anything will come from this. Newsom can strut all he wants but when it comes down to it, the red counties are armed, and the US Military will quickly shit on the rest

Let them leave but take our military supplies back and also blockade them with the Navy says Indiana

The great state of Minnesota concurs with the honorable fren, California can go.

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If anything, that one time we had the red counties ready to secede from the blue (NCR) would happen first. Lots of folk in the red counties are sick of the blue fags

WV user here
>votes let em' leave

Bye, take all of our faggot commies and spics with you, love Massachusetts

I vote the faggots that want to secede to get the fuck out of the country. The land belongs to the US.

>red counties are armed
Red counties want more local, less federal government. This is good for actual right-wingers. You internet authoritarian larpers on the other hand...

california needs to go. Pennsylvania votes aye!

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But what to do about the Boston Question?

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Ohio here. Let them leave.

Cali is rightful white clay. Niggers beaners poos and bugs can all be driven into the sea. Faggots too

Michigan votes that we should accept CA's right to leave.
And ignore and takesie backsies they might try.

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The vote is set 8/49, my most honorable anons. Any other states ready to vote?

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Nice story, retard. Gayifornia Supreme Court said it’s never going to happen.
Go punch your fruity clown somewhere else.

PA here.
Kick 'em out, and dam up the Colorado River.

Order Order

Quiet down gentleman

the votes are being cast

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Now, get all of your refugees the fuck out.

The whole point of california is to drag the rest of the country down with it. There is no timeline in which they secede.

Thank you, reverend user.

Votes are now at 10/49

All of the problems would be solved if every blue city that has more population than the state divided by 2 became a citystate and couldnt affect state politics.

Utah votes no. We need their land and costs and ports and oil and minerals.
Fuck the traitors there they can be driven into the ocean. No secession.

Does this mean they don't get to vote on the federal election anymore? If so good riddance.

Utah was slightly drunk tonight when typing

Agreed. Oklahoma gives us back the panhandle. We get our land out to the Rio Grande. New Mexico can be partitioned between us and Arizona. The world doesn't need two Mexicos. The Red River boundary should be moved to the middle of the river. No longer should Oklahoma be permitted to steal our land.
Oh, and as for California, I think it should be stripped of statehood and treated as a military asset like Guam. Hawaii too while we're at it.

Iowa votes in favor of allowing California to leave the union, but also moves to include a clause that stipulates that California be financially responsible for the land mass currently occupied by the state of California being physically removed from the united states as well.

The great state of South Cackalackey is pro-secession. We vote yes and humbly request to secede from the USA as well.

Aye they will be removed from all Union government.


12/49 votes total.
11 aye.
1 nay.

California here.
If you guys will just nuke SF and LA you can what the fuck ever you want with the rest of us.

Holy shit

California fag here

Cant you just send in RWDS?

On behalf of New York I vote no, on account on us not wanting to be the new most insufferable hated state. I wanna still get to bully someone worst of than me.

>cali loses both senators and all congressmen
>loses all businesses
>takes in all homeless
>sinks into the ocean in 15 years

I say OKAY!

Norf Carolina motions to purge the state and establish the Greater State of Best Carolina.

Let it be known that Utah supports the removal of globohomo scum and simultaneously wishes to retain the natural resource and land holdings of California.

Pennsylvania votes Yes

Illinois here.
let em secede and give em Chicago too while we're at it.

Who got the get?

>nuke SF and LA
Point of parliamentary procedure, please!!
Is this an option?

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In the interest of keeping 50 stars on the flag so we dont have to rebuy everything. I'd motion to split upstate ny and ny city into two separate states

Florida votes aye


North Carolina seconds the notion to nuke SF and LA and send in RWDS. Votes to still let them leave though.

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Current map of votes cast.

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>I wanna still get to bully someone worst of than me.
You already have New Jersey.

Washington reporting in.

We support succession and will recognize the new territory of California.

However, they must front the cost of paying for their own wall. Trade deals are OK.

Texas votes Yea

texas votes yes then go to war with them

Yes. A California Representative , one “Swalwel” ,suggested using nukes on farmers and ranchers circa 2014.
Perhaps a non nuclear option to protect fragile ecosystems

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And Connecticut.

FL user here, I vote to let me leave. Keep their cancer from spreading further

Give me a nesquick rundown please.
I have family in Rancho cucamonga.

10/10 my esteemed friend

CO: Kill em all
Wait, is that the question?

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extend the wall

>t. Nevada

I live an hour from LA, please keep the blast localized

Piney Woods Delegate affirms this vote.

WA votes leave
>western WA has been ruined by you Calicunts for too long

New Hampshire votes yes, good riddance.
State was bound to sink into the ocean at some point anyway.

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Oregon: YES, and ban their entry.


Balkanize Caifornia!


New Hampshire votes in favor.

Legalizing killing commies > Seceding commiefornia

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It's more likely that all leftist politicians will get purged before any secession bullshit. The right wing of the state will rise up and kill them all before the military could even join in. Newsom is all talk, but he'll be literally shitting his pants when hundreds of thousands of ridiculously turbo-armed true Californians descend upon the state capitol and demanding he get out of his office lest he be dragged out of it for a quick trial and execution for treason.

Goodbye motherfuckers and don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!


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NC here, we accept any decision made by California regarding their succession. (Hopefully it’s a motion to leave permanently.)

The Great State of Alabama casts its vote for the suck session: AYE

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New Mexico heartily agrees that California needs to go.

Florida here.
California man fails to impress us. Get rid of them all.

Checked and correct. If they want to go, OK, go, then they're a foreign nation that's pretty overtly hostile to the US. I wonder if their military is as good as ours, hahahaha

Utah here I vote yes

Hmmmm....we COULD just trigger all their fault lines...

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What a retarded thread. Of course pol is going to vote to succeed

WI votes nay. Stay in and suffer with us, we'll cut your pipes to Lake Michigan either way.

Based. So friggin based!

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Arizona votes in favor of California's succession from the Union and makes a motion to close the border with the nation of California in the interests of national security.


Thanks buddy


You got the get

I concour good sir

Yee-claw, lil' buddy!

I, representing the interests and people of the state of Illinois, vote against the notion of California's secession from the union, and state my cause as is: the United States of America as one great entity reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Nevada seconds the motion

For the love of Christ let us secede from them first

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Let them leave, and strip them of all USA assets. Invade and conquer them for being faggot ass leeches


On behalf of the state of Michigan, we second the move to cut water from California.

Why would you let California leave that easily? At least sell it to Mexico for some tacos and glass bottle coca cola

CA here, we vote NO of course

WI voted nay. Nay means no dear exhaulted retard.

Not good enough there is still too much trash living in surrounding areas, they would have to be dealt with on a county by county basis

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Get out here FIB!
Wisconsin agrees that California must go.


It appears that Utah is in turmoil, some say aye, some say nay. This is reflected on the map - but the official vote is still 'Nay'

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Let them leave. We govern ourselves the way we want. They govern themselves the way they want.

Yeah... the point of it all is to nuke LA and Bay Area. Yeah, you will die too.

Not even Mexico deserves something so cruel

Don't listen to that FIB, Wisconsin agrees Caliniggers must leave.

Virginia votes in favor