The Right Already Lost

Discovered this board and was losing all faith in humanity until I came to a realization, you people have absolutely zero political influence and make up less than 0.01% of the population. Essentially, people like you don't exist in the real world. The right is in decline for the following reasons:

>Racism is being seen for what it is: outdated pseudoscience
>Trans-phobia and homophobia are also being seen for what they are: problematic and anti-science.
>People are realizing that all right wing beliefs inherently deny basic science.
>Our entire current youth is leftist despite constant attempts at indoctrination and brainwashing by the alt-right in their education (you go Zoomers!)
>POC are finally seeing success despite constant oppression, further disproving racism.
>Demographically, white people are embracing diversity. Over 90% of surveyed people aged 15-24 said they would be open to an interracial relationship.
>the list goes so much longer but i think you racists get the picture.

In conclusion I really believe that anything this board advocates for will be looked back upon as the wrong side of history in the future. As people become more educated and less bigoted, leftist beliefs will be continue to be shared by an increasing number of people. For those of you still part of the alt-right, here me out. Maybe, just maybe, if you considered being a decent human being, you would see the flaw in your political beliefs and stop being so heckin toxic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

get the fuck out

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Kys faggot

Who cares what you think? :^)

Holly shit you think homophobia is anti science?
>Gays are 1% of the population but 80% of syphilis cases.
>Gays are 60x more likely to have HIV than straight men


>1 post by this id

Oof, usage of that word is gonna get a yikes from me. You are aware that this is why nobody takes you pathetic incels seriously, right?

You don’t have God on you side so it’s literally impossible for you to win


>Trans are the real scientists

You're in for a nasty shock when China becomes the world hegemony.

you have to go back

>obvious bait
>faggots still fall for it

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Religion has been disproven by science multiple times. Nice try though...

To faggots the word faggot itself is worse than the fact that they spread aids and normalize sexualizing and fucking kids.

this bait is trying way too hard
didn't read, 0/10
see me after class faggot

checked and bumped-the-bait-anyways-pilled

Preach it brotha!

Nah that’s impossible.

The Jewish influx into America of the 1960s is the worst thing to have ever happened to this country and everyone knows it. It ruined three entire generations of men and women and is rapidly accelerating to the endgame of obese androgynous mulatto things bound to consumption with no desire to fight back against their masters.

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Ever smoke DMT? Try again faggot

jews are strengthened by god.
you will get the rope.
whether by communists or nazis
one side will win.

You cite studies done in the 80s when homophobia was rampant. Current studies found that children ARE NOT more likely to be molested by LGBTQ+ members.

You hate cis white people, you want social privileges and gibs, and you're the exact same in mindset of every single last gdamned group, race, identity in existence, aside the typical cuckold egalitarianism of whites.
Take your idiotic "YOU make up less than .01% of the population" claim and stick up your aids ridden disgusting ass, larpfag.
EVERYONE is as racist as Yas Forums, white straight males are merely the only group that are socially expected to no express it. You nasty, disgusting, pompous little entitled plain ENEMY.
Now go on with your bullshit.

This is some gr8 b8

Shouldn't you be committing suicide?

Imagine thinking sex is for anything other than reproduction and not realizing that the reason you feel sexual pleasure is simply so that you are driven to reproduce. Sex for anything other than reproduction is a form of glutony and sinners will be punished. Get right with god because your fucking life is short and fleeting.

>fighting hate
doesn't sound objective at all


Are you stupid?
Trans is the most anti-science, anti-reality movement in a century, at least.

Remember to sage every slide thread. (((THEY))) want emotional replies. Don't give them the pleasure.

46% of male homosexuals report being molested, as compared to only 7% of heterosexual men. Source:

Nice bait faggot. Literally everything you said is wrong and can be attributed to both leftist and lgbtq groups.
The amazing thing is that lgbt make up 0.01% of the population yet attribute to like 40% of all suicides and mental illnesses. Follow your group and kys

FYI the studies don't actually come from the website. They come from credible outside sources. Nice try validating homophobia though.

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In the 80s people were more right about gays than they are now because homophobia is good and logical. Saying that studies from now about pedophiles are dumb in 10 years would be just as faggy and retarded. You jew fags are already trying to normalize pedo shit and beastiality.

This utopian spacker fails to grasp what happens when shit hits the fan, which it will soon due to flu related economic collapse. Hope you are ready for religious fundamentalism you spastic jizzgulper

I don't have to.
you cocksuckers will get the rope eventually.
China will not tolerate you when they take over the world.

hope you enjoy the 4 more years bitch

>Retards don't realize this larping
Wtf pol get it together

I don't understand what you are trying to convey. The fact that nobody as presented a valid argument is prove that the right does not have logic on their side...

Youre here every day

A) stop lying
B) fuck you , gay
C) you need explain hebrew on filename.

A+B+C= never trust anything yid/jew.

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Gay people have never contributed anything to society almost all great scientific discoveries are by straights

in the same way you gathered influence
the right will act in the same way

the right has already won by cementing the name of the current president in history

as china and russia's influence grows
either the west adopts stronger right wing views or they get usurped

Not even gonna give the dignity of a (You)
All fields

>homosexuals molest each other
>what are you trying to convey

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Mediocre LARP
This is one of the lamer slide threads I've seen today.

Sure thing, Issac Newton has been proven to be gay. The founder of calculus, a gay man. Additionally Oppenheimer, Descartes, Edison, Tesla, have ALL been speculated to be closet homosexuals. If anything, gays have contributed MORE to STEM than heterosexuals.

Fuck you sodomite, remember this alright, zoomers will send you faggots to hell quicker. Eat shit and die. Fuck you and get lynched degenerate.

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>the right has already lost
just like we already lost in 2016
just like we are about to lose in 2020
get ready for your umpteenth dose of reality eventually your body wont reject it

>outdated pseudoscience
Not at all. It’s actually becoming harder than ever for scientists to ignore the biological reality of race.

I have zero doubts animalfucking will be legal and have laws to regulate it eventually, and won't take very long either.
>well just as long as the animal is happy, goy
>you claim you can own a living being anyway, so I claim to fuck what I own.
>children need to accept some people fuck animals anally
>they need to see it personally happen to learn tolerance, you bigot
>sorry your private morals belong in private, fido's dick belongs in my ass though

This was done by faggots who wanted important faggots to be a thing.

This is why people don’t invite you to good parties, why you always get friend zoned by people you like, and why you feel a foggy but potent sensation when strangers look at you funny.
You’re a tumor and you know it. I just want you to know that it’s so apparent, anyone can see it from your anonymous posts.

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Left and Right are the same guy in disguise dumbass. You cannot have moral superiority until you become free of corate Big Morality. The "faggot" image is artificial and plays on idiots of every flavor preference. The gays were just its first victim.

>Racism has been increasing on all sides since 2014. The "we say so science incorporated" can't hold water in the long run.
>Trans-gender-ism isn't real. Nobody is born gay either. It's all ideological bullshit.
>Left-wing retards repeat "science!" every time they can't come up with their own arguments because their brain dead.
>Generation Z has been measured to the be most conservative generation since the silent generation
>Black isn't a color.
>Demographically thanks to Corona and Trump, none of that will be relevant in the long run.
>Yeah, I see a a faggot boi who needs an ass fucking.

Bottoms down you little queer.

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oh and guess what, they actually did something with their lives instead of prancing around like retards in the streets.

How did I know you’d be a memeflag? Like clockwork.

>proven to be gay
a quick google search finds like one forum post speculating that hes gay because he was celibate
then all you are left with are your imaginary projections of success

you sound so certain you had to make this shitty post :) it's almost like a small part of your fag brain realizes we're all around you and you can't tell who we are irl. don't worry homo we tend to gravitate towards eachother irl heh you're done for kiddo diddler.

Never seen such a well drawn punchable face. True artistic talent.

You can post all the studies you want. I posted one from 2012 and he discredited it as an outdated study from the 80s. Faggots gonna fag

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All of those points you made can be disproven scientifically. Additionally, Zoomers were found to be slightly more conservative than millennials, which isn't very conservative at all.

haha nigger skull go boom

Well, that's not really true..many great men throughout history engaged in homosexual behavior..Alexander the great, Frederick the great, Julius Cesar, Alan Turing, Oscar Wilde, too many artists and musicians to list..but they mostly tried to keep their perversions to themselves and it wasn't their entire identity

You are jew homosexual so a 200% political stooĝe. Go back to some gay bar or smthg, make rebellion on price of pink martinus, ok ?

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lol I didn’t even notice the Hebrew good catch. JIDF is busy

disprove them then

If true, why hillary not president?

What are you talking about, the right is doing fine?

>Religion has been disproven by science
>opposing religion and science
facebook-tier faggotry

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I've always been a fan of the argument "All your claims have been disproven" And then just leave it at that. Only the strongest intellectual could make such an argument.

What are you talking about, the right is doing fine? You're a retard, you just assume everyone agrees with you.

I want to leave reddit and Yas Forums forever

>we wuz fags n shit
To any user dumb enough to browse this thread and speculate as to if this post was accurate, I can assure you, it is not. It’s embarassing really, because there were lots of great gay men throughout history not mentioned here
>Alan Turing (father of computing)
>Hadrian (Roman emperor)
>Oscar Wilde (author and playwrite)


Ohoooh oh hahaha.

>newton being gay

please educate yourself in the same way you can jump to conclusions about being single = gay

we can make the assumption that the american people love donald trump since he won the US election

you have no contribution besides spreading disease

either accept that as a fact or live in your delusions

Truly an above 200 IQ Individual

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Pretty sure that's a mexican.


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No one is gay people just do gay shit. Being gay is a choice.

Everybodys gay, fags and old rednecks are the only ones still making a big deal out of it. Nobody likes either of those things except other fags and rednecks.
If we let them starve, the issue would die with them.

Trump is liberal enough.
The definition of right wing is far more left than it has been in the past.

This is glorious. Sauce?

lol keep telling yourself that faggot

I dont have to validate homophobia because its already valid, unlike homosexuality

They were prudent. The homosexual behavior being glorified is not prudent. That is the main difference. Sometimes in Polynesian culture a boy is raised as a girl. A prudent girl. If the boy/girl is a skank they are shunned.

Being gay is not a choice, because nobody would chose to be gay
Smoothbrain detected

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That means more people will be considered right wing, then they will be easily redpilled.

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>moving the goal post

islam is right about gays

Of course people would choose to be gay. People choose to fuck dogs and kids. And its trendy as fuck now and gets you tons of attention.

I’m pretty sure even poc hate you fags.

Found a picture of OP

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Even a jew cant pretend to be ok with dogfucking and still be morally safe in their God's eyes. Jews need to crack down on their satanism harder of theyll fuck up the best era for jews in all history, courtesy of the Aryan Race.

Based flips.

Ik right, why can't whites and jews just be frens.

>people chose to fuck dogs and kids
They chose to, because that’s what they’re into; you don’t get to chose what sexual activity you desire, that’s what makes fags fags and pedophiles pedohpiles
>it’s trendy as fuck and gives you lots of attention
It sure wasn’t trendy and fun when fags would be strung up from trees but they still did it

>In conclusion I really believe that anything this board advocates for will be looked back upon as the wrong side of history in the future. As people become more educated and less bigoted, leftist beliefs will be continue to be shared by an increasing number of people. For those of you still part of the alt-right, here me out. Maybe, just maybe, if you considered being a decent human being, you would see the flaw in your political beliefs and stop being so heckin toxic.
If at least one of you child molesting trannies die because of Yas Forums then it will all have been worth it.

Why the fuck are people cosplaying as unicorns unironically?

Are we okay with furries now? Can I identify as a fucking attack helicopter, and start killing people I disagree with because I was designed to kill?

If this was true, then what is wrong with that? I see a reasonable attractive person.
Enough with god, he has been proven to not exist. Additionally, your Aryan race is also going to disappear. Countries which allign with this imaginary race, including germany, netherlands, etc. are all extremely liberal and continue shifting left as time progresses.

Hey just because all Socialists are Cock Suckers. Does not make all Cock Suckers Socialists. Make Cock Suckers Great Again.

>Demographically, white people are embracing diversity. Over 90% of surveyed people aged 15-24 said they would be open to an interracial relationship.

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You must be half blind then.

Transgenderism is the least scientific thing imaginable, and it blows my mind that trannies are acting like they have any scientific basis to stand on

Younger generations are starting to be more and more anti gay. Probably cause their degenerate fag parents and teachers all have STDs

Unbelievably based.

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All these people falling for the bait