What happens when it collapses?

what happens when it collapses?

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i dont know

no one shoves a fist full of circulars and other assorted junk mail through my slot every friday?

Jews take over package handling and delivery, prices triple and service becomes dogshit.

You'll pay bills online like most everyone else.

UPS takes over.

why would it collapse?

People start delivering shit via private aircraft, trucks, cars. Some genius creates an app right now and fucks over Uber for not thinking of it first...Just sayin


They print/borrow however many billions they need to prop it up.

i fucking hope not they are slow as fuck

Cope mutt, Jews are taking over

Attached: Jewess.jpg (770x1024, 112.48K)

i wish i could sue for these unsolicited daily trash dumps in my mailbox, I gotta throw all that shit aeay for them, what a waste

this is what amazon already does

It's collapsed numerous times already.

Too many people use USPS first class to ship all their under 1 Lb packages through Ebay. It is not going to collapse.

Amazon has a more reliable delivery network anyway. Privatized mail system.

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>what happens when it collapses?
Uber, Lyft, and Amazon delivery drivers get to deliver junk mail.

>what happens when it collapses?

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Lmao this. Ordered a package with express shipping from Germany. Was supposed to be here yesterday but apparently they had a mechanical issue. Every fucking time it's something

nothing since ending the postal service would require amending the constitution

international shipping is all kinds of fucked right now. i have several packages i've been waiting for for nearly a month

lol thats what usps already is. usps will just keep getting bailed out. just like everyone else now. basically just means govt owns u now. is why bernie retired, hes not needed anymore. no biggie

Its already in Ireland. But it's stuck in Finglas because of the mechanical issue. Finglas is like Detroit of Ireland, some nigger probably robbed the van

hopefully losers will stop delivering trash to my door. it's basically littering.

i hate niggers. good luck with your package brah

Private companies already do postage better than the (((USPS)))

My package will arrive faster and less fucked up.

>When it collapses
What the fuck are you on?
It won't go unless DC is a smoking crater

this: youtu.be/e4KNxgWY5yg

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idk but I'm buying one of those USPS trucks on the cheap when it does. Those shits seemingly last forever and never break down.

They just got bailed out. Gonna be a while.

the free market will quickly and easily take its place, wait it already has.

They’re out of stamps at the main branch in my town. Also say they’re having a hard time getting them

Superior shipping companies will fill the void.
And as a bonus junk mail declines since it literally only exists for the sake of propping up the post office. Good riddance to those fucking giant papers full of shit like RV and boat ads for boomers.

Yeah, some weeks I fill like half a trash can with that bullshit. We're killing forests so dumb niggers can make $25/hr and still not properly put shit in the right box.

Some nogs get laid off jobs they did poorly. Their pension goes poof and they go on welfare. A bunch of bullshit we don't need to deal with isn't put in our mailboxes anymore. Everything goes electronic.

Let it fucking burn. UPS/FedEx and maybe DHL will fill the void on shit you actually need.

Remember their pensions are guaranteed by your tax dollars. Unions sure saved this business.

More work for me

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Why do jewesses always try to disguise themselves as nordic?

It won't.

It sure did, just like it did a ton of other industries. Also good thing we required the USPS to fund its health care costs 75 years into the future. There is no other corporation or government agency required to do the same.

Nothing much. I don’t get much mail; a lot of it is junk, and much of the rest could be done electronically. We reduce mail delivery to once a week, stop carbon emissions from mail trucks, and save money on propping up the USPS.

Have we seen her pussy yet? Want to know if she has totally pink lips.

not good really, but there needs to be a nigger purge

People still use eBay? Shit. Still, you could reduce it to once a week and it’d be fine.

Didn't they recently suspend that service?

The post office is a joke. Like all federal agencies it's full of entitled pricks and cunts who are lazy as fuck. Sure they're self-funded, but that actually makes them worse. They have no idea they're part of the problem.

Amazon sellers are also relying on their First Class service since FBA shit the bucket.

Bullshit. They're way more expensive. I can ship a small flat rate box for 8 bucks through usps. The same box will cost me 20 through UPS


Not even close

Also this ^

Its literally the only quasi-governmental organization our founders felt was necessary.

Also one little snippet I think you guys don't think about but I have dealt with this. Ordering Darkweb drugs and shit I don't have the USPS opening my packages without a warrant. UPS/Fedex/DHL they can open your shit any time they want without any real reason.


because republicans are refusing to fund it so it collapses so they can give it to a private owner

Let the US Military deliver nail. Their budget is $700 billion yearly they can do it.

Neither UPS nor FedEx combined can handle the daily volume of mail the USPS does.

you think republicans give a shit?

Too big to fail.
USPS is a data collection function for the US Government.

>their pensions are guaranteed by your tax dollars
You realize that the USPS was required to pre-fund its pensions for the next 75 years, out of its own pocket, and can only store that fund in the form of US treasury bonds?

i stop getting shit ads for politicians and the china wall 4 restaurant in my mailbox

they might be getting bailed out all the time but the service and price is great. Everything except the actual post office which might as well be a zoo.

A Superior and better free market delivery service!!!

>did you want that envelope to arrive before next month? That will be an additional 35.99 plus an expidition fee of 17.35 and a convinienve fee of 22.97 and a in person drop off fee of 10.95 and insurance with a deductable of 3,000 dollars for 15 dollars per 15 dollars in value, license inspection fee of 3.95 ohh and state and local tax.

LMAO. Le Capitalism is da best!

If you're in a rural area the actual post office isn't bad at all. Usually really friendly and the service is pretty fast. That said I did have an issue with the post office in the big town about 30 miles away when I first moved to KY.

>pack from overseas
>the package said on tracking said delivery attempted, undeliverable as addressed
>I call and ask about the package tell them my name the next day
>lemme check
>yeah its right here
>tell them to hold it for me
>I get there and they can't find the fucking thing anywhere
>I leave in frustration after they said they didn't have it
>call again the next day yeah we've got it
>go up there and the same fucking thing happens
>just tell them I spoke to their manager and he said he left it aside up front.
>20 minutes later
>oh yeah here it is
>name and address weren't smudged or illegible. I could read it perfectly

Fucking A that was the worst experience I've ever had with the USPS but nothing horrid like that since.

I pay all my bills online. I haven't gone to my mailbox in over a year. Fuck the USPS.