Why do Europeans hate gypsies? I visited Europe and it seemed like they were all dirt poor. What’s so bad about them?
Why do Europeans hate gypsies? I visited Europe and it seemed like they were all dirt poor. What’s so bad about them?
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Let's just say that they will steal everything that isn't nailed down.
because the stereotype isn't a lie
So because they’re poor? There’s poor people of each nation. The Gypsies I saw were all old ladies on the street homeless
They're so bad, that even reddit hates them.
They larp and pretend to be poor.
they're Europe's niggers in every way, well old niggers, they got real ones now.
literally every thing you've heard about them is true
the extreme lack of hygiene, the child abuse and child pimping, the kidnappings, the thievery, never paying taxes etc it's all true
Worse than niggers
When I went to ukraine I visited the catacombs in Odessa. There were gyppos camped near one of the entrances and our guide told us that each week him and his team have to bring a genny and water blaster to hose out all the shit and piss that the gyppo scum leave in the entrance.
Just for that, those cunts can fuck right off.
1000 years in europe
>Be stealing since day one
>Still doing it...
Rape and murder
How's that possible.
This. And I am a Yankee and I even know this!
My dad lived in the Former Yugoslavia. Heard stories how they would steal children, gouge their eyes out and use the child as a beggar. They would make up stories how the child was born without eyes, but everyone knew of their bullshit.
They're without scruples and are a race of kleptomaniacs that use thievery as initiation rites - they put niggers to shame with their schemes. They're an organized blight - a curse from god reminding of us of our own darkest nature. Fuck all gippos and travelers. Fucking mess ye are.
Lol wtf never heard this shit. I heard about not paying taxes though. What is there descent? Are they from Romania?
This thread is mostly Canadians and Americans kek but did not know
Hell no, they are from Pakistan/India. They were evicted out thousands of years ago, and many of them are were of the lowest caste system. They are utter scum.
they're not nearly as bad as niggers but people here think they're worse because they've only seen niggers in hollywood propaganda movies
gypsies are usually small thieves but they don't have the balls to attack or rob white people because serbia is not a tolerant society and they would literally get lynched
My Dad was a bouncer in Cardif before he met my mother and he used to tell me how they'd come in smash the entire place up and he'd just have to stand there or they'd kill him. With niggers he just had to knock them around - even WOPS could be dealt with but fucking Travelers were like animals. Everything they touch they destroy. I've had the Roma try to rob me when I was in Italy and they robbed a Dutch family I was friends with when we were in Athens.
i've heard this too but modern genetic study showed they are actually north african arabs
utter scum nevertheless
What do mean everything that's not nailed down they'll steal the nails then steal what they were nailing down lmfao
healthy organisms reject foreign bodies
When I went back to the Balkans a couple of years ago, we would go to a cevapcinica, and they would always come up to us to beg for money or food. You'd think people would have been fed up with their shit by now, but no.
Cuz they steal shit and are scam artists
True story
>aunts male friend gets approached by big tittied young gypsie
>the hoe wants to read his fortune cuz mofo is hot
>flirts with him whilst reading his fortune
>exposes her cleavage more and more
>dumb fuck keeps staring at the tits
>hoe pulls one of the tits out and squirts milk into dumb fucks eyes
>a male gypsie comes from behind and knocks him over the head
>they take his wallet and leave
>dumb mofo has stitches on his head
Romani justify criminal behavior because they view everything except for their own culture as unclean.
I see. Does anyone here remember a webm that used to get posted on this site of footage of a gypsy camp, really old, nothing but animals, and camp fires, and a sea of people who looked as though they hadn't bathed in years?
That's hyper-ironic.
>"ohh boohoo poor people so bad, society so bad to treat poor people so poorly, ohh boohoo"
Imagine being such a complete newfag, that you think it's mistreatment and not their own doing. Imagine being so retarded, that you judge a person not by their generational inability to settle down, to never want to work, to never pay taxes, to never contribute to the GDP, and judge them only by that one picture of them sitting on the street. You faggot.
The gyps aren't stealing bread to feed their family. They're stealing my TV to buy cigarettes and booze. Fuck poor people in general if they're like that, too. That old woman is just as likely to pick her wart and try to curse you with it as thank you for any change you toss her way.
Read moar, wasn’t just a picture but travel
worse than niggers
>"read moar"
>"i traveled"
You dumb nigger, you need to read more into what I said, what you saw was a fucking picture, of one instance in their lives, what was the present, but now 1 frame in the past, 1 picture of the situation, and not the hundreds of years of their peoples lives roaming without end. They don't deserve a nigger dollar, just like you.
lol, all of the Eastern Europeans in this thread quickly point out how they are utterly unbearable people.
Did I make a definitive statement or contrast it with my experience? Calm your tits
i don't have problems with beggars, they can be annoying but they're not dangerous
my friend got mugged by niggers when we were staying in italy so personally i don't think they're nearly as bad as other minorities in the west
They breed like crazy, steal everything valuable and smell like shit
>literal niggers of the step
They literally steal everything they can get their hands on. It's so bad our (cucked) governments aren't even pretending that they are disenfranchised people any more.
Can't bathe if you don't own a bathroom? There is such a thing as public showers and shitters, and when they go on their night of the living dead walks in the middle of nowhere, they still can find a stream or a pond to wash up in, but they choose not to. Something about descending from India and loving the stink.
My dad is from ex-Yugoslavia, so he told me a lot of things like how when he was about 10, a Gypsy scum older than him stole his money. Or how they would spend all of their money in a single day, and later on would have nothing to eat. One time a Gypsy borrowed one of his tapes, and never returned it. Said his kid messed it up. They are pure scum. All they do is lie, or steal or rob people. It doesn't surprise me when people from Romania/Bulgaria/Slovakia also despise them, and unfortunately now Eastern Europeans are getting bad images from France/England because the gypsies are going there and collecting welfare.
they steal kids and sell heroine
That funny to you?
You should understand even leftists hate gypsies. Even niggers, even arabs, every single being on this planet hate gypsies. They are the final stage of scam.
>hoe pulls one of the tits out and squirts milk into dumb fucks eyes
They're basically indian niggers that were expelled from india. Imagine a nigger mixed with a poo, that's how bad it is.
Imagine being banned from INDIA
Post 1/3:
The real, original gypsies are from India. Around 1000 years ago, while India was still socially divided into caste system, they had a lot of problems with the members of the lowest caste. Stealing, cheating, lying, manipulating, deceiving, raping, extorting etc. was extremely common among members of that lowest caste who behaved like a mafia and targeted higher caste groups. They caused so much trouble, that other caste groups revolted against them and forced them into exile. That lowest and now exiled caste was forced to wander around and over time became a "nation" without their own country, but with their own language, culture, rules etc. Sometimes they would kidnap women from different ethnic groups and mix with them, usually the child from that kind of union would not be accepted by anybody and would stay with the gypsies and live with them and like them, that's why sometimes European phenotype features can be spotted among gypsies.
Post 2/3:
Additional sources of Gypsies being lowest, exiled Indian caste:
Gypsies even regularly eat dogs and cats. They steal peoples' pets and then eat them. That is totally normal for them. They do it so often, that one politician wanted to solve the problem of overpopulation of stray dogs by simply inviting gypsies to catch them and eat them. Read here: dailymail.co.uk
Watch a gypsy woman admitting to eating dogs: youtube.com
Gypsies are so primitive that they eat dogs, and in some eastern European countries gypsies are regularly used by local governments to help reduce stray population by not prosecuting their crimes of dog and cat eating - that was always done "behind the scenes", never in the open. I must also point out the fact, that American gypsies are really of a higher "class" compared to their brothers and sisters from the old continent. They are not as bad as European gypsies.
Post 3/3:
Few movies about gypsies:
Here is a full length documentary movie titled "Welcome Nowhere" about gypsies in Bulgaria: youtube.com
Nice numerals but you are wrong
This can’t be real..
pikeys (Irish travellers) =/= gypsy shitskin scum
Because they are the niggers of Yurop.
But now that Yuropoors are being flooded by actual niggers, they are going to see how lucky they really were when all they had to deal with was retarded gyppos trying to scam them.
Hitler considered them Jewish tier, that says something
Gypsies in UK: On Benefits And Proud - a documentary about gypsies in UK: youtube.com
That nog looks like he's 5' tall.
Oh no not muh gdp not muh taxerino!
So why isn't it legal in Euro countries to just randomly stab gypsies or throw Molotovs at their little camps?
There is literally nothing wrong with gypsies
ok gyppo
Ok kike