Will he win again?

Will he win again?

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They'll bury his orange ass on Hart Island.


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Biden will only get the dementia vote.

digits confirm

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>Will he win again?
Obvi. Who else is going to pass gun control laws? A democract? Fuck no. The deep state will make sure a republican is in power when gun control laws are passed.

Yeah you guys will probably get to continue oppressing humanity until the end of time, until you bury yourselves in your own pollution, fear and slavery

He. Always. Wins.


Biden will get the human vote.

It will be a blow out. I want to get the house back from that retared dematia ladend old boomer.

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Q boomers are the worst.
This is the worst garbage larp.
No real proof at all of anything.

You’re never getting the house back and there’s about a one third chance you’ll lose the senate too. Half the country despises cheesus.

The only part better than him beating the absolute dog shit out of Biden is the fact that it’ll be televised.

Trump is gonna make Jeb!™ look like a contender compared to Biden. When Trump goes straight for blood in the first debate, Biden will have dick with a side of fuck-all for a coherent response.

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To much infighting in your party to do anything. Plus you don't/can't vote, I do.

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Of course

LOl ok, enjoy twitter you anal nigger.

According to the US IC, political establishment, media, and Democrat party Trump did not win the first time

At this point the race is up to the Democrats to lose. How can you lose against a guy that was riding high and then through it all away on Corona Chan? Either hes in on it, or he got his ass handed to him by a smart little man at the WHO.

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Doesn't matter if he wins, doesn't matter if he loses, there will be a puppet in the white house in 2021 either way.

Hope so best US President in decades.
God Bless President Trump and the USA

if you don't vote, fuck off

Yes yes god bless the jewish state of Israel and their saviour the might Donald Trump savior of the jewish people!!

Yes. The shilling against him confirms it.

Trump biden debates are going to be the best thing to ever be on tv

Yet you still lost the house in 2018 and trump is still a moron. I do vote however. I was one of many who flipped a district. Nancy triggers trumpistas. This alone is enough reason to vote dem.
Lol delicious trumpista rage.

Why would I vote I live in NY those downstate niggers always cancel my vote 2-3 times over.


Q predicted this.
Wait for the ring and the rod when the anus get tongued

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It will be the biggest of landslides


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What a gay thing to say.

Hope so. Kinda sick of all these 50-50 elections. We’re due for a good landslide

That was due to retirements. Have fun losing because you don't/can't vote.

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The incumbent usually loses the house in the mid term retard, and trump’s losses were pretty light compared to most others in recent memory, especially those of Obama’s.

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he fuckin better

Can’t you see user? everyone knows Q is a larp so much that they organically mocked him in the exact same way at the exact same time

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Yet accurate.
Oh. Because now beating incumbents will magically get easier. Cope with muh vote trumptards Kek.
Gerrymandering is a thing that the gop is quiet good at. Not good enough though.

the race is over, op. the dems gave up the race and decided to start pushing the covid hoax instead. whens the last you even heard about biden on the news?

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Q boomers are the worst.
This is the worst garbage larp.
No real proof at all of anything.

Possibly, but lose the Senate. House stays gone (all hail Queen Nancy)

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Yes everyone who posts the text

>Q boomers are the worst.
>This is the worst garbage larp.
>No real proof at all of anything.

Is a bot. Obviously.

You definitely definitely didn't just enshrine it as a pasta to replace takey meds.

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Why not?

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They turned a planet killing virus against him and he survived . He will win the election and then comes the cleansing. Civil war 2.0 . Load'm up boys and girls .

>Will he win again?

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Haha, does Trump look worried about Biden he’s not even attacking him yet. That why Obama hasn’t endorsed yet gives a hint, ObMa knows I know but you don’t know. Theirs a big skeleton in Biden’s closet, bet Trump is saving that for his October surprise.

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>Will he win again?
naw, america is rapidly changing, old white people are dying and millions upon millions of democrat voters can now vote in their first election!


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That was brettygud. Retards lost Orange County. The voter fraud coping is great. Better than admitting cheesus sucks. Easier too.

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JFK Jr is going to win
