What's the point of this country?
What's the point of this country?
To piss you off
To balkanize for fun.
Fag/brown/bug containment zone
shitposting on mongolian basket weaving forums
To be a resource basket for whatever nation is the global superpower at the time...France..UK..USA...China
Maple syrup store.
you don't have a heritage/culture, your just a another pretentious ex colony that exists because a real nation, the USA is your neighbour, you have a geriatric queen two thousand miles away who does not give a flying fuck about Canada as head of state because you're so miserable and pathetic you don't have the dignity to make a Canadian the head of Canada
To live rent free in your mind
UN experimental testing grounds
Thanks for proving my point
your point being?
Almost half of us want to abolish that tie with the UK
It's a nice place for qualified immigrants :)
American needs a hat
America needs a bitch
The bitch
I don’t know
We like it. It's ours. Reason enough.
There is no point to Canada.
Let them rot
The volume of butthurt we generate makes proud. By contrast, Indians in 2015 left the board en masse after the loo memes became too much to handle, and still haven't returned inn the presence they once had. Meanwhile, my fellow leaves and I are called worse on the daily and still we continue our crusade.
They make maple syrup and ensure the Russians don't win the gold medal at hockey every winter olympics.
Last olympics the NHL fucked us and didn't let players take the season off to participate, the cocksuckers.
Literally nobody gives a single fuck about the Queen here.
Ever since the King-Byng crisis almost 100 years ago there has been no interference
Some womyn get into the royal weddings thats about it
Canadians shouldn't give up on their country. They have Quebec, French/Latin culture of Thomism and antiquity, Quebec should rule Canada if you don't want it to further descend into English degenerate culture.
That's because the Canada memes are either completely fabricated or happening way worse in other countries.
Designated shitting streets are a real thing. Nobody is actually fucking dogs here.
I respect you for that leaf ,is the same for mexicans we are hate by everyone even by other spic countries and we still are here.
I play double agent. I act like a dumb leftist cuck to give Canada a bad name and at the same time I trigger mutts. Feels good.
Financer La Belle Province. Point.
We live rent free in their mind and in their country. Truly slaves.
Don't worry, I'm mostly Castizo so my children will be whites so long as I marry a Canadian girl.
Bonnie mcmurray
Lol no one hates mexicans besides amerimutts
To be fair we are definitely more respected than street shitters. We have a sort of brotherly love hate relationship with the burgers . Indians are just subhumans
A lot of retarded women care about the royalty for some reason
>Designated shitting streets are a real thing
What a horrible thing for you to say. Fucking jerk.
Globalism. Anti-White male.
Unironically this. Also, fuck niggers.
we are a social experiment. we have healthcare and a bunch of shit but we have a stoploss. get too retarded or chinese and one day for no reason at all we have us passports and 1st and 2nd amendment rights
>the point
>implying there's just one
11 points*. Read 'em and weep memeflaggot.
*13 if you count the point on the base of the stem, but nobody would do that, right? ;^)
You're probably actually doing the nation a service by dissuading people from moving here.
Despite what pol says there is a part of Canada that is fucking beautiful
>Have you fucking seen muskoka?
>have you fucking seen the great bear?
>Canada is NOT its government. They are a cartel that has been in power for 60+ years and was recently bent over and made china's bitch.
Just stop fucking dogs and it’s probably turn out ok
Obligatory national hero Stompin' Tom (PBUH) post:
We already changed the law that led to that loophole existing.
Fuck you thats why.
>Nobody is actually fucking dogs here.
If only you knew how bad things really are
Post the in store prices
Is he wrong?
hues are so fucking butthurt
originally it was a land grab by the british and french, they imported a bunch of chinks for a work force. and they never left.. now its just (((united nations))) zombie country. dedicated to whatever globalist agenda that's served up to them.
the united states should annex canada and kill 90% of its inhabitants.
>Britain seeks to get closer to China and India
>Finds unclaimed mass of land instead on the way there
>builds it up as an outpost and colony
>French also there
>Humiliate the French but for some reason let them keep their retard speak language
>Americans rebel for their own self rule
>Fail to stop them from seizing their goal
>Canadians never do the same and remain loyal
>fast forward
>Decolonization era
>no niggers to hand rule over to, majority white bootleg brits
>grant them independence anyways in exchange for a bootleg parliament
>proximity to America turns Canadians from bootleg Brits to bootleg mutts in 20th century
>what do now we independent
>age of degenerate liberalism arrives
>'lets just become a hodgepodge of everybody from everywhere, forget our british roots'
>you don't have a heritage/culture
says the EU vassal state LOL
lol. =/
defederalize when?
one good thing about having people from everywhere is they adopt out ideas to some degree. we actually get less subversion than the burgers due to them having big voter chunks of blacks and mexican
I'd rather it just be us and only us rather than outsiders coming in and becoming the new us.
To the the European America. The problem is our liberals believe they can make Canada a modern European country which it can never be
That's a very smart comment, my Polish friend. French Canadians hate and reject, the cuck culture of the rest of Cucknada.
Albertia, looks important
Forgot California. Does the South include Florida? Is that a dumb question? I thought it didn't for some reason? Gotta admit Miami feels different than like Raleigh.
Anyone following this Agent Margarittavill scizo on youboob? He's going for the throat ahahaha
I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different. -KV
Fucking dogs and becoming china's new territory, at which point dog fucking transitions to dog eating.
Does this mean I have to learn to play the pan flute now?
To provide the USA with resources.
It's a British holdings LLC