What exactly do you do that you can work at home?

What are you shuffling numbers around at work? Are you pretending to code by copy pastaing stackoverflow? Are you a overpaid government bureaucrat/teacher living off the tax payer? Seriously wtf do you do and how are you not basically a Jew?

I'm asking because the government is casually telling people to work from home like that's everyone's job.

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Professional kite designer.

I process payroll and benefits for a very large company. My workload is arguably higher than ever

>I'm asking because the government is casually telling people to work from home like that's everyone's job.
What do you do that you can't work from home? You work in retail? Or at a bar?

Checks out, not a jew. But that's highly specialized and not everyone can do that. Anyone else going to step forth and let us know how your scamming the world?

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I work on boats.

Proofread speeches

data mining...just like youre doing right now you gay ass homo faggot piece of shit

I draw furry porn

What do you do on a boat? Clean it?

Dont be jealous, good luck living in a tent in a couple of months

Time’s up Mr. Kikenberg good job using your one shot at life counting beans for 50 years better luck next time oh wait

>Are you pretending to code by copy pastaing stackoverflow
Bretty much

I design multi-million dollar systems


Sometimes. Really it's whatever they need done. If I can't do it I call a friend.
Sounds Jewish.

I work in a telecom facility. Even at work we monitor our equipment remotely. I'm working from home on nights we would have two people on shift at a time. If we needed to we could work remotely all the time but when something goes down it would take longer to respond to.

But there are millions of cubicle rats around the country that fiddle with spreadsheets and email them back and forth. They can do that from home.

Whiter then you

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>pretending to code by copy pastaing stackoverflow

No one’s jealous of a cubicle zombie bean counter who only sees natural sunlight two days a week cope more

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I work in Information Security. So I audit technical shit and shuffle off other peoples fuckups to other people to correct. I get $60,000 a year to do this, its great.

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Why did you make this thread my mutt friend? Just attacking anyone who answers honestly aren't you?


You probably see that a lot

You make it sound like anyone who's not doing manual labor is a jew.
>t. researcher at a university living off your taxpayer dollars.


i'd curb stomp your bitch ass if you called me a disgusting jews to my face

I clear freight through customs.
This is such a big brain job, 99.99% of people don’t even know what a customs broker is
Whatsamatta Cletus, can’t tinker with transmission from your tin-roof hovel?

What do you do for a living?

I do computer work for agriculture

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most jobs can be done from home but then people dont feel as important as they wish they were, they just feel as important as they are

>Why did you make this thread my mutt friend?
>my mutt friend?
Oh the irony.

I own a very successful car wash chain.

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Account manager for a big logistics firm. Working from home means being able to call more clients without being interrupted every 20 minutes for pointless meetings or pointless office gossip.

>i'd curb stomp your bitch ass i
You need to overpower OP and place his jaw on the curb before you stomp him faggot. How you plan to do that with you 400lb body that can barely walk anywhere?

I'm jewish and I do nothing all day, my job title is 'manager'. It's mostly sending emails and I outsourced it.

Bead artist here

I think a lot of jobs exist just because they are elaborate scams because companies have to deal with so many laws they need little obedient busy bees to manage the minutia. If taxes and businesses had less regulations you would see less people with pretend work. What is so difficult about going to work and getting paid at the end of the day? The government.

i manage the it department.

a person who can fix a transmission is unironically smarter than most surgeons

>I own a very successful car wash chain.
Soon to be the owner of a bankrupt car wash chain

Hopefully this brings changes to brave new world where employers can force employees to use their own resources for work.

Jokes on them. I already worked from home everyday anyways.

I type stuff into excel and PowerPoint. Really boring stuff but pays 110k a year

People that work from home aren't really working. Real work involves sweat and dirt.

Good job.

See this is a great example. Useless jobs that are overpaid.

Kek yeah pal I have one employee per location and my only overhead besides rent is water electric and chemicals. No need for an MBA on that one.

Preconstruction. Still working in the field.

Mostly demographic profiling to understand the consumer market and figure out where we need more stores or our existing store are underperforming.

Some of my collegues are pushing numbers around to explain to execs how the shutdown is affecting the business.

>I think a lot of jobs exist just because they are elaborate scams
7.4 billion people in the world. Only 1 billion people engaged in agriculture and preparing food. That's right. More than 85% of the people on this planet are just LARPing everyday instead of killing each other. 1 billion people do all the work needed to feed all 7.4 billion people on this planet.
>What is so difficult about going to work and getting paid at the end of the day?
user, we've tried all economic models since human civilization started relying on farming 40,000 years ago. War was a way of life 400 years ago. Here we are now - complaining about sitting at home.

You want people to kill each other? Or just distract ourselves to death? I'd prefer to distract ourselves to death. I don't want to end up in the meat grinder for some faggot LARPing as an royalty.

>i manage the it department.
How do you "manage" pajeets? By telling them where the loo is?

both surgeons and mechanics rebuild trannies but only the mechanics can make them work like a factory original

>Hopefully this brings changes to brave new world where employers can force employees to use their own resources for work.
That's how war used to be in Roman times. Roman soldiers used to use their own shields and weapons for war.

You're a subhuman brainlet who should do us all a favor and kys.

I'm like an anti-jew. I don't give a fuck about exploting goys but you're literally built to be exploited.

>do nothing all day
>make loads of money
>taunt goy friends
>actually, goy
>reeeee why do I have to work...


>stay-at-home reporters
This phrase is unironically probably literally the most absolutely triggering thing I have ever read. How tf are you investigating ANYTHING from your bedroom on a cellphone??? You're can't! And the public suffers because of it.

>By telling them where the loo is?

never had one ask. they always leave the building on breaks.

Good Job.
I think we are being distracted because we've been subverted. Idealy the smart people should be figuring out ways to get a base on the moon and expand beyond the starts but someone has to manage payroll accounts for a logistic chain for a sub branch of a sub branch owned by tencent.

benefits administrator. the secret niche essential job.

>yeah pal I have one employee per location and my only overhead besides rent is water electric and chemicals. No need for an MBA on that one.
But you do need cars for your business. Didn't they teach you that in community college?

IT helpdesk manager, everything I do can be done remote anyway, half my reports are in fucking india anyway.

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I'm run a structural steel company. We are considered essential in my state, and my guys are out there, but I always work from home anyway.

Underrated post.

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Yeah. Indians smoke a lot - to cope with their life.

>people are going to stop driving cars during the depression

K keep me posted

>Idealy the smart people should be figuring out ways to get a base on the moon and expand beyond the starts
Think about it user. Whom does this idea appeal to? Everyone in the world? Will mothers of 3-4 children care if man lands on the moon? Men care about these things. Men care because they want fame and glory. Men want flame and glory because they want pussy at the end of the day. It's all about pussy at the end of the day - not even kids - just pussy. Now, you want to go to the moon and explore the stars. Why? Whom does that benefit? What are there in the stars that we don't have here?

See? You need to create a demand for these kind of things. You can't just go to the moon and explore the stars without billions of people wanting it with you. Telling people to live in space takes time and convincing.

I hate this pic. I believe the woman has Downs Syndrome. Using the pic of a disabled person is not funny, I believe the mother spoke out and I don't even want to read your contents.

Customers service for a large online retailer

I'm an inventor behind an SME. my work is coming up with innovation and shaping the strategy around the patent for the best quality protection. i also manage a few engineers (remotely now) and write proposals that get us money from government, investors, and private industry.

Honestly wouldn't mind if they laid me off. It can be mind numbingly menial and sitting behind a computer all day is bad for the body

I agree a lot of people think wrong.
I like this pic because it reminds me of a time I stared at someone for so long and they made this exact gesture.

Customer service for a bank

3d animation

120k a year


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I pick things up and put them down

>t. Warehouse Associate

Yes working from home and not in my cubicle sucks, you would think it would be great but there is no work life and home life balance and if you have children they bug you like you aren't at work. Now I do have an office but this does not detour them. I work for a bank and I deal with your mortgages all day but banks, retailers are the two biggest work from home jobs

I underwrite insurance policies. And have actually been helping out in service due to extreme overflow

Literally the same shit Id be doing IN the office. Jack shit.
>user, enter this data
>user, put the project on hold. Information in the spreadsheet was wrong
1 week later
>whats the status of that data entry
>what do you mean you were never given a corrected version of the spreadsheet?
And my favorite
>user, we cant accept these specs
>why not?
>you didnt fill in these 100 sections
>when you did the training seminar you told me i literally did not need to fill those sections in
>yes i did

I only started a few years ago. The company is 100 years old. If it wasnt important enough to have correct and up to date information for product specs before I was hired then Im having a hard time thinking its important after. And thats why I screw off.

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Wow you are a NEET faggot
Stay autistic your kind tends to be weeded out first so thank god you’ll NEVER EVER EVER BREED LMAO

Most job hiring websites like Indeed etc have a work from home section incase any of you are looking for jobs, again most is retail and financial and is customer service oriented so you don't necessarily need experience, they train you.

This. Anyone that can design an automatic transmission is impressive.