Ayo whitey we finna dun found da cure for da covids come n follow me inta da back room sugah I's fix you right up

>ayo whitey we finna dun found da cure for da covids come n follow me inta da back room sugah I's fix you right up

Attached: nurse.jpg (800x809, 142.55K)

>okay haha

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Ok but I'm a little shy

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y-you too

No thank you
>*coughs on her*

I hope you beauties are staying at home, washing your hands, and fully embracing the drum and bass. Thank you all.

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what race is she? (she is hot)

dis way nigga

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Shes a mud person


Built for SWP

>tfw no mud nurse gf to examine my symptoms with

Would drill her cervix. Teach my nig son how to play bball

Singed whale penis?

is this the nurse that will be overseeing the mandatory penis inspections before we all go back to work?

wtf lol

God i would have a lot of butt sex with her.

Yes ma'am, ready to plant muh seed!

Attached: sole.gif (200x200, 1.76M)

Stiff White Power

Imagine all the stinking filth and disease that hair could mop up.
Not surprising when you see all that stinking filth and disease that actually grew that hair.

I would let her check my vitals if you’re reading my prescription.

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Oh shit nice wording asshole!

Vitals checked. You’re a nigger.

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you want to scam me? there is no cure yet retard, I will report to your superiors

yes, Ma'am!

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1 million IQ

I only let cute Filipino nurses help me

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>Resident Nurse
150% slut, would not touch even if payed to do so.

Ready and willing!

Attached: 65428.jpg (800x795, 103.01K)

Can confirm, would put my ding ding inside her.

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anddddd the plagues got her.
so close

I bet she smells good

>implying you wouldn't colonize that nubian princess


Something tells me that's not a doctors office

Alright boys, we all know you'd jump at the chance to get any of these 2 regardless of your beliefs. Which one would you line up first for?

Made me kekel

>like all the rest

She's not showing the stretch marks from the 5 kids, the HIV+ diagnosis, the gangbanger boyfriend who takes her money, or the bags full of shit she's stolen from the hospital.

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>getting coronavirus vaccine in the back room
>intense hazmat procedures underway
>slouch down in my gown and yell, “YO, THIS CORONA FINNA GET DABBED ON”
>the entire corona unit laughs
>black doctor sucks his teeth and says, “You aight, white boy”
>Hear “he cute” from one of the nurses

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girl is yo name rilly RN? I needs some healin.
fo real.

anyone have experience with nigger nurses? I assume they are useless thieves but they sure do look nice.

shes latino

ok, bend over

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I absolutely would, and so does everyone here.

That doesn't mean anything. They have niggers in Latin America. Entire islands, in fact.

Attached: Dominican-Republic-medical-care3.jpg (4608x2592, 2.5M)

>Eh..err.. y-yeah.. t-thanks

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Looks Dominican


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Mulatto's are for fucking once

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Yes, ma'am
(said unironically as a white man who loves his race and would not procreate with a hot black woman)

Would you rather get a blood transfusion from Charlie Sheen or from a random yard ape?

ayo cracka drop them drawers I finna boutta check that prostate real quick

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Would bust inside

She actually doesn't look like a burnt out whore. I'd absolutely wife that, god help me sorry uncle


Ok, but would you put your penis inside her?

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Whitey did find cure for covid
Smoke meth
Survive like north’s Koreans, Mexicans, and homeless tweakers
We can prescribe it for obesity already
Most Americans already obese
We can redefine obesity to 1lb and prescribe it to anyone
Baby boom
Everyone who bet against America wiped out
>joe Biden hangs himself
>bill gates droned for trying to sell deadly vaccine to entire world

Just hand over the meds or tonic water and zinc, im allergic to the anti biotic so ill take my chances

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Built for BWC

what you be sayin' iz
>*sucks teeth*
so you say we finna
>*dunks basketball*
if i meetz you da back room we gonna
>*grips glock sideways*
get muh dik stinky
>*skips out on child payment*