In the middle of the corona chan pandemic, Hispanic wet markets are thriving in Colorado

Being sold on Faceberg Market Place

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Fried pig intestines. Nom nom nom nom

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It would be raycis to call out poor oppressed brown ppl

must only eat food from supermarket goy


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are you suggesting jews want us to eat homecoocked meals instead of mgdonalds?

why cant white people cook?

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kikes don't eat pork

Yeah that's why the majority of world famous chefs are white men

Jews fear the indoor pork farmer.

>Hispanic wet markets
lol, nice try chink, i dont see any live animals being murdered there, or kept in cages on top of each other for them to poo and shit all over.
that's fried pig skin, also called chicharron.

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pagpag is good shit head don't talk bad about it

>Hispanic wet markets
>Dead Animals in the picture

The term wet market is often used to signify a live animal market in which vendors slaughter animals upon customer purchase

Y'all don't realize what you're missing.
Also, fuck off.

No, it's a general term for a place where perishable goods that don't go into the "dry market" are sold. Wet market = food, spices. Dry market = clothing, electronics, etc.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

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*gong sounds*

Yo, is that a special Easter dish? How is it prepared and cooked?

$17 for a raw chicken. Spics are insane.

Since I got you here. Who invented queso fresco.


that is specialty chicken with pre eggs and guts,

you can get a whole rotisserie chicken for like $6 lol fucking beaners

nice stretch chang,
by your warped definition every grocery store is a wet market

>Easter dish
It's pork rinds.

those poor children...

Just forward their numbers to ICE and throw them over the big YUUUGE wall

>that is specialty chicken with pre eggs and guts

>special Easter dish?
1. Procure Some Pork Skin
2. Cut the pork skin into large pieces
3. Roast the pork skin
4. Heat the frying oil
5. Deep-fry the chicharrónes
6. Season and Enjoy

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I don't see a problem with this if they're just trading in meat that's from farm raised animals, fish, or grass and seed eating wild game like deer, turkey, geese, etc.. You guys will hate me for using the word, but a wet market 'can' work so long as it's fucking "kosher".
Why it was a problem with Gooks was they were holding cages with live animals ontop of one another so diseases were constantly being exchanged through piss, shit, all flowing onto the bodies of poor screaming beasts and because they had a vast diversity of unclean and clean animals all being tortured a long side one another.

What do you call fried skin from a rival cartel member?

Honestly, if it's traditionally livestock, i.e.,
>beef, bison
>game (like deer, rabbit)
>game fowl (squab, turkey, pheasant)

There's nothing wrong with it.

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You can almost taste the culture, so vibrant, you'll be releasing it out both ends.

Thats literally just seasoned jerky

What a stupid post.

What's the issue here? How is this a wet market?
One of those is literally fucking jerky

dont know, im not into canniblaism like the chinks.

what would be considered a "healthy" Mexican meal?


pico de gallo

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Yall niggas need to eat some menudo
Shit is sooooo good

>poverty so huge that intelligent and industrious people manage to scrape a living off the bottom of the near limitless wealth created by others.

If you cook it properly all the gross should be dead.
I wouldn't, but they survive off it. it is the poverty not the food that is gross here.

ok and?

also some shrimp ceviche.

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does anyone actually still believe the wet market narrative? I thought it was basically consensus that the virus came from the virology lab

>pico de gallo
Hmmm if I put chicken in that then it's Keto friendly. Ok amigo i'll try to make that tomorrow

>those rancid shit filled vampire fingernails

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damn that looks good!

we only have pork scratchings in Britain and they're a bit harsh on the teeth.

lmao based

IF you can't tell the difference between POULTRY being sold versus the contents of the zoo, you are fucking retarded.

its just fruit salad buddy, just cut the fruit in wedges, add some lime and powder chile and enjoy.

>OMG a butcher shop!
>This is totally like a wet market!

You do know that meats dont come pre cut and nicely packed right?

Also the sewer oil tier recipes. Imagine the taste of batcharron fried in Chang shit and flossing out ass hair from your maulers between each bite.

that looks really fucken good user

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>me in the green

>Also the sewer oil tier recipes. Imagine the taste of batcharron fried in Chang shit and flossing out ass hair from your maulers between each bite.

I have a friend who used to work in China in some office building for a spell and he mentioned how he'd made the mistake of going to get some street food from a local cart and the rice in his take out box was made out of actual fucking plastic.
Plastic pellets.
He later told me plastic eggs were also a concern as well. Imagine having to devote headspace to the idea that something as cheap and innocuous as rice or a fucking egg could be fabricated because some filthy Chinamen is perfectly comfortable causing harm to his own country men if it meant saving a couple cents.

... thanks Christ !!!
it's only food

thought it was botched tranny surgery thread

Chop your coriander finely with a knife and then mix everything by hand. Don't pass your ingredients in a blender. I feel the texture is less good like that.

this is literally why almost all mexicans are fat, myself included, i love chicharrones while drinking strong dark beer.

Get the fuck out of my country you dumb spic.

Compadre. Y uno aquí sin nada de eso.

the fuck, we are everywhere.

Chicharron? Yeah it’s basically 3-D bacon.

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im sorry for you my friend, if i could i would send some over, but a long deep drink is all i can do in your honor for now.

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