Getting a trans roommate

My older sister in dating a trans girl and has decided after about 3 months of dating it's time "she" moves in with us and becomes a fellow tenant. I naturally have no say in the matter as I pay the least in rent in this house. She still asked me how I felt about it and wanting to be a supportive laving brother I gave her my blessing. Ever since they've started dating I've been trying to be more lenient towards LGBT behavior, only because I love my sister, not because I love the trans community.

But as the day draws closer when "she" is going to move in I'm having a sense of mounting dread. Deep down I suppose I'm pretty transphobic, especially towards disgusting non-passable trans women, which is the kind my sister is dating and is going to move in with us. The way I see it I have 3 options.
>Move in with my dad, where I'm probably gonna have to work more to help with bills
>Bring up my opposition to my sister, which I can only see ending up a disaster for our relationship
>Say nothing, cuck out, see how things go
99% chance i go with option 3, otherwise I'm moving in with my dad. My question and purpose for making this thread is for you, Yas Forums.

Have any of you been housed with a trans/LGBT individual? how did it go? If it ended badly, give me specifics on what happened, perhaps I can avoid a similar scenario and make the best of of this clown-ass situation I've found myself in.

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>blog post
>let your sister move in with degenerates
yeah i'm thinking saged.

Just watch the tranny for anything silly.
if they break up he will probably join the 41% club.

I hope you all die!

trannies are black holes of mental illness and depravity, you need to do whatever it takes to cut your sister out of your life for your own sake and get your family to do the same

Make sure you take videos and pics and post the freak show here.

I ain't reading all that shit, nigger. Save your sister or don't. That's the only question.

>OP has hemorrhoids.

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Time for a 3some

Sounds like you don't have any balls.

Something you and your soon to be roommate have in common.

>I naturally have no say in the matter as I pay the least in rent in this house
No, you have just as much say because if you leave then they'll have to pay more or convince others to live with a tranny. Dumb.

how the fuck could've i stopped her from being a degenerate-lover, she's 6 years older than me and spent 4 years away from me at (((college))) where there she decided she was trans, poly, asexual, and no longer Christian all at the same time.

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Get corona and coof on that aids nigger.

I lived with a gay man. He was the worst person I've ever met.

in that case honour killings are acceptable

Got any pics of the abomination?

put testosterone into the tranies cereal

Most traps are batshit and can't stay in a relationship. Just let it run its course. There's a high chance they won't last more than 2 months, so the sooner they're together in same place the better. The guy will snap and show the true extent of his mental damage within weeks. Try not to interfere so as to prevent the blame for the trainwreck being shifted on you.

>Getting a trans roommate
Hope you like getting drugged & raped.

Are trannies known to rape grown men?

Well i have a case in my family where the not geneticalson(adopted) wants to be a woman, and well after years calling him with his male name its fuckignw eird to cal him her now. It tooksome timeofadjustment to say her female name. Besides that, well I don't like trans people, i respect them in the sense they are Human beeings with feelings, and its their body, but I just can't wrap my head around the idea of selfmutilating your own genitals beeing a cure to mental health. It's like you are acting there has never been a mental health issue before. But most do have some issues, and if you have media encouraging it you just plant this idea into a childs head it might be more successfull/happier if it becomes a female/male. So.. yea, just try to see it like me, respect him. I think its possible to coexist, its not like you have to become trans.

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Your sister is dating a guy.

All sex with a trans is rape.

Give him a chance, but talk up when he's a fucking weirdo and have a lengthy discussion about what being trans means for him.
If he gives you bad vibes, get a fucking job and get your own apartment, your sister will be lost anyway.

Tell her to get tested regularly as bisexual men are the biggest spreaders of STDs such as AIDs.

Be prepared for drama and OCD, anyone with sexuality issues is going to have other personality disorders that are going to affect everyone around them. They are going to have an ego, be self centered and victimize themselves. It won't just be deadnaming but how you live your life, what you eat, where you put your toothbrush. They are going to find problems because of the constant need to validate and victimize themselves.

Also tell her to buy adult diapers for him as men who take it up the ass have a lot of accidents.

Perfect, get your hands some testosterone, switch em.out and let the games begin

tell the tranny to fuck off, if not bully her into the 43%. worst case you move in with your dad

what the fucks the problem? yeah transcunts are weird and gross but as long as u just be a normal roommate and mind your own business I doubt they will bother you.

Fuck him in the ass

Why the fuck would you move in her after the fact ? Dont you have anyone friends from church you can be roomates with?

I' ll take "things that didn' t happen" for 200, Alex.

>one thought and boom shakalaka I'm saved

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Move in with your dad and let your sister ruin her own life without dragging you down with her.

Checkd and this pilled its time for a science experiment op

>Why the fuck would you move in her
That's just how you have sex.

>...and wanting to be a supportive laving brother I gave her my blessing.
the "A" and "O" keys are nowhere near each other - how the hell did you manage to fuck this up?

If they have a job dont worry, should be fine 8/10 times.
If not, worry, worry a lot.

is your rent going down once it moves in?

His sister is dating a tranny, low IQ runs in the family

im scared it's going to slip me estrogen in my meals to be frank. I really don't trust trans people of any kind at any sort of level. Also scared it'll forcefully make me and my family join the 40 something percent if it ever snaps.

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How about you contribute more to the rent than your sister you fucking weak pathetic excuse of a male.

Listen to me, when it comes to trannys its either fuck his ass first or he will, dominate his boi pucci or you will regret it

Man up and work more so you can move in with your dad.
If you hadn't been lazy, you could have been paying an equal share of the bills with your sister, giving you a say in the household.
Instead you're already in the position of living with a crazy person, or having to leave.

The tranny will run your life with it's never ending demands that encroach upon your daily life. Every misgiving or lapse in remembering the new house rules on your part will be viewed by the tranny as a direct attack to be met with hate filled scorn. Best to warn your sister this relationship will emotionally ruin her life then move in with your dad. You are no longer the biggest swinging dick in the house.

Trannies are mentally insane and violently unstable. Give your sister fair warning because she is your family, but then get the fuck out. You dad will support you in this if he is any kind of man.

Just cook your own meals also slip test into his food and drink if you have a communal fridge also get your own mini fridge if thats the case. Thats what i did to stop my fatass nigger roomate from eating my food.

>paying rent
if you don't own a property you've failed as a human being

Fuck that makes a lot of sense. I work with these types and this just unclouded a lot of confusion I have with how they act.

You could get them infected with the coronavirus

I've know some girls that have taken in trans roommates, she will realize it's crazy and it's not gonna last. Just be supportive but open to discussing how crazy trans person is when it eventually comes up. There is a good chance your sister is crazy too though. If you can move out I would.

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>Have any of you been housed with a trans/LGBT individual?
I've had tranny roommates and they were super chill. Stop being a fucking sperg and stop overdosing on Yas Forums fearmongering.

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Simple, move in with your dad for the time being.
Work a little harder. You'll get more out of it in the end.

Plus: your sister and that fag will break up sooner if you're out of the picture. They won't be able to blame their unhappiness on you and money will be tighter without you picking up a bit of the tab.

Are you really trying to call my bluff? do you forget what timeline we are in? I'm being honest in full here Hans.

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Just make sure it doesn't collect your tampons to simulate a period.

OP be wary. "She" is almost certainly a fucking slob.

Source: trans roommates

Show her this

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can confirm: roommates were so critical of everything i nearly moved out after a month of them moving in. picking fights, finding things to be mad at me about. never experienced anything like it.

Post its pics

no chance, but if you have specific questions i can answer those as a form of "proof"

Very much this, these people have class b personality disorders and will fuck everything up

It's very common for mtfs to have borderline personality disorder, so read up on that so you'll be a little ready. I know I've seen a graph of this here, can anyone repost it?

You have to seduce the tranner and have your sister walk in to save her. It's fine since it'a for a noble cause.

Wsit and see first user, if living with this person is not so bad then why would you be agaist it?

If you can't stand it move out. You said you wanted to be suppprtive, ghe least you can do is not make your sister choose between her brother and lover.

Id secretly micro dose the tranny dianabol. (Its a steroid, male testosterone) and let the good times roll.

This is the only advice user should listen to