Why makes you hate China and Chinese?
Why makes you hate China and Chinese?
Other urls found in this thread:
Chinese "people."
i hate the way they treat dogs
It's the duty of every human being to hate chinks
China and Chinese
>Why makes you hate China and Chinese?
Causing the apocalypse
>Why makes you hate China and Chinese?
chink virus and their uncivilized lifestyle. china is an inhumane third world shithole, chinks are subhumans. i don't hate koreans and japanese.
>...Anonymous (ID: 0yR77zEw)
>04/09/20(Thu)15:41:51 No.252750283
> (OP) #
>Causing the apocalypse
They boil dogs and cats alive, and other atrocities
I don’t hate the Chinese people. I don’t trust their government
I just want to see them become extinct. Is that so wrong?
They are the worst polluters, they spread disease, they make cheap garbage, their language is retarded and they sound like screeching monkeys when they talk. Oh and they eat rats.
Taiwan is an independent nation.
I fond of SK and Japan. Fuck China.
It is natural for humans to hate bugs
I like them. Interesting history and those whom I've met seemed very intelligent.
>Why makes you hate China and Chinese?
Ok, pajeet
Came here to post this.
I'm good with the ethnic Chinese, it's the CCP I don't trust. The CCP is also the biggest threat to the mainland Chinese.
It's all fucked.
Shitty chinese propaganda.
Nice try Jew, China is only country in world that opposes USA degeneracy and has 0 tranny things of USA. Nice try with the D&C. China is ally not enemy
>I like them. Interesting history and those whom I've met seemed very intelligent.
t. Zhao Ting Wang
Bullshit. The CCP and bug people are the same thing.
yeah you cant be a real country until you treat dogs correctly
China and the Chinese
The Chinese of China are a backwards people who have never progressed past the authoritarian doctrines of the feudal era. They seek to export their inhumane and backwards ideals to the rest of the world as well, and have an uncanny loyalty to their race.
Most Yas Forumssters are 60-year-old boomers who actually like degenerate culture nowadays. You're going against the grain with this.
>Why makes you hate China and Chinese?
China and Chinese
Chinks deserve every bad form of government thats out there
These threads.
I hate the CCP. Real China (Taiwan) and real Chinese (Taiwanese) I have absolutely no problem with
somebody post subhuman chinks rekt wembs?
Zyklon B was invented just for insectoids.
Way to fuck up a green txt
They torture animals to death, poach some spicies to extinction and creat pandemics because they're nasty
Nice proxy, Chang.
But what makes the latter better? Taiwan is a neoliberal hellhole with zero culture IMHO.
Not trying to argue, I genuinely want to understand the mindset.
fucking up and releasing a stolen virus turned into a bioweapon from a bsl4 lab then lying about it so the entire world gets contaminated wasnt enough for you?
Proud Italian here!
Jan 14, WHO declared no evidence of human-to-human transmission of virus.
- Jan 21, Dr. Fauci makes this statement about the Coronavirus: "“This is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now,”
- Jan 23, At an emergency committee convened by the World Health Organization, the WHO says that the Wuhan coronavirus does not yet constitute a public health emergency of international concern.
- Jan 28, Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom in Beijing. At the meeting, Xi and the WHO agree to send a team of international experts, including US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention staff, to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak.
- Jan 29, The White House announces the formation of a new task force that will help monitor and contain the spread of the virus.
- Jan 31, Trump bans travel from Wuhan, press cites "experts" claiming it is counterproductive.
- Feb 1, Florence holds "Hug a Chinese Person Day".
- Feb 4, President Trump dedicates part of State of the Union Address to the Coronavirus issue. Nancy Pelosi tore up her copy of this address on national television.
- Feb 9, NYC holds Chinatown parade with assurances of no danger from the mayor
- Feb 23, 1st evidence of community transfer within U.S.
- Feb 24, Pelosi says to shop more: "‘Come to Chinatown ... come join us"
- Feb 25, Mardi Gras was held with few people sounding warnings
- Feb 26, Pence takes over task force, daily briefings begin.
- March 1, just 42 confirmed cases in U.S.
- March 3, NYC mayor encourages New Yorkers to go to the movies.
- March 5, NYC mayor rides the subway to assure people it is safe to do so.
- March 11, WHO acknowledged a pandemic scale virus on March 11
based mohammed
ah herro ferro wyy pepo wyy arr roo hate china an chiness?
>interesting history
What parts? The 20 Emperor Wu's that no Chinese ever thought to come up with a better naming scheme for (like whites did for all of the Gaius Julius Caesars), the revolving door of steppe niggers who end up sticking around?
I've studied it a bit, and it's pretty fucking boring honestly.
I was recently living in Inner Mongolia China, which is honestly the best place is the entire god forsaken hell hole. While I was teaching the little asian fuck faces English the police came into my house and tossed my dog out the window killing it because some of the police heard covid was spread by animals. It happened all over China. My dog was in a pile with the others when I got home. They are absolutely god damn worthless and if we start a war with China I’ll be the first to sign up. Fuck them
plz no cyber bully
Do you want it alphabetically or by list of importance?
I've known good Chinese people before, later 80s to mid 90s, when travel between the US and China wasn't as frequent and abundant as it became later on. The one thing they shared in common is that they all, to a one, fucking despised China and loved America. That's why they moved here. Modern Chinese immigrants I've known all seem to view living here as an inconvenience and are very critical of the US.
Well, it's a matter of perspective. You could write a similar reductio ad absurdum for Rome, meh.
Dont forget grotesque human rights violations in the name of profit and completely destroying the environment with pollution and toxic waste.
I'm fine with the Chinese themselves, and I adore their cinema and food. I still despise the CCP though.
>Why makes you hate China and Chinese?
Have you ever met a Chinese national irl? They are always noisy and lie almost all the time. It doesn't matter to them. The only thing that matters to them is to defend that China is not the third world and a horrible place. The Chinese nationals are the most dishonest people I have ever met.
fucking sexpat
>Why makes you hate China and Chinese?
I could say their contempt for human rights, the overwhelming pollution, or their active constant sabotage of the western world, but when it comes down to it I really, truly, despise them for their total lack of respect for nature and it's creatures.
I'm just a complete simp when it comes to the environment and all it's innocent plants and creatures. I truly am. I think everything in nature deserves a little bit of respect and dignity.
When I see a Chinaman boil a dog alive, grab and eat a baby chick from it's nest, hold every beast imaginable in little cages to shit, piss, and scream at one another while they wait to be butchered, or crack a living monkey's head open to scoop out their brains...
I'm overwhelmed with nothing but complete and total seething anger, hatred, and disgust for their entire people and civilization.
They are liars and cruel. Two good reasons.
>Have you ever met a Chinese national irl? They are always noisy and lie almost all the time. It doesn't matter to them. The only thing that matters to them is to defend that China is not the third world and a horrible place. The Chinese nationals are the most dishonest people I have ever met.
This. Chinks are natural liars. Even one syllable of what they say is not worth it.
Pollution for starters.
>Why makes you hate China and Chinese?
Their parasitic behaviour.
I don't hate the Chinese explicitly. Whatever society they build for themselves in China is their business but here they're opportunistic parasites who make no meaningful contribution. The Chinese, in fact almost all Asians with the exception of the Japanese and South Koreans, don't belong here.
Your failure of using proper English you fucking chink.
>there have been chinese companies that have given people aids companies like Bayers
>there have been companies that told third world mothers that baby formula is better then brest milk this caused a lot of children to be malnourised and die, the same company also buys water and sells it back to other towns in there own country Nestly
>they also start wars for no reason killing there own people and others then they go on about putting there own puppets in and call them democraticly ellected members
>they also put sanctions on countries that results in dead people
>the country has no real democracy but they act like they are the moral lead on it
>they have horrible human rights violations and have committed war crimes but still are seen as good people
>they do horrible medical tests on there own citizens and then keep eerything underwraps and no one talks about it
>the country is controlled by jews and they do there bidding
>they been in wars for more then 200 years
>there isn't a single country they haven't fucked over or caused problems for
oh wait that's USA
I don't mind Chinese people, they can't help what Communism has corrupted their people.
Communism hasn't corrupted them. The Chinese were always morally bankrupt.
What kind of retarded failed shilling is this?
I hate everyone who eats dogs and wish them slow and painful death.
Holy fuck, dogs are human best friend since ever better eat your momma you fucking chink.
yeah, your getting it
Mainland Chinese are soulless, money and status obsessed niggers with no culture.
>goyim know too much
>manufactured depression
>world war
(((they))) want war
isn't it obvious?
The chinese