Get in faggots, we're starting the second civil war

Attached: death to california.png (1281x872, 572.11K)

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He looks like another antichrist.

Imagine many economic refugees we could support without any restrictions on mining and fishing in California.

Jefferson incoming

He's fucked.

no links OP, fag confirmed

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We can certainly hope so.


California's chickens have to come home to roost. We have loads of debt with a fake facebook, twitter economy. Look at the prewar economy here. We had vegetables and fish canneries.


California honestly does have good reasons to secede. They are very under represented in the federal government considering their population. Not to mention they contribute way more GDP than anyone else.

Wannabe antichrist.

>Diversity is our strength
The term nation-state can describe a place like Japan that's both a nation and a state but it can't describe anywhere that's multicultural. Just like nation and country aren't synonyms, nation-state isn't the same thing as a country.

>Cibel Wor
fuck off back to YouTube and listen to Timmy Tool

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Oh no, please don't leave the US. Don't let us Conquer you and treat you like a vassal.

The only gun owners in CA hate Newsom and the CA state government. What exactly is his plan here?

>35,000 white people nig slaving to pay for 20,000,000 dependents SNAP benefits and HUD housing

Good luck!

we are not yet there.

Lmfao get the fuck off this site you fatass aussie rat and KYS.

>Get in faggots, we're starting the second civil war
The rest of the country would have to want you to stay for that to happen. Everyone fucking hates you faggots. Goodbye, mexico 2.

Look up four families of Ca, it's a shitshow of worthless politicians.

He looks like a used car salesman with his greasy hair and his smirky smile.

I hope it ends in crucifixions for Californian degenerates.

we'll be able to drag this woman out in the streets soon

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OP is a massive faggot for believing in a second civil war over coronavirus

>House of Reps immediately reverts to Republican control since CA Reps now invalid
>CA votes no longer count in the Presidential election
>Trump Presidential landslide
>Retakes CA after election
>Installs new state government
>Executes all Dem political secessionists
Works for me.

Attached: trump-trolls.jpg (800x830, 258.63K)

Let California separate from the U S.

Most Hollywood productions take place in Georgia and Canada these days.

Let those faggots leave lol

Exactly. Please California, fuck off and do it already.

>but we’re talking Hollywood and Silicon Valley! You’ll regret it!

Good. Go.

Sieg Heil!

The Senate declares him dictator perpetuo

>Leaves union
>Entire state fails because of restricted water access

Fake and ghey

> t. Timmy Drool

I'd love to see a 100 negros loot her mansion and burn it down.

>California this week declared its independence from the federal government’s feeble efforts to fight Covid-19 — and perhaps from a bit more. The consequences for the fight against the pandemic are almost certainly positive. The implications for the brewing civil war between Trumpism and America’s budding 21st-century majority, embodied by California’s multiracial liberal electorate, are less clear.

This writing is deranged propaganda from someone I can almost certainly tell lives in a rich suburb and spends all their their free time browsing Twitter.


Attached: secession california.png (780x800, 130.23K)

I wish they would separate.

That would be wonderful.

>implying we won’t get our water from the ocean just like Israel

I wish more people understood this. The US ceased being ‘one nation’ a long time ago.

Do a cursory google search you fucking dipshit. Fuck quit being lazy.
I hope this sparks state-wide civil war and the federal army comes in to squash it and we get a good old fashion public hanging of Newsom

Immediately require all Californians to apply for visas before traveling to the USA. No visas on arrival. Block exporting water and electricity to California. And obviously, build the fucking wall around them. They can take all the immigrants they want.

>california governor is now a sovereign citizen kook

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Nono that’s quite alright
Elect your own president and don’t elect a US president
I for one support the nation state of califronia

>Every CA politician is could potentially be foreign enemies
>We'll get to fuck CA up like the North did to the South
I can only be so erect

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how would this be a bad thing? wouldn't this solve almost every problem murica has?

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We can keep the land and execute the ringleaders. Win/win.


Looksl ike war's back on the menu boys

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I'd fight a war to force california out.

Gayvin has often used the words "nation state", considering how stupid he is, I doubt he knows what it means.

O shit it is Zorro

>Not to mention they contribute way more GDP than anyone else.

How's that tourism/entertainment/service-based economy of southern California doing right now as opposed to the agrarian and manufacturing based economies of middle America?

who got possessed by the devil

Pretty much, yeah.

Lmao im sure their gonna build those extra desalination plants as efficiently and cheaply as your high speed rail line.

>exiting the country because of some illegal mexicans cant get muh free healthcare
the absolute state of californian cuckpoliticians KEK

>1 post

Hmm a Japanese-American alliance to rape California from two directions. Sounds fun.

>They are very under represented in the federal government considering their population. Not to mention they contribute way more GDP than anyone else.
As does Texas and New York, that's how the electoral college and federal government works buddy.

The only faggot is you who wont look up the article.


How much time before it becomes a narcostate?

cut off their federal funding as well as NY, WA, MD. Make the other leftist states bully them into submission.

We’re already in one. And its already lost

Agreed. They’re all delusional but I fully support giving them the rope they need to hang themselves at this point.

i hope Cali secedes.
then the rest of america would just collaps into poverty


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You tell us Paco. How much time will it take the Cartel to capitalize on this?

I really really really hope this leads to civil war 2 electric boogaloo i cant wait to try my hand at urban "pacification"

Please ppv it

Let them fuck off and build a wall around them.