The Right Stuff

I think they're an infiltrated group. How the hell are some of these guys, who openly attack Jews and engage in blatant anti-Semitism, still receiving money via bank accounts? Most genuine opposition has been shut down.
Also, they are literally becoming Neo-Nazis caricatures, like Richard Spencer, for the feds and media to use as a foil.
They're becoming extremely ideological. All ideologies are bad. They lead to dogmatic thinking and purity spiraling, as we're seeing right now.
I'm almost 100% sure they're feds.

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>Borzoi the collapsitarian self-refferential crypto-furry hipster
>Mike "stop talking about the Freemasons!" Enoch
>Sven cybergoth Seventhson
who are these fags again?

btw he has the same shark eyes as cernovich.

But really who gives a fuck about the masons in the 21st century, they haven’t been relevant since the 60s

Hi, Andy!

Francmasonary is judaism for the goyim

Nope. Get out out of the fucking cult. You guys are becoming 1.0 types.

They're doing it sneakily, I got the impression. But you do have people like Subscribe Star that manage - dodgy Russian fronts or something.

daily reminder that anyone using the word 'fed' referring to some eceleb are shills. Actual "fed"s are on telegram and boogaloo social media getting retards to actually do violence. All Mike does is just rant, he is just an unhinged Rush Limbaugh who gives a fuck. You make literal baseless claims, people pay him $10 for entertainment, he is just entertainment.

>We need to support the GOP and not talk about Jews otherwise we'll never trick the normies into deporting all the Mexicans

>who openly attack Jews and engage in blatant anti-Semitism, still receiving money via bank accounts?

freedom of speech. they cant ban you from having a bank account. serial killers on death row still have there accounts retard

I guess it served its purpose and got dropped because nowadays it seems to be more of a drinking club for local businessmen than a powerful secret society with global ambitions

Yeah I respect Borzoi for being willing to suppress himself in favor of the greater good (thinking of Public Square), but he sure seems happily up himself at times - rattling off his own cliches.

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They can't beat us, but they can try to control the movement by forcing a figure-head on us. Hitler was and still is our leader.

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> they cant ban you from having a bank account.
But they can, and do. I know someone who was that way. Those are private companies and can do what they want, don't forget.

>they cant ban you from having a bank account

Several major banks have shut down accounts of political dissidents in this country. One example was a higher up in the Proud Boys (a brown guy btw) whose account with Chase was shut down by them without hesitation and specifically because of his politics.

I think feds are using them as a foil. They're tracking where those donations come from. They're also using them as a containment zone.

I was in TRS fb group for a couple years and it’s clear that based on the medium article about Enoch that somebody was in the group was collecting information the entire time. Further, group members names and identifies have been archived and used as a basis for doxing. Stay far away and keep all of your shit private.

Low iq response. All you're doing is painting yourself into a box. It's a cult, like the black Hebrew Israelites that encourages black and white thinking. Jews = Bad. Goys = Good. You're adopting a caricature that you just hate people because of their skin color.

>I know someone who was that way.
based anecdote retard

they're amusing and usually have good takes (literal actual retard jazzhands mcfeels aside). I seriously doubt that they're feds. the problem is that the fbi is working double overtime to declare all whites who don't hate themselves as "nadzee derrists". I'm seriously concerned that's all going to become an issue at some point, otherwise I'd payfag desu.

Oh boy another character assassination thread!

No. You're a retard who being dogmatic. Their is no group. There is no leader. There is no ideology.

All freemason fags should unironically off themselves

They can ban you from bank accounts. If you remember, there was a period when TRS shut down their forum and got rid of almost all of their 3rd party podcasts, and they were very quiet during this time. They also changed the name of their shows to acronyms during this time. This was because they were negotiating behind the scenes with their site host and payment procesessor to not get deplatformed. This why they often will come up with funny show titles and one of them will remark "too bad we can't use that for a show title." It seems they have to keep their page relatively inoffensive to a visitor's eye. They got rid of the forum and other podcasts because they didnt want to be sunk by some sperg's errant fedpost.

In 2016 Fash the Nation gave out free stickers to all listeners so long as they emailed them their address.
I was a fucking idiot 18 year old...

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You think Keith Woods might be a fed? If not, he's really naive for hanging out with Spencer. Spencer and the "alt-right", whatever that means, are foils for the media to use, like David Duke. The alt-right, whatever that means, is the KKK for millennials. It's used as a way to designate an event. The is classic Carl Schmitt "friend-enemy" distinction.

see my post

Yeah, TRS are controlled opposition, which is why the establishment has tried every single thing it can to shut TRS down.

Because they're controlled opposition.

wew lad

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It's not illegal to be a racist. It's not illegal to say you hate Jews or Zionism or hate anything. If a bank refuses service based on your prejudice, I think you can sue them.

Low iq. I'm 100% sure these podcasts are honeypots.

TRS is good. Final word from Yas Forums, so stop divide and conquer threads.


well no fucking shit?

Are you dumb? Milo Yiannopolous got his Twitter shut down, but Enoch still has one. Patrick Casey got shut down, but Enoch still has a Twitter. Enoch is a FOIL.

You're an idiot. Honeypots aren't some super complicated long game con where you speak the truth for 5 years while covertly gathering spergs' emails. Honeypots infiltrate chats and IRL groups and start talking about bombs and assassinations until a retard takes the bait.

> podcasts are honeypots
Since the dox you absolute moron.
Enoch is on 6,000,000th account

Good luck, make sure you remind them the police is just a gang too and that the child consented

They’re unappealing losers

>you just hate people because of their skin color.
But I hate jews way more than shitskins.

Are you dumb? These guys are being used to instill DOGMATIC THINKING. This is how a cult begins. I saw this with the Hebrew Israelites. I saw this with stormfront. ALL IDEOLOGY IS BAD. PERIOD. We live in a constantly changing world that renders ideology useless. FRAMEWORKS are what you want, not ideology. You are getting trapped in a CULT.

> you're just jealous of their success

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> hello fellow nationalists
> these goys here are bad because they're Jews and too ideological, ideology is bad because remember the Six Million

What ideology? I'm just curious.

You're a dogmatic Wignat if you unironically hate EVERY JEW. They are brainwashing you to think dogmatically and exist in a CULT.

is this that fucking jew sperg who fucked his sister

Jews are the ruling class of this evil system. You will never make any real progress unless you acknowledge this.

> listen stupid goy
> you need a FRAMEWORK from a UNIVERSITY
> not an IDEOLOGY from a CULT
> you're basically just a nigger and should stop judging people just because of the color of their skin

Pretty sure they are left on their website because all they do is complain about current news and jews, they aren't organizing anything. Same with this board. They are just un-optical enough that they aren't going to appeal to normies too.

Enoch has had his Twitter deleted many times, same with mcfeels, borzoi, etc.

National Socialism. All ideology and economic frameworks should be flexible and subject to change. The feds are forcing you guys into cults. I'm pretty sure Spencer and JF are being influenced by feds as well. JF literally featured David Duke on his show and both he and Spencer constantly attack effective people.

Sometimes my house gets ants. Maybe some of them are really nice ants, I don't care, I'm not going to breed them. Gotta get rid of them.

Fuck off libertarian faggot.

I think it is. He just hasn't gotten all hopped up on adderal or is out of booze.

> how do you goys not understand that you are being brainwashed by this kike to IDEOLOGICALLY HATE every Jew for no reason?

What's wrong with David Duke?

>they cant ban you from having a bank account.
Oh YES the fuck (((they))) can, retard.

Ok, do what if they are? You guys are becoming a cult. Seriously. Take a fucking step back, please. Stop going to these places for a month and you'll see what I mean. These people are under surveillance, are infiltrated by feds, and are being used to keep you in an echo chamber.

THANKS for the ADVICE. The ALL CAPS really REALLY GETS your points ACROSS.

They are one of the best, most cogent voices in political discourse. And provide damn fine entertainment, as well.

Which is of course why shills like you hate them.

>How the hell are some of these guys, who openly attack Jews and engage in blatant anti-Semitism, still receiving money via bank accounts?
They have been relegated to 3rd tier payment processors, I do believe. They've been banned from almost everywhere.

They were so popular and well-loved on every platform that even though they are deplatformed everywhere, shills like you have to keep hammering at them out of sheer terror at people ever having access to accurate political analysis and information.

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Are you dumb? When did I say from a university? The best frameworks is one of your own creation. No leaders. No ideology.

>Stop talking about the truth just watch Netflix and vote Republican bro

Is national socialism not flexible? Disagreement isn't an attack dumb shit. There's actual gay ops occurring by actual hostile actors and you complain about Spencer disagreeing with people.

No. Yas Forums actually does damage, I think, which is why the media attacks it and strawmans it. TRS is for feds, I'm pretty sure. All they talk about is Jews and WW2 stuff that's irrelevant.

>They can't beat us, but they can try to control the movement by forcing a figure-head on us.
No one sees TRS and leaders, and they certainly do not have or claim to offer figureheads. That is a perspective that only a shill would offer, as it is so far disconnected from reality.

Anyone with any knowledge of TRS would know how false and retarded that claim is.

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>Are you dumb? When did I say from a university? The best frameworks is one of your own creation. No leaders. No ideology.
They are not sending their best shills. You talk like a sjw fag. You out yourself as a shill with every breath.