Based or cringe, Yas Forums?

Based or cringe, Yas Forums?

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Anything that fucks over the US military’s brainwashing bullshit is based to me

It's both based and cringe

>EOD Badge
>Jump wings
The US Army is cucked as an organization but this man is more based than any of the neet cucks on this Mongolian basketweaving forum.

I don't see the problem. If Sikhs are allowed Turbans and knives why shouldn't he be allowed a beard.

Any claim to the majority of pagan faiths is LARPing new age nonsense imposed on it and not from original texts or from immediate translations.

Aztec pagan faith when?


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Is a beard required to become pagan?

Fucking bs

Based sick of us being cucked but everyone else is allowed to grow long hair and beards

Based and Fedorapilled.

This. Sikhs, Jews and muslims get that treatment so pagan bvlls should as well

I'd rather fucking die from the gas

Infinite based.
Literally how the system should work.

I was unaware "norse pagan faith" required men to sport beards.

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depends if he has to wear a gas mask in combat, based if not. if he wont shave when he needs to wear a gas mask he's an idiot

He just wants to grow a beard. Niggers get to grow their patchy "beards" but whitey doesn't unless they convert to Islam or larp as some pagancuck.
If women can have long hair I don't see the problem with men growing beards. ZOGbots are weird.

Saw that. I think hes paid the price to wear whatever the fuck he wants.

Cringe as fuck

>implying going to Army schools is based
>implying anything related to ZOG is based

I understand shaving heads, but what practical purpose is there for shaving beards?

Super based.

is norse faith the new fedora?

Just like how Christians LARPing to a few chosen texts and not the entire body of work that should've been the Bible are LARPing.

Gas mask.

Absolutely cringe. No matter how right wing you are, if you are a pagan, you are in the same category of faggot as tumblr wiccans


>“Regardless of why, the wear of a beard while in uniform does tend to raise a number of questions,” Hopper said. “I’ve been brought before some fairly high-ranking individuals to explain the situation as it is a newer process in the Army.”
>Son, what the fuck do you think your doing
>Wait what,you can do that?

inb4 mass conversion to paganism in the military

>Awarded for performing duties while personally present and under fire while serving in an assigned infantry or Special Forces capacity, in a unit of brigade, regimental, or smaller size, engaged in active ground combat.
Tell me what you’ve done with your life, faggot?

The fact that he's unironically pagan is retarded, but we look very similar, except I have longer hair.

Also, recruitment threads should be banned and gookmoot should refund the DoD's money.

Except not. Christians ignore parts of their faith, this guy is inserting something not part of his faith and demanding he be catered to based on his faith.

If a Christian in the service says he wants to sleep in on sunday instead of go to church because it's important to his faith that he confess to Saint Mattress, that'd be the equivalent of this guy's actions.

>norse pagan faith
>guy called benjamin
>zog military
I don't even know where to start lmao

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anything that weakens our ocupiers is baed to me.

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*delusional, larping faggot

>Awarded for serving ZOG and being a tool.
t. OIF veteran

I have a CIB and can confirm that faggot is correct, there's nothing admirable about serving ZOG.

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Beards are for faggots. Imagine walking around with a bunch of fucking pubes on your face like a dunce.


Based based based

CIB, Airborne... at least he's not some pussy pogue doing this for attention.

Your Grandmother must have been sucking American and USSR soldiers dicks nonstop for food to have this much PTSD



ZOGling detected.

He IS doing it for attention idiot. Faith = attention, faggot.

And here, gentlemen, we have the NEET incel in it's natural habitat, using it's innate "ITS THE JEWWZZZZZ" paranoia as an excuse to deride a true predator whom makes him feel inadequate.

I had the same thought. Anytime someone can get special prileveges others will want to join in.

You niggers are ALL kinds of schizo retarded.

Cringe. Huge cringe.This is the military. Soon it's gonna be a faggot parade.

>be Christian
>want Samson powers
>refuse to cut hair

Pound it Fritz

*dies from bioweapons because the gasmask won't seal*

>"Cringe, aktually"

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Tough to get a good seal on your face for chemical and bio warfare.

SOF have been allowed to grow beards. If you're not SOF maybe you should take a step back and eat your gun for being a welfare queen.

cringe, because he enlisted

Its cringe nobody should be allowed, the identity of being an American soldier should always come first.

Extremely based.

Eh, I'm skeptical of it for a few reasons.

1) Unit cohesion - Everyone being held to the same uniform standards, grooming standards, etc. helps form cohesion with a unit. It's the same reason why having women with long hair was just a slippery slope.

2)Sanitation - If you're in some rugged ass environment then taking every single precaution to be as sanitary as possible just makes sense practically speaking

3) Good luck clearing and sealing a gas mask with a beard.

If you wanted to know how jewed white people are, ask them if its cringe to believe in the religion of their ancestors, of if they should believe in a religion of someone else's ancestors

He is a Master EOD... good on him.

Also, the whole shaving thing started with Alexander the Great's homosexual army...

Beards are fucking gay. Triggered? Idgaf. They are gay as fuck.

if those faggy sikhs can get a shaving waiver for their curry religion, then a white man can get one for his pagan larp

As soon as he gets to a fox-hole, that lice catcher is coming off. And you don't want to see what happens if he catches even a small piece of shrapnel in his jaw.

>Doing anything besides some living some "wheat fields" rural fairy tale life is DAA JOOOS

Kill self

you're a dumb nigger and almost certainly a 20 year E-6 retard

The Navy used to allow it until they found out that the firefighting masks wouldn't seal properly with a beard. Every person on a ship including the cook must learn how to fight fires, its that important when you're on a boat.


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are you implying our foreign policy goals and actions aren't directly controlled by zionist jews?

Pics or it didnt happen pussy
>inb4 no timestamped picture is provided
yeah i knew you were a fraud

more then this cuck ever will. all that soliders ever do is fuck around on welfare and then shit their pants when under fire, if they're lucky they will die, if not they will become shrek (physically and/or mentally) and take gibs from goberment for the rest of their pathetic life never contributing to society anything, beeing burden to everyone around them. fuck soliders

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He's not wrong. The moment there are active deployments, the beard comes off. Having your appointed anything die because he inhaled a passing gas cloud is a sure way to start losing.


If trannies get to use field dilators then this man should be allowed a beard at least.

We all know that if one wants to see TRUE cringe one ought not look any further than your life/reality. Show us your titties, titty boy.

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Based only if the following:
> Enlist
> Gun for Combat Specialist
> Go to Sniper school, learn Spanish
> Research PTSD and fake symptoms after first combat assignment
> Get Med Discharge; go back stateside
> Go to neighborhoods in Southwest & cartel connections via Norteños.
> Show credentials & get hired as a weapon’s instructor
> Make massive bank in Latin America working for cartels
> Move back to US
> Use savings to move about all over the country sniping corrupt politicians
> Escape over the border once the heat builds
> tfw you turn from a ZOG drone to one of the most massive national security risks since Al-Qaeda

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>trannies get to use field dilators
Please tell me this is a joke.

Based. Win for the whites.


Will they let Anglo pagans have the lime spiked hair?

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gas masks. thats basically it.

Your greatest risk is riding the metro without paying the two zloty ...

You are a faggot and a bitch. Prove me wrong Poland???

>ship made of fiber glass (not flammable)
>everything coated in fire retardant paint
>water all around ship
>hurrr how do we extinguish fire durrrr

ZOGbots really are stupid

Based. Next step
>man becomes first American allowed to burn cross for his Norse pagan faith

Chemical warfare is a meme that's not relevant (no one actually has a mask and can outside of a few in a conex) and on deployment is exactly where you grow a beard because taking a fucking razor to your face while covered in dirt and shit is about the most unsanitary shit you can do. You both have zero experience and are spouting off the ZOGbot talking points of some braindead senior NCO

coming right up retard