the time has come to
Dear Americans
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again, hanz? how many times are you going to make this thread?
Find something else to with your autism aside from making this thread 5 times a day, faggot.
So stop asking for money you germanigger
I fully agree, what a waste of money.
most americans want to leave
That's what were trying to do when we voted for trump
fuck off
Better leave or else..
Whose fault is it that were there in the first place Fritz? maybe if you savages could stop chimping out every couple of decades and dragging us all down with you over some shit that happened a millennia ago, then maybe we would leave
would you rather it was the Russians?
Why do so many Americans have such hatred for Europeans? It's appalling.
Are they not really Americans, but Amerijews? Or are they just delusional boomers?
I agree, fuck off out of here while you're at it. SHARTS GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Germany is our land Hans, we took ownership of your gay limp dicked country after we bullied Adolf into suicide. Now bend over and get FUCKED
He’s going to say yes, and that is just how cucked he is.
I would love it if your politicians wanted us to leave. But you’re a NATO leech and your overlords don’t want to change that.
Deal, once you start paying more in nato
thread theme
But I don't want Germany. It's full of kebab, rape, and AIDS level politicians like Angela Merkel. Make the Germans defend Germany, I don't want to pay for that shit.
literally what?
I’d be fine with that.
Honestly how many countries do you think support the US?
Most people hate them or believe they're incompetent, if it weren't because they waste all their money on war preparedness, they wouldn't hold any internation position.
Just warmongers, but their economy and social stratification can't hold another war, unless they want a negro uprising.
Never, not until you're genocided.
Fuck all American CIA shills
we need to get rid of you so we can stop being told we have to bear the guild for your actions
Is there a real German sentiment? Or someone using a VPN?
We gotta go but the rapemuzzies can stay? Absolutely pozzed.
Fine... but the rent has come due and it's time for you to pay up, Jerry.
rammstien sucks
Look to your own defenses kraut bitch
Americans are made up of real Germans. Therefore if we want to stay then it's a real German sentiment.
I don't know if it's real German sentiment, but it's definitely real American sentiment. Europe can go fuck itself.
Of course, their current Head of State was a stasi snitch. As long as Daddy Putin doesn't shut down the fetish clubs the average German couldn't give a fuck less.
wenn du uns dein Land verlassen moechtest, dann musst du uns verlassen machen. Tut mir Leid, aber diese Situation ist nicht so einfach.
Rammstien is shit.
I have a feeling you're a National Socialist and believe in right of conquest right? So why are you angered? You lost Kraut and now the victor has control.
Make us.
sie sind gut fuer Deutsche Anfaenger. Ich habe viel Deutsch mit Rammstein gelernt.
Oh yes, WW2 - great times.
Basically the last war, you haven't lost.
What are they doing there actually?
I feel like they're only there for your benefit. Seems like a waste of money for us.
How does it feel to be an american collony?
I hope the US nignogs rape your women, Hans-Mehmet
Muricans should stay. Based allies.
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson Hanz? Were the first two times not enough?
Kinda miss the 90s and buying stuff from Americans at the flea market. They were pretty based tbqh. Not sure why the US government wants them here though, seems like a waste of money
make us nigger
>the time has come to
implying the average american gives a flying fk
you have a problem fritz,
take it up with management
we just work here
>rammstein calls out the globohomo agenda DRIVEN by amerikkka and its disastrous effects around the world
>mutts can't come up with anything except that they don't like it
Wasting $12 Billion American tax payer's money each year
Making the greater Albania plan, im kidding frend.
Losers don't get to make the rules.
hey, if it were up to me we would have napalmed the entirety of vietnam. not my fault "human" rights exist
So how's your countries track record in it's last two wars? Better improve in record time before the Russians come knocking. A shame you are probably too young to remember when they took over a chunk of your nation, it might help motivate you to do better this time around.
everyday until his mother pulls her face out of that bucket of marx lenin piss
death to the red
We can just as easily bomb you from Nebraska. It just takes longer.
How do you even lose a war from this position?
> (((((stein)))))
we told you bolshevik pigs its time for slaughter
You haven’t started a world war because of those troops
>Aryan Lands
Aryan Lands
>Aryan Lands
Aryan Lands
We just dumped 1000s of troops and 100s of tanks in your country as part of DEFENDER 20
Cute timing given the nature of the lockdown rite now
Nah, make me
I lived in that chunk.
Btw if you think russia and germany are enemies, you've completely lost it.
Thats your media feeding you shit.
>fighting globalhomo
>by making an "anti-American" music video that airs on MTV
>and renting spacesuits from (((Hollywood)))
you are hopelessly deluded finn
I really wish we would pull our entire military out of Europe. Then I could laugh as I watch Russian armor blitzkrieg the continent.
Just do us all a favour and nuke them for good this time they are like a dog with rabies we keep pretending they are normal but they are a demented race that needs to be ended
no can do, Hans. We can risk letting you filthy krauts gas our greatest allies again.
>Not sure why the US government wants them here though, seems like a waste of money
die Truppen bleiben in Deutschland, weil die Bundeswehr keine Armee ist. Deutschland ist nicht bereit, einen Einmarsch die Russen gegen zu Kaempfen, so sagt NATO.
Don’t act stupid. The money we funded your entire fucking country with
Look a larping faggot
>roaches, chinks, or poos
>opinion on literally anything
Into the trash it goes
Don't worry, we will. Enjoy going back to defending the central European plain by yourselves when Bretton Woods finally falls apart.
aah i love the ole red screecher.
everyone knows communists are subhuman creatures.
stop lying to everyone eastern german mockery
Dear Ivan,
>Enjoy going back to defending the central European plain
Poles have been doing that for centuries, Germs have only been depleting it from its resources
Agreed. You should be defending yourselves. We waste too much money babysitting your country.
We don't ask for money we demand it. We demand reparations for WW1 and WW2. Industrial damage alone is $18 trillion, then there is also all the tons of patents you have stolen and not to forget the psychological damage. You can fucking work for the next 200-300 years to pay back your debt you fucking amerimutt
> b-b-b-but!
death to the red you vile piece of marx semen