Meds should reconquer Europe

End all those fiction tax heaven countries that insult us swiming in our actual money.

End with the cancer of Europe: GERMany, and return to our glorius roots.

Devs Vult.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>VPN jew poses as christcuck med
>does not call out jews
>calls out Europeans
Many such cases. Sad!

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says the memeflaggot

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Germans are my jews now. We fucking adopted their currency with the empovering consecuences for us, and yet they spit into our eyes.

And they’re precisely the jew spot in EU.

Spain expelled jews and moors once from its territory and will do it again.

I agree we need to take what is ours

I don't know why middle class males don't just rise up against all this madness at this point. Our ancestors would have done so.

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But Germans are not in charge of their country, american jews are. You do know that the amerijews have 33 military bases in Germany, and that they select the politicians that the people pretend-vote for?

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Stop blaming jews for everyfucking thing. Germans are the cancer.

>Devs Vult.
try us


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Senatus Populusque Romanus?

LUL you Hispanic subhumans tried for 800 years to conquer Germania and failed

Try once again and we'll burn your ugly capital once more spic

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whahahahah this thread is full of muh dick size faggots that think they have a chance of not being lazy.

We Germans will always be superior to you, filthy brown medshit


>We Germans

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rather be german than nigger desu.

>Devs Vult.
Jvpiter Optimus Maximus Rex Aeternvm.
Jvpiter Optimus Maximus Vult.

we re making fun of amerimutts here not germans

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You’re fucking latin idiot.

Not only fake country but also fake history? We never tried a thing in your smelly disgusting chuckrut land. We never gave a fuck about you retards.

>You’re fucking latin idiot.
yes, WE are

you're a moor who worships a rabbi

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I’m iberian who expelled fucking moors centuries ago while you’re being fucked hard by them by the ass.

Yeah because getting occupied by the moors for approximately 5 centuries was absolutely not a gigantic islamic ass fucking.


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After Roman collapse they profited the weakness and invaded us. Yet they didnt ocuppy half of Spain for too long.. those 500 years where mostly in Andalucia.

And then of course we kicked them out and conquered the rest of the fucking world till French monarchy fucked us. We should learn our lesson and fuck you back. Latin traitors and eternal losers. Even spanish communist soldiers had to expel nazis from Paris.

You pathetic cheese eater moor cock better shut the fuck up. Rat. Worse than Jews.

Jews didnt ever fucked us as you did.

fuck off if you are civilized and redpilled thank the latin, if you were germanic you would be like Great Britain or worse in terms of cuckoldry and mixing

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what a retard, we built all of them too.

Also Arabs built the highest scryscraper, does that mean they are superior to nordics

Why are you claiming Britain is Nordic?

>deus vult
no thanks, im out

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but what hiberians did in the name of christianity in south america was based

>And then of course we kicked them out

By "we" you mean the kingdoms of Vizigothic and Frank origin ? Right.

Fuck off slav

Ave Hispania

Ok faggot

can't tell if ironic



>ruled europe from 750BC -- 1600 AD

>ruled europe from 1700 -- present

We let you guys drive for 300 years and you guys drove western civ into the ground

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OP Magnus, I have a question concerning your friend and coposter, the darling of Reddit, Gaius Anonymus Faegot . Why does his head remain empty? Why does he not go home? His illegal shitposting is over. Yas Forums is long since on it's knees. Why does he keep us brave posters from our discussions and memes?
For the entire summer he has gauged himself like a zoomer on (you)'s of bait and thereby made himself monstrously rich. WHY? Why does the ply the mob with slide threads and gaudy bbc posts? Why has he given (you)'s to every reprobate fool in this thread? WHY? I tell you why he does those things. He want's to buy himself a Yas Forums pass. He wants to slide the good threads and rule Yas Forums as a bloody Mod! That's why!
Therefore I move that this faggot's post in this thread be terminated immediately, that his IP be banned and he be recalled to Yas Forums to answer charges of illegal shitposting, bait, faggotry and memeflagging!

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Stick to your fucking memes retard. Lol.

So cuck you defend your own invaders. Fucking pathetic.

Portugal a cuck traitor? What a surprise.

spain a jew lover, no surprise there

Asturias, poor ignorant. My ancestors who expelled the moors and repopulated Spain.

Not a single cuck french drop.

That’s why we expeled them.. same as we must do with you.

>britain, usa, nordic
come on now

>That’s why we expelled them
only to let them back in almost immediately, jew lover
>same as we must do with you
that worked well for you in the past

>That’s why we expeled them..
you didnt expell the worst offenders, you let them decide who stayed and who remained, and the christcucks let every moor negro and jew who decided to worship their rabbi stay

yeah sure, while being in the eu?

1) Rulers of the Greek and Roman civilizations were of the Nordic Race, Leonidas, Alexander the Great, Caesar never looked like that half-moors who populate the northern border of the Meditteranean sea today.

2) Meds ruled until the fall of Rome, end of story. Since then, the Germanics established everywhere in Western Europe the dominant kingdoms which became the nations you know today, including Italy and Spain.

EU never existed cunt

>1) Rulers of the Greek and Roman civilizations were of the Nordic Race
Kek not that meme again


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Lol germany did something pseudo relevant a century ago with Hitler. Period.

Spain created a new whole era discovering and conquering almost all fucking America.

Even the dollar is spanish.

We just have to stop covil wars to put you in your fucking place albino nigger.

>Spain created a new whole era discovering and conquering almost all fucking America.

And look what your conquers became, fucking useless shitholes.

On the other hand, don't you think that Australia, the USA or Canada are doing a lot better and have been for a long time in fact ?

VPN jews...

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Nope, True MED BVLL

No such thing anymore. Sad but true

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Yeah, no. You guys had your chance, fucked it up, and now your the niggers of eurocuckland. Accept your fate.
